path: root/src/main/kotlin
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authorRobert Jaros <rjaros@finn.pl>2020-02-23 00:26:40 +0100
committerRobert Jaros <rjaros@finn.pl>2020-02-23 00:26:40 +0100
commitba5caaf6a24b01971db928ea39995952a929a714 (patch)
tree0e097ee88d494a84708fc806ed2176d61e40d5d9 /src/main/kotlin
parent2be0fe9b63f7b931a798f4b41e7561be6dfecd8b (diff)
Deprecate some problematic overloaded constructors.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin')
2 files changed, 100 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Css.kt b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Css.kt
index 8a468fe5..51ed1382 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Css.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/Css.kt
@@ -517,27 +517,26 @@ enum class LineBreak(internal val lineBreak: String) {
* Type-safe definition of CSS border.
+ * @param width width of the border
+ * @param style style of the border
+ * @param color color of the border
-class Border private constructor(
+class Border(
private val width: CssSize? = null, private val style: BorderStyle? = null,
- private val color: String? = null
+ private val color: Color? = null
) {
- * Creates CSS Border with given width and style.
- * @param width width of the border
- * @param style style of the border
- */
- constructor(width: CssSize? = null, style: BorderStyle? = null) : this(width, style, null)
- /**
* Creates CSS Border with given width, style and color given in hex format.
* @param width width of the border
* @param style style of the border
* @param color color in hex format
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor Border(CssSize?, BorderStyle?, Color?) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
constructor(width: CssSize? = null, style: BorderStyle? = null, color: Int) : this(
- width, style,
- "#" + color.toHexString()
+ width, style, Color.hex(color)
@@ -546,11 +545,15 @@ class Border private constructor(
* @param style style of the border
* @param color color named constant
- constructor(width: CssSize? = null, style: BorderStyle? = null, color: Col) : this(width, style, color.color)
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor Border(CssSize?, BorderStyle?, Color?) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
+ constructor(width: CssSize? = null, style: BorderStyle? = null, color: Col) : this(width, style, Color.name(color))
internal fun asString(): String {
val w = width?.asString()
- return w.orEmpty() + " " + (style?.borderStyle).orEmpty() + " " + color.orEmpty()
+ return w.orEmpty() + " " + (style?.borderStyle).orEmpty() + " " + color?.asString().orEmpty()
override fun toString() = asString()
@@ -559,17 +562,19 @@ class Border private constructor(
* Type-safe definition of CSS color.
-class Color private constructor(private val color: String? = null) {
+class Color private constructor(internal val color: String? = null) {
* Creates CSS Color with color given in hex format.
* @param color color in hex format
+ @Deprecated("Use Color.hex() function instead.", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
constructor(color: Int) : this("#" + color.toHexString())
* Creates CSS Color with color given with named constant.
* @param color color named constant
+ @Deprecated("Use Color.name() function instead.", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
constructor(color: Col) : this(color.color)
fun asString(): String {
@@ -577,13 +582,42 @@ class Color private constructor(private val color: String? = null) {
override fun toString() = asString()
+ companion object {
+ /**
+ * Creates CSS Color with color given in hex format.
+ * @param color color in hex format
+ */
+ fun hex(color: Int): Color {
+ return Color("#" + color.toHexString())
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates CSS Color with color given with named constant.
+ * @param color color named constant
+ */
+ fun name(color: Col): Color {
+ return Color(color.color)
+ }
+ }
* Type-safe definition of CSS background.
- */
-class Background private constructor(
- private val color: String? = null, private val image: ResString? = null,
+ * @param color color of the background
+ * @param image background image
+ * @param positionX horizontal position of the background image
+ * @param positionY vertical position of the background image
+ * @param sizeX horizontal size of the background image
+ * @param sizeY vertical size of the background image
+ * @param size resize of the background image
+ * @param repeat repeat option of the background image
+ * @param origin origin option of the background image
+ * @param clip clipping option of the background image
+ * @param attachment attachment option of the background image
+ */
+class Background(
+ private val color: Color? = null, private val image: ResString? = null,
private val positionX: CssSize? = null, private val positionY: CssSize? = null,
private val sizeX: CssSize? = null, private val sizeY: CssSize? = null,
private val size: BgSize? = null, private val repeat: BgRepeat? = null,
@@ -603,6 +637,10 @@ class Background private constructor(
* @param clip clipping option of the background image
* @param attachment attachment option of the background image
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor Background(Color?, ResString?, ...) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
image: ResString? = null, positionX: CssSize? = null, positionY: CssSize? = null,
sizeX: CssSize? = null, sizeY: CssSize? = null, size: BgSize? = null,
@@ -627,6 +665,10 @@ class Background private constructor(
* @param clip clipping option of the background image
* @param attachment attachment option of the background image
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor Background(Color?, ResString?, ...) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
color: Int, image: ResString? = null, positionX: CssSize? = null,
positionY: CssSize? = null,
@@ -634,8 +676,7 @@ class Background private constructor(
repeat: BgRepeat? = null, origin: BgOrigin? = null, clip: BgClip? = null,
attachment: BgAttach? = null
) : this(
- "#" +
- color.toHexString(), image, positionX, positionY, sizeX, sizeY, size, repeat, origin, clip,
+ Color.hex(color), image, positionX, positionY, sizeX, sizeY, size, repeat, origin, clip,
@@ -653,13 +694,17 @@ class Background private constructor(
* @param clip clipping option of the background image
* @param attachment attachment option of the background image
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor Background(Color?, ResString?, ...) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
color: Col, image: ResString? = null, positionX: CssSize? = null,
positionY: CssSize? = null, sizeX: CssSize? = null, sizeY: CssSize? = null,
size: BgSize? = null, repeat: BgRepeat? = null, origin: BgOrigin? = null, clip: BgClip? = null,
attachment: BgAttach? = null
) : this(
- color.color, image,
+ Color.name(color), image,
positionX, positionY, sizeX, sizeY, size, repeat, origin, clip, attachment
@@ -671,7 +716,7 @@ class Background private constructor(
val posY = positionY?.asString()
val sX = sizeX?.asString()
val sY = sizeY?.asString()
- return color.orEmpty() + " " + img.orEmpty() + " " + posX.orEmpty() + " " + posY.orEmpty() +
+ return color?.asString().orEmpty() + " " + img.orEmpty() + " " + posX.orEmpty() + " " + posY.orEmpty() +
if (sX != null || sY != null || size != null) {
(if (posX != null || posY != null) " / " else " 0px 0px / ") +
sX.orEmpty() + " " + sY.orEmpty() + " " + (size?.size).orEmpty()
@@ -686,26 +731,26 @@ class Background private constructor(
* Type-safe definition of CSS text decoration.
+ * @param line text decoration line
+ * @param style text decoration style
+ * @param color text decoration color
-class TextDecoration private constructor(
+class TextDecoration(
private val line: TextDecorationLine? = null, private val style: TextDecorationStyle? = null,
- private val color: String? = null
+ private val color: Color? = null
) {
- * Creates CSS text decoration with given line and style.
- * @param line text decoration line
- * @param style text decoration style
- */
- constructor(line: TextDecorationLine? = null, style: TextDecorationStyle? = null) : this(line, style, null)
- /**
* Creates CSS text decoration with given line, style and color given in hex format.
* @param line text decoration line
* @param style text decoration style
* @param color color in hex format
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor TextDecoration(TextDecorationLine?, TextDecorationStyle?, Color?) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
constructor(line: TextDecorationLine? = null, style: TextDecorationStyle? = null, color: Int) : this(
- line, style, "#" + color.toHexString()
+ line, style, Color.hex(color)
@@ -714,14 +759,18 @@ class TextDecoration private constructor(
* @param style text decoration style
* @param color color named constant
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor TextDecoration(TextDecorationLine?, TextDecorationStyle?, Color?) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
constructor(line: TextDecorationLine? = null, style: TextDecorationStyle? = null, color: Col) : this(
- line, style, color.color
+ line, style, Color.name(color)
internal fun asString(): String {
return (line?.textDecorationLine).orEmpty() + " " +
(style?.textDecorationStyle).orEmpty() + " " +
- color.orEmpty()
+ color?.asString().orEmpty()
override fun toString() = asString()
@@ -729,30 +778,28 @@ class TextDecoration private constructor(
* Type-safe definition of CSS text shadow.
+ * @param hShadow the position of the horizontal shadow
+ * @param vShadow the position of the vertical shadow
+ * @param blurRadius the blur radius
+ * @param color color of the shadow
class TextShadow private constructor(
private val hShadow: CssSize? = null, private val vShadow: CssSize? = null,
- private val blurRadius: CssSize? = null, private val color: String? = null
+ private val blurRadius: CssSize? = null, private val color: Color? = null
) {
- * Creates CSS text shadow with given position and radius.
- * @param hShadow the position of horizontal shadow
- * @param vShadow the position of vertical shadow
- * @param blurRadius the blur radius
- */
- constructor(hShadow: CssSize? = null, vShadow: CssSize? = null, blurRadius: CssSize? = null) : this(
- hShadow, vShadow, blurRadius, null
- )
- /**
* Creates CSS text shadow with given position and radius and color given in hex format.
* @param hShadow the position of horizontal shadow
* @param vShadow the position of vertical shadow
* @param blurRadius the blur radius
* @param color color in hex format
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor TextDecoration(TextDecorationLine?, TextDecorationStyle?, Color?) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
constructor(hShadow: CssSize? = null, vShadow: CssSize? = null, blurRadius: CssSize? = null, color: Int) : this(
- hShadow, vShadow, blurRadius, "#" + color.toHexString()
+ hShadow, vShadow, blurRadius, Color.hex(color)
@@ -762,15 +809,19 @@ class TextShadow private constructor(
* @param blurRadius the blur radius
* @param color color named constant
+ @Deprecated(
+ "Use primary constructor TextDecoration(TextDecorationLine?, TextDecorationStyle?, Color?) instead.",
+ level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING
+ )
constructor(hShadow: CssSize? = null, vShadow: CssSize? = null, blurRadius: CssSize? = null, color: Col) : this(
- hShadow, vShadow, blurRadius, color.color
+ hShadow, vShadow, blurRadius, Color.name(color)
internal fun asString(): String {
return (hShadow?.asString()).orEmpty() + " " +
(vShadow?.asString()).orEmpty() + " " +
(blurRadius?.asString()).orEmpty() + " " +
- color.orEmpty()
+ color?.asString().orEmpty()
override fun toString() = asString()
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/StyledComponent.kt b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/StyledComponent.kt
index d5baf309..bf25f1af 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/StyledComponent.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/core/StyledComponent.kt
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ abstract class StyledComponent {
open var colorHex: Int?
get() = null
set(value) {
- color = if (value != null) Color(value) else null
+ color = if (value != null) Color.hex(value) else null
* Text color for the current component given with named constant (write only).
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ abstract class StyledComponent {
open var colorName: Col?
get() = null
set(value) {
- color = if (value != null) Color(value) else null
+ color = if (value != null) Color.name(value) else null
* Opacity of the current component.