KVision core classes. This includes base interfaces for all components, basic CSS enums (for colors, borders and backgrounds) and the main Widget class.
class Background
Type-safe definition of CSS background. |
enum class BgAttach
Definitions of CSS background attachment options. |
enum class BgClip
Definitions of CSS background clipping options. |
enum class BgOrigin
Definitions of CSS background origin options. |
enum class BgRepeat
Definitions of CSS background repeat options. |
enum class BgSize
Definitions of CSS background size. |
class Border
Type-safe definition of CSS border. |
enum class BorderStyle
Definitions of CSS border styles. |
enum class Clear
Definitions of CSS clear options. |
enum class Col
Definitions of CSS color names. |
class Color
Type-safe definition of CSS color. |
interface Component
Base interface for all components. |
interface Container : Component
Base interface for all containers. |
enum class Direction
Definitions of CSS text direction options. |
enum class FontStyle
Definitions of CSS font style options. |
enum class FontVariant
Definitions of CSS font variant options. |
enum class FontWeight
Definitions of CSS font weight options. |
enum class Overflow
Definitions of CSS overflow options. |
enum class PosFloat
Definitions of CSS float options. |
enum class Position
Definitions of CSS position options. |
enum class Resize
Definitions of CSS resize options. |
abstract class StyledComponent : Component
Base class for components supporting CSS styling. |
enum class TextAlign
Definitions of CSS text align options. |
class TextDecoration
Type-safe definition of CSS text decoration. |
enum class TextDecorationLine
Definitions of CSS text decoration line options. |
enum class TextDecorationStyle
Definitions of CSS text decoration style options. |
enum class TextOverflow
Definitions of CSS text overflow options. |
class TextShadow
Type-safe definition of CSS text shadow. |
enum class TextTransform
Definitions of CSS text transform options. |
enum class UNIT
Definitions of CSS units. |
enum class UnicodeBidi
Definitions of CSS unicode-bidi options. |
enum class VerticalAlign
Definitions of CSS vertical align options. |
enum class WhiteSpace
Definitions of CSS white space options. |
open class Widget : StyledComponent
Base widget class. The parent of all component classes. |
open class WidgetWrapper : Widget
This class allows to wrap a component into separately styled DIV element. |
typealias CssSize = Pair<Int, UNIT>
This type is used for defining CSS dimensions (width, heights, margins, paddings, etc.). |
typealias ResString = String
This type is used for accessing resources with CommonJS require function. |
typealias StringBoolPair = Pair<String, Boolean>
Helper type used to define CSS classes. |
typealias StringPair = Pair<String, String>
Helper type used to define CSS style attributes. |