kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.remote / KVServiceManager / bind


(js) protected inline fun <reified RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.() -> RET, method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, route: String? = null): Unit
protected inline fun <reified PAR, reified RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR) -> RET, method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, route: String? = null): Unit
protected inline fun <reified PAR1, reified PAR2, reified RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2) -> RET, method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, route: String? = null): Unit
protected inline fun <reified PAR1, reified PAR2, reified PAR3, reified RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2, PAR3) -> RET, method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, route: String? = null): Unit
protected inline fun <reified PAR1, reified PAR2, reified PAR3, reified PAR4, reified RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, PAR4) -> RET, method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, route: String? = null): Unit
protected inline fun <reified PAR1, reified PAR2, reified PAR3, reified PAR4, reified PAR5, reified RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, PAR4, PAR5) -> RET, method: HttpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, route: String? = null): Unit

Binds a given route with a function of the receiver.


function - a function of the receiver

method - a HTTP method

route - a route

(js) protected inline fun <reified PAR1 : Any, reified PAR2 : Any> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(ReceiveChannel<PAR1>, SendChannel<PAR2>) -> Unit, route: String? = null): Unit

Binds a given function of the receiver as a web socket connection


function - a function of the receiver