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+# Contributing to KVision
+:+1::tada: Thanks for taking the time to contribute! :tada::+1:
+## How to contribute
+- Use KVision in your applications to test the framework :smile:
+- Report bugs or feature requests by creating GitHub issues.
+- Fix existing bugs.
+- Implement new features and modules.
+## How to develop KVision
+1. You need JDK 8 or later installed on your system.
+2. Clone the code repository (create a fork if you want to make pull requests with your changes).
+3. Change the `version` property in `gradle.properties` file to a number ending with the `-SNAPSHOT` suffix (e.g. `3.10.0-SNAPSHOT`).
+4. Change the version number at the bottom of `kvision-tools/kvision-gradle-plugin/src/main/kotlin/pl/treksoft/kvision/gradle/KVisionGradleSubplugin.kt` file to the same number and suffix (keep those version numbers always in sync).
+5. Make your changes to KVision code.
+6. Run tests with `./gradlew test` command to check if everything is OK.
+7. Compile and publish artifacts to your local Maven repository with `./gradlew -Pprod=true publishToMavenLocal` command.
+8. Use your version of KVision by specifying the correct version number in your application (in `gradle.properties` file). Remember to clean your project every time you publish new version of the framework.
+## How to create new module
+1. Copy one of exising module directories with new name (choose the module most similar to the one you create).
+2. Add new module name to the list in the `settings.gradle.kts` file and to the `dokka` task in the `build.gradle.kts` file.
+3. Remove copied code and start writing your own.
+## Where to get help
+Ask questions on Kotlin Slack [KVision channel](https://kotlinlang.slack.com/?redir=%2Fmessages%2FCL4C1SLKC).