path: root/examples/todomvc/src/main/kotlin/com
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/todomvc/src/main/kotlin/com')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/examples/todomvc/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Main.kt b/examples/todomvc/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Main.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index d8894a4c..00000000
--- a/examples/todomvc/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Main.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-package com.example
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.ApplicationBase
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.KVManager
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.module
-import kotlin.browser.document
-fun main(args: Array<String>) {
- var application: ApplicationBase? = null
- val state: dynamic = module.hot?.let { hot ->
- hot.accept()
- hot.dispose { data ->
- data.appState = application?.dispose()
- KVManager.shutdown()
- application = null
- }
- hot.data
- }
- if (document.body != null) {
- KVManager.start()
- application = start(state)
- } else {
- KVManager.init()
- application = null
- document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", { application = start(state) })
- }
-fun start(state: dynamic): ApplicationBase? {
- if (document.getElementById("todomvc") == null) return null
- val application = Todomvc()
- @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic")
- application.start(state?.appState ?: emptyMap())
- return application
diff --git a/examples/todomvc/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Todomvc.kt b/examples/todomvc/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Todomvc.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index bbed337f..00000000
--- a/examples/todomvc/src/main/kotlin/com/example/Todomvc.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-package com.example
-import com.lightningkite.kotlin.observable.list.observableListOf
-import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
-import kotlinx.serialization.json.JSON
-import kotlinx.serialization.list
-import org.w3c.dom.get
-import org.w3c.dom.set
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.ApplicationBase
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Root
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.data.BaseDataComponent
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.data.DataContainer
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.FieldLabel
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.check.CHECKINPUTTYPE
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.check.CheckInput
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.form.text.TextInput
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.Button
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.LIST
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.Link
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.ListTag
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.TAG
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.Tag
-import pl.treksoft.kvision.routing.routing
-import kotlin.browser.localStorage
-const val ENTER_KEY = 13
-const val ESCAPE_KEY = 27
-open class BaseTodo(open var completed: Boolean, open var title: String) : BaseDataComponent()
-class Todo(completed: Boolean, title: String, hidden: Boolean) : BaseTodo(completed, title) {
- constructor(base: BaseTodo) : this(base.completed, base.title, false)
- override var completed: Boolean by obs(completed)
- override var title: String by obs(title)
- var hidden: Boolean by obs(hidden)
-enum class TODOMODE {
- ALL,
-class Todomvc : ApplicationBase() {
- private val model = observableListOf<Todo>()
- private val checkAllInput = CheckInput(classes = setOf("toggle-all")).apply {
- id = "toggle-all"
- onClick {
- val value = this.value
- model.forEach { it.completed = value }
- }
- }
- private val allLink = Link("All", "#!/", classes = setOf("selected"))
- private val activeLink = Link("Active", "#!/active")
- private val completedLink = Link("Completed", "#!/completed")
- private val clearCompletedButton = Button("Clear completed", classes = setOf("clear-completed")).onClick {
- model.filter { it.completed }.forEach { model.remove(it) }
- }
- private val countTag = Tag(TAG.STRONG, "0")
- private val itemsLeftTag = Tag(TAG.SPAN, " items left", classes = setOf("todo-count")).apply {
- add(countTag)
- }
- private var mode: TODOMODE = TODOMODE.ALL
- private val header = genHeader()
- private val main = genMain()
- private val footer = genFooter()
- override fun start(state: Map<String, Any>) {
- val root = Root("todomvc")
- val section = Tag(TAG.SECTION, classes = setOf("todoapp"))
- section.add(this.header)
- section.add(this.main)
- section.add(this.footer)
- root.add(section)
- loadModel()
- checkModel()
- routing.on("/", { _ -> all() })
- .on("/active", { _ -> active() })
- .on("/completed", { _ -> completed() })
- .resolve()
- }
- private fun loadModel() {
- localStorage.get("todos-kvision")?.let {
- JSON.parse(BaseTodo.serializer().list, it).map { model.add(Todo(it)) }
- }
- }
- private fun saveModel() {
- val jsonString = JSON.indented.stringify(BaseTodo.serializer().list, model.toList())
- localStorage.set("todos-kvision", jsonString)
- }
- private fun checkModel() {
- val countActive = model.filter { !it.completed }.size
- val countCompleted = model.filter { it.completed }.size
- this.main.visible = model.isNotEmpty()
- this.footer.visible = model.isNotEmpty()
- this.countTag.text = countActive.toString()
- this.itemsLeftTag.text = when (countActive) {
- 1 -> " item left"
- else -> " items left"
- }
- this.checkAllInput.value = (countActive == 0)
- this.clearCompletedButton.visible = countCompleted > 0
- saveModel()
- }
- private fun all() {
- this.mode = TODOMODE.ALL
- this.allLink.addCssClass("selected")
- this.activeLink.removeCssClass("selected")
- this.completedLink.removeCssClass("selected")
- this.model.forEach { it.hidden = false }
- }
- private fun active() {
- this.mode = TODOMODE.ACTIVE
- this.allLink.removeCssClass("selected")
- this.activeLink.addCssClass("selected")
- this.completedLink.removeCssClass("selected")
- this.model.forEach { it.hidden = it.completed }
- }
- private fun completed() {
- this.allLink.removeCssClass("selected")
- this.activeLink.removeCssClass("selected")
- this.completedLink.addCssClass("selected")
- this.model.forEach { it.hidden = !it.completed }
- }
- private fun genHeader(): Tag {
- return Tag(TAG.HEADER, classes = setOf("header")).apply {
- add(Tag(TAG.H1, "todos"))
- add(TextInput(classes = setOf("new-todo")).apply {
- placeholder = "What needs to be done?"
- autofocus = true
- setEventListener<TextInput> {
- keydown = { e ->
- if (e.keyCode == ENTER_KEY) {
- addTodo(self.value)
- self.value = null
- }
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- private fun addTodo(value: String?) {
- val v = value?.trim() ?: ""
- if (v.isNotEmpty()) {
- model.add(Todo(false, v, mode == TODOMODE.COMPLETED))
- }
- }
- private fun editTodo(index: Int, value: String?) {
- val v = value?.trim() ?: ""
- if (v.isNotEmpty()) {
- model[index].title = v
- } else {
- model.removeAt(index)
- }
- }
- private fun genMain(): Tag {
- return Tag(TAG.SECTION, classes = setOf("main")).apply {
- add(checkAllInput)
- add(FieldLabel("toggle-all", "Mark all as complete"))
- add(DataContainer(model, { index ->
- val li = Tag(TAG.LI)
- li.apply {
- if (model[index].completed) addCssClass("completed")
- if (model[index].hidden) addCssClass("hidden")
- val edit = TextInput(classes = setOf("edit"))
- val view = Tag(TAG.DIV, classes = setOf("view")).apply {
- add(CheckInput(
- CHECKINPUTTYPE.CHECKBOX, model[index].completed, classes = setOf("toggle")
- ).onClick {
- model[index].completed = this.value
- model[index].hidden =
- mode == TODOMODE.ACTIVE && this.value || mode == TODOMODE.COMPLETED && !this.value
- })
- add(Tag(TAG.LABEL, model[index].title).apply {
- setEventListener<Tag> {
- dblclick = {
- li.getElementJQuery()?.addClass("editing")
- edit.value = model[index].title
- edit.getElementJQuery()?.focus()
- }
- }
- })
- add(Button("", classes = setOf("destroy")).onClick {
- model.removeAt(index)
- })
- }
- edit.setEventListener<TextInput> {
- blur = {
- if (li.getElementJQuery()?.hasClass("editing") == true) {
- li.getElementJQuery()?.removeClass("editing")
- editTodo(index, self.value)
- }
- }
- keydown = { e ->
- if (e.keyCode == ENTER_KEY) {
- li.getElementJQuery()?.removeClass("editing")
- editTodo(index, self.value)
- }
- if (e.keyCode == ESCAPE_KEY) {
- li.getElementJQuery()?.removeClass("editing")
- }
- }
- }
- add(view)
- add(edit)
- }
- }, Tag(TAG.UL, classes = setOf("todo-list"))).onUpdate {
- checkModel()
- })
- }
- }
- private fun genFooter(): Tag {
- return Tag(TAG.FOOTER, classes = setOf("footer")).apply {
- add(itemsLeftTag)
- add(ListTag(LIST.UL, classes = setOf("filters")).apply {
- add(allLink)
- add(activeLink)
- add(completedLink)
- })
- add(clearCompletedButton)
- }
- }
- override fun dispose(): Map<String, Any> {
- return mapOf()
- }