Base class for form field text components.
Base class for basic text components.
Add row modes.
Data class for AJAX options.
Alert window based on Bootstrap modal.
Column align.
CSS align attributes.
Chart animation options.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.utils)
Base class for KVision applications.
Chart arc options.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.cordova)
Type-safe definition of CSS background.
Base abstract class for creating observable data model.
Main object for Cordova battery.
Battery status.
Definitions of CSS background attachment options.
Definitions of CSS background clipping options.
Definitions of CSS background origin options.
Definitions of CSS background repeat options.
Definitions of CSS background size.
Simple component rendered as b.
Base interface of a form control with a boolean value.
Type-safe definition of CSS border.
Definitions of CSS border styles.
InAppBrowser reference object.
Button component.
The Bootstrap button group.
Button group sizes.
Button sizes.
Button styles.
Spinner buttons layout types.
Button types.
This is a LRU cache that has no performance impact for cache insertions
once the capacity of the cache has been reached. For cache hit,
performance is O(1) and for cache eviction, it is O(1).
Built-in calc functions.
An agent responsible for remote calls.
Main object for Cordova camera.
Exception class for camera errors.
Camera options.
Canvas component.
Exception class for media capture errors.
HTML table cell component.
Chart component.
Chart options.
Chart scales.
Chart types.
The form field component rendered as HTML input type="checkbox".
The basic input component rendered as HTML input type="checkbox".
Checkbox style options.
The basic input component rendered as HTML input type="checkbox" or input type="radio".
Type of the check input control (checkbox or radio).
Definitions of CSS clear options.
Helper class for close icon component.
Definitions of CSS color names.
Type-safe definition of CSS color.
Column definition options.
Column positions.
Base interface for all components.
Chart configuration.
Confirm window based on Bootstrap modal.
Base interface for all containers.
Context menu component.
Geolocation coordinates values.
Cordova event types.
Username and password credentials.
This type is used for defining CSS dimensions (width, heights, margins, paddings, etc.).
HTML custom tag component.
Base interface for observable data model.
A container class with support for mutable/observable data model.
Chart data sets.
Data type for the AJAX call.
Data type for the AJAX call.
Interface for updatable container.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.types)
Base interface of a form control with a date value.
Form field date/time chooser component.
Basic date/time chooser component.
Useful options for use in DropDown's elements parameter.
Device information class.
Modal window with a result.
Definitions of CSS text direction options.
Dropdown directions.
Split panel direction.
Definitions of CSS display options.
Simple component rendered as div.
The container with dock layout (up, down, left, right and center positions).
Download config options.
Tabulator download data set option.
Bootstrap dropdown component.
Built-in editors.
Chart animation easings.
Chart elements options.
Helper class for HTML label element.
The HTML fieldset container.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.utils)
Main object for Cordova file.
Exception class for file errors.
CSS flexbox content alignment options.
CSS flexbox alignments options.
CSS flexbox directions.
CSS flexbox justification options.
The container with CSS flexbox layout support.
CSS flexbox wrap modes.
Definitions of CSS font style options.
Definitions of CSS font variant options.
Definitions of CSS font weight options.
Simple component rendered as footer.
Spinner force rounding types.
The form definition class. Can be used directly or indirectly inside a FormPanel.
Built-in formatters.
Base interface of a form control.
Form encoding types.
Proportions for horizontal form layout.
Form methods.
Bootstrap form component.
Form targets.
Bootstrap form layout options.
Main geolocation object based on webview api.
Exception class for geolocation errors.
CSS grid alignment options.
CSS grid content alignment options.
CSS grid flow options.
CSS grid justification options.
CSS grid content justification options.
Chart grid line options.
The container with CSS grid layout support.
Bootstrap grid sizes.
Simple component rendered as h1.
Simple component rendered as h2.
Simple component rendered as h3.
Simple component rendered as h4.
Simple component rendered as h5.
Simple component rendered as h6.
Menu header component.
Simple component rendered as header.
HTML table header cell component.
Helper class for Bootstrap help text element.
Helper interface for Hot Module Replacement (HMR).
Chart hover options.
The container with horizontal layout.
HTTP protocol type for the AJAX call.
HTTP protocol type for the AJAX call.
A singleton object used for translations.
Icon component with support for FontAwesome and Bootstrap glyphicons.
Iframe component.
Image component.
Image shapes.
Main object for Cordova InAppBrowser api.
InAppBrowser event type.
Input controls sizes.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.utils)
Chart interaction modes.
Chart interpolation modes.
Helper class for Bootstrap invalid feedback element.
JSON utility functions
JSON utility functions
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.form)
A serializable class for a multiplatform File type.
Base interface of a form control with a list of files value.
Helper class for defining custom events.
Internal singleton object which initializes and configures KVision framework.
Client side agent for JSON-RPC remote calls.
Multiplatform service manager.
Table layouts.
Chart layout options.
Chart layout padding options.
Chart legend label options.
Chart legend options.
Definitions of CSS line-break options.
Canvas line end point styles.
Canvas line join styles.
Chart line options.
Link component.
HTML list component.
HTML list types.
Main geolocation object based on Google location services api.
Form login dispatcher.
Simple component rendered as main.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.form)
Maps component.
Helper class for maximize icon component.
Cordova media class.
Main media capture object.
Media error class.
Media file information class.
Media file details class.
Helper class for minimize icon component.
Configurable modal window based on Bootstrap modal.
Modal window sizes.
Helper interface for Hot Module Replacement (HMR).
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.utils)
The Bootstrap Nav container.
The Bootstrap Navbar container.
Navbar colors.
Navbar responsive behavior.
Navbar types.
The Bootstrap Nav form container.
Main object for Cordova network.
Created by gazollajunior on 07/04/16.
Main object for Cordova notifications.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.utils)
Base interface of a form control with a numeric value.
JavaScript Object type
JavaScript Object type
Observable list interface.
Simple observable list implementation.
Observable set interface.
Simple observable set implementation.
An interface of observable state.
The observable value class.
Definitions of CSS overflow options.
Definitions of CSS overflow-wrap options.
Simple component rendered as p.
Pagination modes.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.utils)
Form field password component.
Pending result class.
Tooltip / Popover placements.
Chart point options.
Chart point styles.
Popover options.
Definitions of CSS float options.
Definitions of CSS position options.
Chart objects positions.
Geolocation position value.
Geolocaton error codes.
The Bootstrap progress bar.
Progress bar styles.
Progressive modes.
A response object for prompt function callback.
The form field component rendered as HTML input type="radio".
The form field component rendered as a group of HTML input type="radio" elements with the same name attribute.
The input component rendered as a group of HTML input type="radio" elements with the same name attribute.
The basic input component rendered as HTML input type="radio".
Radio style options.
The form field component for range input control.
Range input component.
Range select modes.
Chart rectangle options.
A class implementing redux pattern backed by the Redux Kotlin library.
Interface for client side agent for JSON-RPC remote calls.
Definitions of CSS resize options.
A response wrapper
The container with support for Bootstrap responsive grid layout.
Responsive layout modes.
HTML table responsive types.
This type is used for accessing resources with CommonJS require function.
An agent responsible for remote calls.
Resume event class.
Form field rich text component.
Basic rich text component.
Root container.
A helper class for Navigo JavaScript router.
HTML table row component.
Row positions.
Row scroll positions .
Iframe sandbox options.
Chart scales.
Chart scale title options.
Main object for Cordova screen.
Simple component rendered as section.
A security exception.
Form login dispatcher.
The form field component for Select control.
Select dropdown align. See Bootstrap Select width.
The basic component for Select control.
The helper container for adding option groups to Select.
The helper component for adding options to Select or SelectOptGroup.
The form field component for SelectRemote control.
The Select control connected to the multiplatform service.
Select width types. See Bootstrap Select width.
Menu separator component.
Dock layout directions.
Left or right tab size.
Basic container class, rendered as a DIV element with all children directly within.
The form field component for SimpleSelect control.
Simple select component.
A websocket client implementation.
Websocket closed exception class.
Built-in sorters.
Sorter types.
Sorting directions.
Simple component rendered as span.
The form field component for spinner control.
The basic component for spinner control.
Main object for Cordova splashscreen.
The container with draggable splitter.
The container with only one active (visible) child at any moment.
A class which binds the given container to the observable state.
Main object for Cordova status bar.
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.types)
(js) (extensions in package pl.treksoft.kvision.cordova)
Helper type used to define CSS classes.
Base interface of a form control with a text value.
Helper type used to define CSS style attributes.
CSS style object.
Base class for components supporting CSS styling.
System directories class.
Data class for Typeahead AJAX options.
HTML table component.
HTML table types.
The container rendering it's children as tabs.
Tab position.
Tabulator component.
Tabulator options.
Tabulator component connected to the multiplatform service.
HTML tags.
HTML tag component.
Handlebars templates helper interface.
Form field text component.
Definitions of CSS text align options.
Form field textarea component.
Basic textarea component.
Type-safe definition of CSS text decoration.
Definitions of CSS text decoration line options.
Definitions of CSS text decoration style options.
Basic text component.
Text input types.
Definitions of CSS text overflow options.
Type-safe definition of CSS text shadow.
Definitions of CSS text transform options.
HTML table header types.
Chart tick options.
Chart title options.
Toast component object.
Toast easings.
Toast animation methods.
Toast options.
Toast positions.
The Bootstrap toolbar.
Chart tooltips callbacks.
Tooltip generation mode.
Tooltip options.
Chart tooltip options.
Chart tooltip positions.
Tooltip / Popover triggers.
Form field typeahead component.
The basic component for typeahead control.
Form field typeahead component connected to the multiplatform service.
The Typeahead control connected to the multiplatform service.
Definitions of CSS unicode-bidi options.
Definitions of CSS units.
A helper class for updateable content.
The form field file upload component.
The file upload component.
Input controls validation status.
Built-in validators.
Column align.
Definitions of CSS vertical align options.
Main object for Cordova vibration.
The container with vertical layout.
Definitions of CSS white space options.
Base widget class. The parent of all component classes.
This class allows to wrap a component into separately styled DIV element.
Floating window container.
Definitions of CSS word-break options.