class Root : SimplePanel
Root container.
This container is bound to the specific element in the main HTML file of the project. It is always the root of components tree and it is responsible for rendering and updating Snabbdom virtual DOM.
Root(id: String, fixed: Boolean = false, init: (Root.() -> Unit)? = null) Root(element: <ERROR CLASS>, fixed: Boolean = false, init: (Root.() -> Unit)? = null) |
val isFirstRoot: Boolean |
val children: MutableList<Component> |
fun addContextMenu(contextMenu: Widget): Unit |
fun getRoot(): Root? |
fun getSnClass(): List<StringBoolPair>
Returns list of CSS class names for current widget in the form of a List. |
fun render(): VNode
Renders current component as a Snabbdom vnode. |
open fun add(child: Component): SimplePanel
Adds given component to the current container. |
open fun addAll(children: List<Component>): SimplePanel
Adds a list of components to the current container. |
fun addInternal(child: Component): SimplePanel
Protected and final method to add given component to the current container. |
open fun childrenVNodes(): Array<VNode>
Returns the array of the children Snabbdom vnodes. |
open fun getChildren(): List<Component>
Returns a list of children of the current container. |
open fun remove(child: Component): SimplePanel
Removes given component from the current container. |
open fun removeAll(): SimplePanel
Removes all children from the current container. |
fun Component.addBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
fun Component.addBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
fun Component.addBsClearfix(): Unit |
fun Component.addBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
fun Component.addBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
fun Container.bold(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Bold.() -> Unit)? = null): Bold
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.button(text: String, icon: String? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, type: ButtonType = ButtonType.BUTTON, disabled: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Button.() -> Unit)? = null): Button
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.buttonGroup(size: ButtonGroupSize? = null, vertical: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ButtonGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): ButtonGroup
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.canvas(canvasWidth: Int? = null, canvasHeight: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Canvas.() -> Unit)? = null): Canvas
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.chart(configuration: Configuration, chartWidth: Int? = null, chartHeight: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Chart.() -> Unit)? = null): Chart
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.checkBox(value: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (CheckBox.() -> Unit)? = null): CheckBox
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.checkBoxInput(value: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (CheckInput.() -> Unit)? = null): CheckBoxInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Widget.contextMenu(fixedPosition: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ContextMenu.() -> Unit)? = null): ContextMenu
DSL builder extension function. |
fun <T> Any?.createInstance(vararg args: dynamic): T
Helper function for creating JavaScript objects from dynamic constructors. |
fun <M, C : Component, CONT : Container> Container.dataContainer(model: MutableList<M>, factory: Container.(M, Int, MutableList<M>) -> C, container: CONT, containerAdd: (CONT.(C, M) -> Unit)? = null, filter: ((M) -> Boolean)? = null, sorter: ((M) -> Comparable<*>?)? = null, sorterType: () -> SorterType = { SorterType.ASC }, init: (DataContainer<M, C, CONT>.() -> Unit)? = null): DataContainer<M, C, CONT>
DSL builder extension function. fun <M, C : Component> Container.dataContainer(model: MutableList<M>, factory: Container.(M, Int, MutableList<M>) -> C, containerAdd: (VPanel.(C, M) -> Unit)? = null, filter: ((M) -> Boolean)? = null, sorter: ((M) -> Comparable<*>?)? = null, sorterType: () -> SorterType = { SorterType.ASC }, init: (DataContainer<M, C, VPanel>.() -> Unit)? = null): DataContainer<M, C, VPanel>
DSL builder extension function with VPanel default. |
fun Container.dateTime(value: Date? = null, name: String? = null, format: String = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (DateTime.() -> Unit)? = null): DateTime
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.dateTimeInput(value: Date? = null, format: String = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DateTimeInput.() -> Unit)? = null): DateTimeInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.div(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Div.() -> Unit)? = null): Div
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.dockPanel(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DockPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): DockPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.dropDown(text: String, elements: List<StringPair>? = null, icon: String? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, direction: Direction = Direction.DROPDOWN, disabled: Boolean = false, : Boolean = false, forDropDown: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (DropDown.() -> Unit)? = null): DropDown
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.fieldLabel(forId: String, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf("control-label"), init: (FieldLabel.() -> Unit)? = null): FieldLabel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.flexPanel(direction: FlexDir? = null, wrap: FlexWrap? = null, justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, alignContent: FlexAlignContent? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (FlexPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): FlexPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.footer(: String? = null, : Boolean = false, : Align? = null, : Set<String> = setOf(), : (Footer.() -> Unit)? = null): Footer
DSL builder extension function. |
fun <K : Any> Container.formPanel(method: FormMethod? = null, action: String? = null, enctype: FormEnctype? = null, type: FormType? = null, condensed: Boolean = false, horizRatio: FormHorizontalRatio = FormHorizontalRatio.RATIO_2, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (FormPanel<K>.() -> Unit)? = null): FormPanel<K>
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.gridPanel(autoColumns: String? = null, autoRows: String? = null, autoFlow: GridFlow? = null, templateColumns: String? = null, templateRows: String? = null, templateAreas: List<String>? = null, columnGap: Int? = null, rowGap: Int? = null, justifyItems: GridJustify? = null, alignItems: GridAlign? = null, justifyContent: GridJustifyContent? = null, alignContent: GridAlignContent? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (GridPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): GridPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.h1(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H1.() -> Unit)? = null): H1
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.h2(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H2.() -> Unit)? = null): H2
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.h3(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H3.() -> Unit)? = null): H3
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.h4(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H4.() -> Unit)? = null): H4
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.h5(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H5.() -> Unit)? = null): H5
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.h6(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (H6.() -> Unit)? = null): H6
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.header(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Header.() -> Unit)? = null): Header
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.hPanel(wrap: FlexWrap? = null, justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (HPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): HPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.icon(icon: String, init: (Icon.() -> Unit)? = null): Icon
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.iframe(src: String? = null, srcdoc: String? = null, name: String? = null, iframeWidth: Int? = null, iframeHeight: Int? = null, sandbox: Set<Sandbox>? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Iframe.() -> Unit)? = null): Iframe
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.image(src: ResString, alt: String? = null, responsive: Boolean = false, shape: ImageShape? = null, centered: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Image.() -> Unit)? = null): Image
DSL builder extension function. |
fun String, url: String? = null, icon: String? = null, image: ResString? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Link.() -> Unit)? = null): Link
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.listTag(type: ListType, elements: List<String>? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ListTag.() -> Unit)? = null): ListTag
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.main(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Main.() -> Unit)? = null): Main
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.navbar(: String? = null, : String? = null, : NavbarType? = null, : NavbarExpand? = NavbarExpand.LG, : NavbarColor = NavbarColor.LIGHT, : BsBgColor = BsBgColor.LIGHT, : Set<String> = setOf(), : (Navbar.() -> Unit)? = null): Navbar
DSL builder extension function. |
fun <T : Widget> T.onEvent(block: SnOn<T>.() -> Unit): Widget |
fun Container.p(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (P.() -> Unit)? = null): P
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.password(value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Password.() -> Unit)? = null): Password
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.progressBar(progress: Int, min: Int = DEFAULT_MIN, max: Int = DEFAULT_MAX, style: ProgressBarStyle? = null, striped: Boolean = false, animated: Boolean = false, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ProgressBar.() -> Unit)? = null): ProgressBar
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Boolean = false, extraValue: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Radio.() -> Unit)? = null): Radio
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.radioGroup(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, inline: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (RadioGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioGroup
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.radioGroupInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, inline: Boolean = false, init: (RadioGroupInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioGroupInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.radioInput(value: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (CheckInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Component.removeBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
fun Component.removeBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
fun Component.removeBsClearfix(): Unit |
fun Component.removeBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
fun Component.removeBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
fun Container.responsiveGridPanel(gridSize: GridSize = GridSize.MD, rows: Int = 0, cols: Int = 0, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ResponsiveGridPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): ResponsiveGridPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.richText(value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (RichText.() -> Unit)? = null): RichText
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.richTextInput(value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (RichTextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RichTextInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.section(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Section.() -> Unit)? = null): Section
DSL builder extension function. |
fun List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Select.() -> Unit)? = null): Select
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.selectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun <T : Any> Container.selectRemote(value: String? = null, serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?, String?) -> List<<ERROR CLASS>>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, name: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, preload: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (SelectRemote<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectRemote<T>
DSL builder extension function. |
fun <T : Any> Container.selectRemoteInput(value: String? = null, serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?, String?) -> List<<ERROR CLASS>>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, preload: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SelectRemoteInput<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectRemoteInput<T>
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Widget.setContextMenu(contextMenu: ContextMenu): Widget
Sets context menu for the current widget. |
fun Container.simplePanel(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SimplePanel.() -> Unit)? = null): SimplePanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.simpleSelect(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (SimpleSelect.() -> Unit)? = null): SimpleSelect
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.simpleSelectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SimpleSelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SimpleSelectInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.span(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Span.() -> Unit)? = null): Span
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.spinner(value: Number? = null, name: String? = null, min: Int? = null, max: Int? = null, step: Double = DEFAULT_STEP, decimals: Int = 0, buttonsType: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.VERTICAL, forceType: ForceType = ForceType.NONE, buttonStyle: ButtonStyle? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Spinner.() -> Unit)? = null): Spinner
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.spinnerInput(value: Number? = null, min: Int? = null, max: Int? = null, step: Double = DEFAULT_STEP, decimals: Int = 0, buttonsType: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.VERTICAL, forceType: ForceType = ForceType.NONE, buttonStyle: ButtonStyle? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SpinnerInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SpinnerInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.splitPanel(direction: Direction = Direction.VERTICAL, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (SplitPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): SplitPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.stackPanel(activateLast: Boolean = true, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (StackPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): StackPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun <S : Any, CONT : Container> CONT.stateBinding(observableState: ObservableState<S>, factory: CONT.(S) -> Unit): StateBinding<S, CONT, Unit>
DSL builder extension function. |
fun <S : Any, CONT : Container, CONTENT> CONT.stateUpdate(observableState: ObservableState<S>, factory: CONT.(S) -> CONTENT): Updateable<S, CONTENT>
DSL builder extension function for updateable redux content. |
fun String? = null, init: (Style.() -> Unit)? = null): Style
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.table(headerNames: List<String>? = null, types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), caption: String? = null, responsiveType: ResponsiveType? = null, theadType: TheadType? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Table.() -> Unit)? = null): Table
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.tabPanel(tabPosition: TabPosition = TabPosition.TOP, sideTabSize: SideTabSize = SideTabSize.SIZE_3, scrollableTabs: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TabPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): TabPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(data: List<T>? = null, dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function. fun <T : Any, S : Any> Container.tabulator(store: ObservableState<S>, dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function for general redux store. fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function for dynamic data (send within options parameter). |
fun <T : Any, E : Any> Container.tabulatorRemote(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<E>, function: suspend E.(Int?, Int?, List<<ERROR CLASS>>?, List<<ERROR CLASS>>?, String?) -> <ERROR CLASS><T>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TabulatorRemote<T, E>.() -> Unit)? = null): TabulatorRemote<T, E>
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.tag(type: TAG, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), attributes: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), init: (Tag.() -> Unit)? = null): Tag
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.text(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Text.() -> Unit)? = null): Text
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.textArea(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (TextArea.() -> Unit)? = null): TextArea
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.textAreaInput(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TextAreaInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TextAreaInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.textInput(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (TextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TextInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.toolbar(size: ButtonGroupSize? = null, spacing: Int = 2, vertical: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Toolbar.() -> Unit)? = null): Toolbar
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.upload(uploadUrl: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Upload.() -> Unit)? = null): Upload
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.uploadInput(uploadUrl: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (UploadInput.() -> Unit)? = null): UploadInput
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.vPanel(justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (VPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): VPanel
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.widget(classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Widget.() -> Unit)? = null): Widget
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.widgetWrapper(wrapped: Component?, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (WidgetWrapper.() -> Unit)? = null): WidgetWrapper
DSL builder extension function. |
fun Container.window(caption: String? = null, contentWidth: CssSize? = CssSize(0,, contentHeight: CssSize? = CssSize(0,, isResizable: Boolean = true, isDraggable: Boolean = true, closeButton: Boolean = false, maximizeButton: Boolean = false, minimizeButton: Boolean = false, icon: String? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Window.() -> Unit)? = null): Window
DSL builder extension function. |