open class TextAreaInput : AbstractTextInput
Basic textarea component.
<init> |
TextAreaInput(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf()) |
cols |
Number of columns. var cols: Int? |
rows |
Number of rows. var rows: Int? |
wrapHard |
Determines if hard wrapping is enabled for the textarea element. var wrapHard: Boolean |
getSnAttrs |
Returns list of element attributes in the form of a List. open fun getSnAttrs(): List<StringPair> |
render |
Renders current component as a Snabbdom vnode. open fun render(): VNode |
changeFlow |
val <T : Widget> T.changeFlow: Flow<T> |
clickFlow |
val <T : Widget> T.clickFlow: Flow<T> |
inputFlow |
val <T : Widget> T.inputFlow: Flow<T> |
addBsBgColor |
fun Component.addBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
addBsBorder |
fun Component.addBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
addBsClearfix |
fun Component.addBsClearfix(): Unit |
addBsColor |
fun Component.addBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
addBsRounded |
fun Component.addBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
contextMenu |
DSL builder extension function. fun Widget.contextMenu(fixedPosition: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ContextMenu.() -> Unit)? = null): ContextMenu |
eventFlow |
fun <T : Widget> T.eventFlow(event: String): Flow<Pair<T, Event>> |
onEvent |
fun <T : Widget> T.onEvent(block: SnOn<T>.() -> Unit): Int |
removeBsBgColor |
fun Component.removeBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
removeBsBorder |
fun Component.removeBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
removeBsClearfix |
fun Component.removeBsClearfix(): Unit |
removeBsColor |
fun Component.removeBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
removeBsRounded |
fun Component.removeBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
setContextMenu |
Sets context menu for the current widget. fun Widget.setContextMenu(contextMenu: ContextMenu): Widget |
style |
DSL builder extension function. fun String? = null, init: (Style.() -> Unit)? = null): Style |