interface ObservableState<S>
An interface of observable state.
getState |
Get current state. abstract fun getState(): S |
subscribe |
Subscribe for the state change notifications. abstract fun subscribe(observer: (S) -> Unit): () -> Unit |
stateFlow |
Extension property returning StateFlow for an ObservableState. val <S> ObservableState<S>.stateFlow: StateFlow<S> |
AbstractText |
Base class for form field text components. abstract class AbstractText : SimplePanel, StringFormControl, ObservableState<String?> |
AbstractTextInput |
Base class for basic text components. abstract class AbstractTextInput : Widget, FormInput, ObservableState<String?> |
CheckBox |
The form field component rendered as HTML input type="checkbox". open class CheckBox : SimplePanel, BoolFormControl, ObservableState<Boolean> |
CheckInput |
The basic input component rendered as HTML input type="checkbox" or input type="radio". abstract class CheckInput : Widget, FormInput, ObservableState<Boolean> |
DateTime |
Form field date/time chooser component. open class DateTime : SimplePanel, DateFormControl, ObservableState<Date?> |
DateTimeInput |
Basic date/time chooser component. open class DateTimeInput : SimplePanel, FormInput, ObservableState<Date?> |
ObservableList |
Observable list interface. interface ObservableList<T> : MutableList<T>, ObservableState<List<T>> |
ObservableListWrapper |
Simple observable list implementation. class ObservableListWrapper<T> : MutableList<T>, ObservableList<T>, ObservableState<List<T>> |
ObservableSet |
Observable set interface. interface ObservableSet<T> : MutableSet<T>, ObservableState<Set<T>> |
ObservableSetWrapper |
Simple observable set implementation. class ObservableSetWrapper<T> : MutableSet<T>, ObservableSet<T>, ObservableState<Set<T>> |
ObservableValue |
The observable value class. class ObservableValue<T> : ObservableState<T> |
Radio |
The form field component rendered as HTML input type="radio". open class Radio : SimplePanel, BoolFormControl, ObservableState<Boolean> |
RadioGroup |
The form field component rendered as a group of HTML input type="radio" elements with the same name attribute. open class RadioGroup : SimplePanel, StringFormControl, ObservableState<String?> |
RadioGroupInput |
The input component rendered as a group of HTML input type="radio" elements with the same name attribute. open class RadioGroupInput : SimplePanel, FormInput, ObservableState<String?> |
Range |
The form field component for range input control. open class Range : SimplePanel, NumberFormControl, ObservableState<Number?> |
RangeInput |
Range input component. open class RangeInput : Widget, FormInput, ObservableState<Number?> |
React |
React component for KVision with support for state holder. class React<S> : Widget, ObservableState<S> |
ReduxStore |
A class implementing redux pattern backed by the Redux Kotlin library. class ReduxStore<S : Any, A : RAction> : ObservableState<S> |
Select |
The form field component for Select control. open class Select : SimplePanel, StringFormControl, ObservableState<String?> |
SelectInput |
The basic component for Select control. open class SelectInput : SimplePanel, FormInput, ObservableState<String?> |
SelectRemote |
The form field component for SelectRemote control. open class SelectRemote<T : Any> : SimplePanel, StringFormControl, ObservableState<String?> |
SimpleSelect |
The form field component for SimpleSelect control. open class SimpleSelect : SimplePanel, StringFormControl, ObservableState<String?> |
SimpleSelectInput |
Simple select component. open class SimpleSelectInput : SimplePanel, FormInput, ObservableState<String?> |
Spinner |
The form field component for spinner control. open class Spinner : SimplePanel, NumberFormControl, ObservableState<Number?> |
SpinnerInput |
The basic component for spinner control. open class SpinnerInput : Widget, FormInput, ObservableState<Number?> |