From fb7ff5b8bf2073a8d7b78011b9edffc830dc63cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Jaros Select dropdown align. See Bootstrap Select width. Helper function for creating JavaScript objects from dynamic constructors. The dropdown align of the select control. Getter The dropdown align of the select control.
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+enum class SelectDropdownAlign
+Enum Values
+Extension Functions
diff --git a/api/ b/api/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e76e7942
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+fun <T> Any?.createInstance(vararg args: dynamic): T
+var dropdownAlign: SelectDropdownAlign
The dropdown align of the select control.
+ + + diff --git a/api/ b/api/ index df9a9f5b..01d932fe 100644 --- a/api/ +++ b/api/ @@ -56,6 +56,15 @@var dropdownAlign: SelectDropdownAlign
+The dropdown align of the select control.
+open var validationStatus: ValidationStatus?
+The validation status of the input.
++ + | +
+val children: MutableList<Component> |
- + + | +
+fun Component.addBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.addBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
+ |
-fun Container.selectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectInput
+fun Component.addBsClearfix(): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.addBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.addBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Container.bold(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Bold.() -> Unit)? = null): Bold
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.button(text: String, icon: String? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, type: ButtonType = ButtonType.BUTTON, disabled: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Button.() -> Unit)? = null): Button
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.buttonGroup(size: ButtonGroupSize? = null, vertical: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ButtonGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): ButtonGroup
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.canvas(canvasWidth: Int? = null, canvasHeight: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Canvas.() -> Unit)? = null): Canvas
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.chart(configuration: Configuration, chartWidth: Int? = null, chartHeight: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Chart.() -> Unit)? = null): Chart
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.checkBox(value: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (CheckBox.() -> Unit)? = null): CheckBox
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.checkBoxInput(value: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (CheckInput.() -> Unit)? = null): CheckBoxInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Widget.contextMenu(fixedPosition: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ContextMenu.() -> Unit)? = null): ContextMenu
DSL builder extension function. |
@@ -351,6 +474,679 @@
Helper function for creating JavaScript objects from dynamic constructors. |
+ + | +
+fun <M, C : Component, CONT : Container> Container.dataContainer(model: MutableList<M>, factory: (M, Int, MutableList<M>) -> C, container: CONT, containerAdd: (CONT.(C, M) -> Unit)? = null, filter: ((M) -> Boolean)? = null, sorter: ((M) -> Comparable<*>?)? = null, sorterType: () -> SorterType = { SorterType.ASC }, init: (DataContainer<M, C, CONT>.() -> Unit)? = null): DataContainer<M, C, CONT>
+DSL builder extension function. +fun <M, C : Component> Container.dataContainer(model: MutableList<M>, factory: (M, Int, MutableList<M>) -> C, containerAdd: (VPanel.(C, M) -> Unit)? = null, filter: ((M) -> Boolean)? = null, sorter: ((M) -> Comparable<*>?)? = null, sorterType: () -> SorterType = { SorterType.ASC }, init: (DataContainer<M, C, VPanel>.() -> Unit)? = null): DataContainer<M, C, VPanel>
+DSL builder extension function with VPanel default. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.dateTime(value: Date? = null, name: String? = null, format: String = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (DateTime.() -> Unit)? = null): DateTime
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.dateTimeInput(value: Date? = null, format: String = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DateTimeInput.() -> Unit)? = null): DateTimeInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.div(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Div.() -> Unit)? = null): Div
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.dockPanel(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DockPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): DockPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.dropDown(text: String, elements: List<StringPair>? = null, icon: String? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, direction: Direction = Direction.DROPDOWN, disabled: Boolean = false, : Boolean = false, forDropDown: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DropDown.() -> Unit)? = null): DropDown
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.fieldLabel(forId: String, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf("control-label"), init: (FieldLabel.() -> Unit)? = null): FieldLabel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.flexPanel(direction: FlexDir? = null, wrap: FlexWrap? = null, justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, alignContent: FlexAlignContent? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (FlexPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): FlexPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.footer(: String? = null, : Boolean = false, : Align? = null, : Set<String> = setOf(), : (Footer.() -> Unit)? = null): Footer
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <K : Any> Container.formPanel(method: FormMethod? = null, action: String? = null, enctype: FormEnctype? = null, type: FormType? = null, condensed: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (FormPanel<K>.() -> Unit)? = null): FormPanel<K>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.gridPanel(autoColumns: String? = null, autoRows: String? = null, autoFlow: GridFlow? = null, templateColumns: String? = null, templateRows: String? = null, templateAreas: List<String>? = null, columnGap: Int? = null, rowGap: Int? = null, justifyItems: GridJustify? = null, alignItems: GridAlign? = null, justifyContent: GridJustifyContent? = null, alignContent: GridAlignContent? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (GridPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): GridPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h1(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H1.() -> Unit)? = null): H1
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h2(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H2.() -> Unit)? = null): H2
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h3(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H3.() -> Unit)? = null): H3
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h4(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H4.() -> Unit)? = null): H4
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h5(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H5.() -> Unit)? = null): H5
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h6(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H6.() -> Unit)? = null): H6
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.header(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Header.() -> Unit)? = null): Header
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.hPanel(wrap: FlexWrap? = null, justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (HPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): HPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.icon(icon: String, init: (Icon.() -> Unit)? = null): Icon
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.iframe(src: String? = null, srcdoc: String? = null, name: String? = null, iframeWidth: Int? = null, iframeHeight: Int? = null, sandbox: Set<Sandbox>? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Iframe.() -> Unit)? = null): Iframe
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.image(src: ResString, alt: String? = null, responsive: Boolean = false, shape: ImageShape? = null, centered: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Image.() -> Unit)? = null): Image
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun String, url: String? = null, icon: String? = null, image: ResString? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Link.() -> Unit)? = null): Link
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.listTag(type: ListType, elements: List<String>? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ListTag.() -> Unit)? = null): ListTag
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.navbar(: String? = null, : NavbarType? = null, : NavbarExpand? = NavbarExpand.LG, : NavbarColor = NavbarColor.LIGHT, : BsBgColor = BsBgColor.LIGHT, : Set<String> = setOf(), : (Navbar.() -> Unit)? = null): Navbar
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.p(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (P.() -> Unit)? = null): P
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.password(value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Password.() -> Unit)? = null): Password
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.progressBar(progress: Int, min: Int = DEFAULT_MIN, max: Int = DEFAULT_MAX, style: ProgressBarStyle? = null, striped: Boolean = false, animated: Boolean = false, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ProgressBar.() -> Unit)? = null): ProgressBar
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Boolean = false, extraValue: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Radio.() -> Unit)? = null): Radio
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.radioGroup(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, inline: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (RadioGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioGroup
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.radioGroupInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, inline: Boolean = false, init: (RadioGroupInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioGroupInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.radioInput(value: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (CheckInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsClearfix(): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Container.responsiveGridPanel(gridSize: GridSize = GridSize.MD, rows: Int = 0, cols: Int = 0, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ResponsiveGridPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): ResponsiveGridPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.richText(value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (RichText.() -> Unit)? = null): RichText
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.richTextInput(value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (RichTextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RichTextInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.section(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Section.() -> Unit)? = null): Section
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Select.() -> Unit)? = null): Select
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.selectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun SelectInput.selectOptGroup(label: String, options: List<StringPair>? = null, maxOptions: Int? = null, disabled: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectOptGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectOptGroup
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun SelectInput.selectOption(value: String? = null, label: String? = null, subtext: String? = null, icon: String? = null, divider: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, selected: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectOption.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectOption
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <T : Any> Container.selectRemote(value: String? = null, serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?, String?) -> List<<ERROR CLASS>>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, name: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (SelectRemote<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectRemote<T>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <T : Any> Container.selectRemoteInput(value: String? = null, serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?, String?) -> List<<ERROR CLASS>>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectRemoteInput<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectRemoteInput<T>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Widget.setContextMenu(contextMenu: ContextMenu): Widget
+Sets context menu for the current widget. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.simplePanel(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SimplePanel.() -> Unit)? = null): SimplePanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.simpleSelect(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (SimpleSelect.() -> Unit)? = null): SimpleSelect
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.simpleSelectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SimpleSelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SimpleSelectInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.span(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Span.() -> Unit)? = null): Span
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.spinner(value: Number? = null, name: String? = null, min: Int? = null, max: Int? = null, step: Double = DEFAULT_STEP, decimals: Int = 0, buttonsType: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.VERTICAL, forceType: ForceType = ForceType.NONE, buttonStyle: ButtonStyle? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Spinner.() -> Unit)? = null): Spinner
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.spinnerInput(value: Number? = null, min: Int? = null, max: Int? = null, step: Double = DEFAULT_STEP, decimals: Int = 0, buttonsType: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.VERTICAL, forceType: ForceType = ForceType.NONE, buttonStyle: ButtonStyle? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SpinnerInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SpinnerInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.splitPanel(direction: Direction = Direction.VERTICAL, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SplitPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): SplitPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.stackPanel(activateLast: Boolean = true, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (StackPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): StackPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <S : Any, CONT : Container> CONT.stateBinding(observableState: ObservableState<S>, factory: CONT.(S) -> Unit): StateBinding<S, CONT, Unit>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <S : Any, CONT : Container, CONTENT> CONT.stateUpdate(observableState: ObservableState<S>, factory: CONT.(S) -> CONTENT): Updateable<S, CONTENT>
+DSL builder extension function for updateable redux content. + |
+ + | +
+fun String? = null, init: (Style.() -> Unit)? = null): Style
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.table(headerNames: List<String>? = null, types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), caption: String? = null, responsiveType: ResponsiveType? = null, theadType: TheadType? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Table.() -> Unit)? = null): Table
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.tabPanel(tabPosition: TabPosition = TabPosition.TOP, sideTabSize: SideTabSize = SideTabSize.SIZE_3, scrollableTabs: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TabPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): TabPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(data: List<T>? = null, dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
+DSL builder extension function. +fun <T : Any, S : Any, A> Container.tabulator(store: ReduxStore<S, A>, dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
+DSL builder extension function for general redux store. +fun <T : Any, A> Container.tabulator(store: ReduxStore<List<T>, A>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
+DSL builder extension function for dedicated redux store (backed with a list). +fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
+DSL builder extension function for dynamic data (send within options parameter). + |
+ + | +
+fun <T : Any, E : Any> Container.tabulatorRemote(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<E>, function: suspend E.(Int?, Int?, List<<ERROR CLASS>>?, List<<ERROR CLASS>>?) -> <ERROR CLASS><T>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TabulatorRemote<T, E>.() -> Unit)? = null): TabulatorRemote<T, E>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.tag(type: TAG, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), attributes: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), init: (Tag.() -> Unit)? = null): Tag
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.text(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Text.() -> Unit)? = null): Text
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.textArea(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (TextArea.() -> Unit)? = null): TextArea
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.textAreaInput(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TextAreaInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TextAreaInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.textInput(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TextInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.toolbar(size: ButtonGroupSize? = null, spacing: Int = 2, vertical: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Toolbar.() -> Unit)? = null): Toolbar
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.upload(uploadUrl: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Upload.() -> Unit)? = null): Upload
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.uploadInput(uploadUrl: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (UploadInput.() -> Unit)? = null): UploadInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.vPanel(justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (VPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): VPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.widget(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Widget.() -> Unit)? = null): Widget
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.widgetWrapper(wrapped: Component?, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (WidgetWrapper.() -> Unit)? = null): WidgetWrapper
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.window(caption: String? = null, contentWidth: CssSize? = CssSize(0,, contentHeight: CssSize? = CssSize(0,, isResizable: Boolean = true, isDraggable: Boolean = true, closeButton: Boolean = false, maximizeButton: Boolean = false, minimizeButton: Boolean = false, icon: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Window.() -> Unit)? = null): Window
+DSL builder extension function. + |
fun Container.selectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectInput
-DSL builder extension function.
-It takes the same parameters as the constructor of the built component.
- - diff --git a/api/ b/api/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e3df26c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + +open var validationStatus: ValidationStatus?
+Overrides FormInput.validationStatus
+The validation status of the input.
The validation status of the input.
+ +Setter
The validation status of the input.
+ + + diff --git a/api/ b/api/ index 3f352b57..82ef729b 100644 --- a/api/ +++ b/api/ @@ -65,6 +65,18 @@ ++ + | +
+val children: MutableList<Component> |
- + + | +
+fun Component.addBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.addBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.addBsClearfix(): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.addBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.addBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
+ |
-fun Select.selectOptGroup(label: String, options: List<StringPair>? = null, maxOptions: Int? = null, disabled: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectOptGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectOptGroup - fun SelectInput.selectOptGroup(label: String, options: List<StringPair>? = null, maxOptions: Int? = null, disabled: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectOptGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectOptGroup
+fun Container.bold(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Bold.() -> Unit)? = null): Bold
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.button(text: String, icon: String? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, type: ButtonType = ButtonType.BUTTON, disabled: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Button.() -> Unit)? = null): Button
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.buttonGroup(size: ButtonGroupSize? = null, vertical: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ButtonGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): ButtonGroup
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.canvas(canvasWidth: Int? = null, canvasHeight: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Canvas.() -> Unit)? = null): Canvas
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.chart(configuration: Configuration, chartWidth: Int? = null, chartHeight: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Chart.() -> Unit)? = null): Chart
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.checkBox(value: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (CheckBox.() -> Unit)? = null): CheckBox
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.checkBoxInput(value: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (CheckInput.() -> Unit)? = null): CheckBoxInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Widget.contextMenu(fixedPosition: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ContextMenu.() -> Unit)? = null): ContextMenu
DSL builder extension function. |
@@ -183,6 +287,670 @@
Helper function for creating JavaScript objects from dynamic constructors. |
+ + | +
+fun <M, C : Component, CONT : Container> Container.dataContainer(model: MutableList<M>, factory: (M, Int, MutableList<M>) -> C, container: CONT, containerAdd: (CONT.(C, M) -> Unit)? = null, filter: ((M) -> Boolean)? = null, sorter: ((M) -> Comparable<*>?)? = null, sorterType: () -> SorterType = { SorterType.ASC }, init: (DataContainer<M, C, CONT>.() -> Unit)? = null): DataContainer<M, C, CONT>
+DSL builder extension function. +fun <M, C : Component> Container.dataContainer(model: MutableList<M>, factory: (M, Int, MutableList<M>) -> C, containerAdd: (VPanel.(C, M) -> Unit)? = null, filter: ((M) -> Boolean)? = null, sorter: ((M) -> Comparable<*>?)? = null, sorterType: () -> SorterType = { SorterType.ASC }, init: (DataContainer<M, C, VPanel>.() -> Unit)? = null): DataContainer<M, C, VPanel>
+DSL builder extension function with VPanel default. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.dateTime(value: Date? = null, name: String? = null, format: String = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (DateTime.() -> Unit)? = null): DateTime
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.dateTimeInput(value: Date? = null, format: String = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DateTimeInput.() -> Unit)? = null): DateTimeInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.div(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Div.() -> Unit)? = null): Div
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.dockPanel(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DockPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): DockPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.dropDown(text: String, elements: List<StringPair>? = null, icon: String? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, direction: Direction = Direction.DROPDOWN, disabled: Boolean = false, : Boolean = false, forDropDown: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DropDown.() -> Unit)? = null): DropDown
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.fieldLabel(forId: String, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf("control-label"), init: (FieldLabel.() -> Unit)? = null): FieldLabel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.flexPanel(direction: FlexDir? = null, wrap: FlexWrap? = null, justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, alignContent: FlexAlignContent? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (FlexPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): FlexPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.footer(: String? = null, : Boolean = false, : Align? = null, : Set<String> = setOf(), : (Footer.() -> Unit)? = null): Footer
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <K : Any> Container.formPanel(method: FormMethod? = null, action: String? = null, enctype: FormEnctype? = null, type: FormType? = null, condensed: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (FormPanel<K>.() -> Unit)? = null): FormPanel<K>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.gridPanel(autoColumns: String? = null, autoRows: String? = null, autoFlow: GridFlow? = null, templateColumns: String? = null, templateRows: String? = null, templateAreas: List<String>? = null, columnGap: Int? = null, rowGap: Int? = null, justifyItems: GridJustify? = null, alignItems: GridAlign? = null, justifyContent: GridJustifyContent? = null, alignContent: GridAlignContent? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (GridPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): GridPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h1(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H1.() -> Unit)? = null): H1
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h2(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H2.() -> Unit)? = null): H2
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h3(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H3.() -> Unit)? = null): H3
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h4(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H4.() -> Unit)? = null): H4
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h5(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H5.() -> Unit)? = null): H5
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.h6(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H6.() -> Unit)? = null): H6
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.header(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Header.() -> Unit)? = null): Header
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.hPanel(wrap: FlexWrap? = null, justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (HPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): HPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.icon(icon: String, init: (Icon.() -> Unit)? = null): Icon
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.iframe(src: String? = null, srcdoc: String? = null, name: String? = null, iframeWidth: Int? = null, iframeHeight: Int? = null, sandbox: Set<Sandbox>? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Iframe.() -> Unit)? = null): Iframe
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.image(src: ResString, alt: String? = null, responsive: Boolean = false, shape: ImageShape? = null, centered: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Image.() -> Unit)? = null): Image
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun String, url: String? = null, icon: String? = null, image: ResString? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Link.() -> Unit)? = null): Link
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.listTag(type: ListType, elements: List<String>? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ListTag.() -> Unit)? = null): ListTag
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.navbar(: String? = null, : NavbarType? = null, : NavbarExpand? = NavbarExpand.LG, : NavbarColor = NavbarColor.LIGHT, : BsBgColor = BsBgColor.LIGHT, : Set<String> = setOf(), : (Navbar.() -> Unit)? = null): Navbar
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.p(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (P.() -> Unit)? = null): P
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.password(value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Password.() -> Unit)? = null): Password
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.progressBar(progress: Int, min: Int = DEFAULT_MIN, max: Int = DEFAULT_MAX, style: ProgressBarStyle? = null, striped: Boolean = false, animated: Boolean = false, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ProgressBar.() -> Unit)? = null): ProgressBar
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Boolean = false, extraValue: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Radio.() -> Unit)? = null): Radio
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.radioGroup(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, inline: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (RadioGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioGroup
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.radioGroupInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, inline: Boolean = false, init: (RadioGroupInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioGroupInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.radioInput(value: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (CheckInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsClearfix(): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Component.removeBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
+ + | +
+fun Container.responsiveGridPanel(gridSize: GridSize = GridSize.MD, rows: Int = 0, cols: Int = 0, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ResponsiveGridPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): ResponsiveGridPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.richText(value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (RichText.() -> Unit)? = null): RichText
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.richTextInput(value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (RichTextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RichTextInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.section(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Section.() -> Unit)? = null): Section
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Select.() -> Unit)? = null): Select
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.selectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun SelectOptGroup.selectOption(value: String? = null, label: String? = null, subtext: String? = null, icon: String? = null, divider: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, selected: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectOption.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectOption
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <T : Any> Container.selectRemote(value: String? = null, serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?, String?) -> List<<ERROR CLASS>>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, name: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (SelectRemote<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectRemote<T>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <T : Any> Container.selectRemoteInput(value: String? = null, serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?, String?) -> List<<ERROR CLASS>>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectRemoteInput<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectRemoteInput<T>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Widget.setContextMenu(contextMenu: ContextMenu): Widget
+Sets context menu for the current widget. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.simplePanel(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SimplePanel.() -> Unit)? = null): SimplePanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.simpleSelect(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (SimpleSelect.() -> Unit)? = null): SimpleSelect
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.simpleSelectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SimpleSelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SimpleSelectInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.span(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Span.() -> Unit)? = null): Span
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.spinner(value: Number? = null, name: String? = null, min: Int? = null, max: Int? = null, step: Double = DEFAULT_STEP, decimals: Int = 0, buttonsType: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.VERTICAL, forceType: ForceType = ForceType.NONE, buttonStyle: ButtonStyle? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Spinner.() -> Unit)? = null): Spinner
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.spinnerInput(value: Number? = null, min: Int? = null, max: Int? = null, step: Double = DEFAULT_STEP, decimals: Int = 0, buttonsType: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.VERTICAL, forceType: ForceType = ForceType.NONE, buttonStyle: ButtonStyle? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SpinnerInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SpinnerInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.splitPanel(direction: Direction = Direction.VERTICAL, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SplitPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): SplitPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.stackPanel(activateLast: Boolean = true, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (StackPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): StackPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <S : Any, CONT : Container> CONT.stateBinding(observableState: ObservableState<S>, factory: CONT.(S) -> Unit): StateBinding<S, CONT, Unit>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <S : Any, CONT : Container, CONTENT> CONT.stateUpdate(observableState: ObservableState<S>, factory: CONT.(S) -> CONTENT): Updateable<S, CONTENT>
+DSL builder extension function for updateable redux content. + |
+ + | +
+fun String? = null, init: (Style.() -> Unit)? = null): Style
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.table(headerNames: List<String>? = null, types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), caption: String? = null, responsiveType: ResponsiveType? = null, theadType: TheadType? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Table.() -> Unit)? = null): Table
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.tabPanel(tabPosition: TabPosition = TabPosition.TOP, sideTabSize: SideTabSize = SideTabSize.SIZE_3, scrollableTabs: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TabPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): TabPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(data: List<T>? = null, dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
+DSL builder extension function. +fun <T : Any, S : Any, A> Container.tabulator(store: ReduxStore<S, A>, dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
+DSL builder extension function for general redux store. +fun <T : Any, A> Container.tabulator(store: ReduxStore<List<T>, A>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
+DSL builder extension function for dedicated redux store (backed with a list). +fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
+DSL builder extension function for dynamic data (send within options parameter). + |
+ + | +
+fun <T : Any, E : Any> Container.tabulatorRemote(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<E>, function: suspend E.(Int?, Int?, List<<ERROR CLASS>>?, List<<ERROR CLASS>>?) -> <ERROR CLASS><T>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TabulatorRemote<T, E>.() -> Unit)? = null): TabulatorRemote<T, E>
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.tag(type: TAG, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), attributes: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), init: (Tag.() -> Unit)? = null): Tag
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.text(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Text.() -> Unit)? = null): Text
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.textArea(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (TextArea.() -> Unit)? = null): TextArea
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.textAreaInput(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TextAreaInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TextAreaInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.textInput(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TextInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.toolbar(size: ButtonGroupSize? = null, spacing: Int = 2, vertical: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Toolbar.() -> Unit)? = null): Toolbar
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.upload(uploadUrl: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Upload.() -> Unit)? = null): Upload
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.uploadInput(uploadUrl: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (UploadInput.() -> Unit)? = null): UploadInput
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.vPanel(justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (VPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): VPanel
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.widget(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Widget.() -> Unit)? = null): Widget
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.widgetWrapper(wrapped: Component?, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (WidgetWrapper.() -> Unit)? = null): WidgetWrapper
+DSL builder extension function. + |
+ + | +
+fun Container.window(caption: String? = null, contentWidth: CssSize? = CssSize(0,, contentHeight: CssSize? = CssSize(0,, isResizable: Boolean = true, isDraggable: Boolean = true, closeButton: Boolean = false, maximizeButton: Boolean = false, minimizeButton: Boolean = false, icon: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Window.() -> Unit)? = null): Window
+DSL builder extension function. + |
fun Select.selectOptGroup(label: String, options: List<StringPair>? = null, maxOptions: Int? = null, disabled: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectOptGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectOptGroup
fun SelectInput.selectOptGroup(label: String, options: List<StringPair>? = null, maxOptions: Int? = null, disabled: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectOptGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectOptGroup
-DSL builder extension function.
-It takes the same parameters as the constructor of the built component.
-diff --git a/api/ b/api/ deleted file mode 100644 index 769f4f55..00000000 --- a/api/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ - -
- -
- - -