data class TooltipOptions
Chart tooltip options.
TooltipOptions(enabled: Boolean = true, custom: (a: Any) -> Unit = null, mode: InteractionMode = InteractionMode.NEAREST, intersect: Boolean = true, position: TooltipPosition = TooltipPosition.AVERAGE, callbacks: TooltipCallback? = null, filter: (item: ChartTooltipItem, data: ChartData) -> Boolean = null, itemSort: (itemA: ChartTooltipItem, itemB: ChartTooltipItem) -> Number = null, backgroundColor: Color? = null, titleFontSize: Int = 12, titleFontStyle: FontStyle? = null, titleFontColor: Color? = null, titleFontFamily: String? = null, titleSpacing: Int = 2, titleMarginBottom: Int = 6, bodyFontSize: Int = 12, bodyFontStyle: FontStyle? = null, bodyFontColor: Color? = null, bodyFontFamily: String? = null, bodySpacing: Int = 2, : Int = 12, : FontStyle? = null, : Color? = null, : String? = null, : Int = 2, : Int = 6, xPadding: Int = 6, yPadding: Int = 6, caretPadding: Int = 2, caretSize: Int = 5, cornerRadius: Int = 6, multiKeyBackground: Color? = null, displayColors: Boolean = true, borderColor: Color? = null, borderWidth: Int = 0)
Chart tooltip options. |
val backgroundColor: Color? |
val bodyFontColor: Color? |
val bodyFontFamily: String? |
val bodyFontSize: Int |
val bodyFontStyle: FontStyle? |
val bodySpacing: Int |
val borderColor: Color? |
val borderWidth: Int |
val callbacks: TooltipCallback? |
val caretPadding: Int |
val caretSize: Int |
val cornerRadius: Int |
val custom: (a: Any) -> Unit |
val displayColors: Boolean |
val enabled: Boolean |
val filter: (item: ChartTooltipItem, data: ChartData) -> Boolean |
val footerFontColor: Color? |
val footerFontFamily: String? |
val footerFontSize: Int |
val footerFontStyle: FontStyle? |
val footerMarginTop: Int |
val footerSpacing: Int |
val intersect: Boolean |
val itemSort: (itemA: ChartTooltipItem, itemB: ChartTooltipItem) -> Number |
val mode: InteractionMode |
val multiKeyBackground: Color? |
val position: TooltipPosition |
val titleFontColor: Color? |
val titleFontFamily: String? |
val titleFontSize: Int |
val titleFontStyle: FontStyle? |
val titleMarginBottom: Int |
val titleSpacing: Int |
val xPadding: Int |
val yPadding: Int |
fun <T> Any?.createInstance(vararg args: dynamic): T
Helper function for creating JavaScript objects from dynamic constructors. |
fun TooltipOptions.toJs(): dynamic
An extension function to convert configuration class to JS object. |