--- layout: post title: "KVision 0.0.13 released" author: Robert Jaros date: 2018-06-04 14:29:00 +0100 categories: kvision kotlin --- I've just released KVision 0.0.13. Changelog: - DockPanel usability fixes - a dialog component - new simple HTML5 canvas component - add resizeWindow event to Window component - add dependencies on kotlinx.serialization and kotlinx.coroutines - multiplatform kvision-common and kvision-server modules - Jooby framework integration with automatic JSON-RPC connectivity - Kwery ORM integration - Pac4j security module integration - change module kind option to 'umd' KVision contains now an innovative connectivity interface for [Jooby](https://jooby.org) micro web framework on the server side, which allows to build full-stack, multiplatform applications with shared common code. KVision closely integrates the client and the server side of the project with a shared data model and fully type-safe connectivity between both sides (based on automatically generated routings and JSON-RPC endpoints). I've created a new example application - "Address book - fullstack". It utilizes: - H2 SQL database (configured for "filesystem" database) - [Kwery](https://github.com/andrewoma/kwery) ORM for database connectivity - [Pac4J](https://github.com/pac4j/pac4j) security engine for authentication and profile management The architecture of the project is heavily based on Kotlin coroutines, wrapping asynchronous client-server calls into easy-to-read synchronous-like code. [You can play with live demo on Heroku](https://kvision-address-book.herokuapp.com/)