kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.form / FormPanel / add


open fun <C : StringFormControl> add(key: KProperty1<K, String?>, control: C, required: Boolean = false, validatorMessage: (C) -> String? = null, validator: (C) -> Boolean? = null): FormPanel<K>

Adds a string control to the form panel.


key - key identifier of the control

control - the string form control

required - determines if the control is required

validatorMessage - optional function returning validation message

validator - optional validation function

current form panel

open fun <C : BoolFormControl> add(key: KProperty1<K, Boolean?>, control: C, required: Boolean = false, validatorMessage: (C) -> String? = null, validator: (C) -> Boolean? = null): FormPanel<K>

Adds a boolean control to the form panel.


key - key identifier of the control

control - the boolean form control

required - determines if the control is required

validatorMessage - optional function returning validation message

validator - optional validation function

current form panel

open fun <C : NumberFormControl> add(key: KProperty1<K, Number?>, control: C, required: Boolean = false, validatorMessage: (C) -> String? = null, validator: (C) -> Boolean? = null): FormPanel<K>

Adds a number control to the form panel.


key - key identifier of the control

control - the number form control

required - determines if the control is required

validatorMessage - optional function returning validation message

validator - optional validation function

current form panel

open fun <C : KDateFormControl> add(key: KProperty1<K, KDate?>, control: C, required: Boolean = false, validatorMessage: (C) -> String? = null, validator: (C) -> Boolean? = null): FormPanel<K>

Adds a date control to the form panel.


key - key identifier of the control

control - the date form control

required - determines if the control is required

validatorMessage - optional function returning validation message

validator - optional validation function

current form panel

open fun <C : KFilesFormControl> add(key: KProperty1<K, List<KFile>?>, control: C, required: Boolean = false, validatorMessage: (C) -> String? = null, validator: (C) -> Boolean? = null): FormPanel<K>

Adds a files control to the form panel.


key - key identifier of the control

control - the files form control

required - determines if the control is required

validatorMessage - optional function returning validation message

validator - optional validation function

current form panel