interface StringFormControl : FormControl
Base interface of a form control with a text value.
abstract var value: String?
Text value. |
abstract var disabled: Boolean
Determines if the field is disabled. |
abstract val flabel: FieldLabel
Form field label. |
abstract val input: Component
The actual input component. |
abstract var size: InputSize?
Input control size. |
abstract val validationInfo: HelpBlock
Validation info component. |
open var validatorError: String?
Validator error message. |
open fun getValue(): String?
Returns the value of the control. |
open fun getValueAsString(): String?
Returns the value of the control as a String. |
open fun setValue(v: Any?): Unit
Sets the value of the control. |
abstract fun blur(): Unit
Makes the input element blur. |
abstract fun focus(): Unit
Makes the input element focused. |
abstract class AbstractText : SimplePanel, StringFormControl
Base class for form field text components. |
open class RadioGroup : SimplePanel, StringFormControl
The form field component rendered as a group of HTML input type="radio" elements with the same name attribute. |
open class Select : SimplePanel, StringFormControl
The form field component for Select control. |