data class TabulatorOptions<T : Any>
Tabulator options.
<init> |
Tabulator options. TabulatorOptions(height: String? = null, virtualDom: Boolean? = null, virtualDomBuffer: Int? = null, placeholder: String? = null, : String? = null, tooltips: ((cell: CellComponent) -> String)? = null, tooltipGenerationMode: TooltipGenerationMode? = null, history: Boolean? = null, keybindings: dynamic = null, downloadDataFormatter: dynamic = null, downloadConfig: DownloadConfig? = null, reactiveData: Boolean? = null, autoResize: Boolean? = null, columns: List<ColumnDefinition<T>>? = null, autoColumns: Boolean? = null, layout: Layout? = null, layoutColumnsOnNewData: Boolean? = null, responsiveLayout: ResponsiveLayout? = null, responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen: Boolean? = null, responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters: Boolean? = null, columnMinWidth: Int? = null, resizableColumns: Boolean? = null, movableColumns: Boolean? = null, tooltipsHeader: Boolean? = null, headerFilterPlaceholder: String? = null, scrollToColumnPosition: ColumnPosition? = null, scrollToColumnIfVisible: Boolean? = null, rowFormatter: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, addRowPos: RowPos? = null, selectable: dynamic = null, selectableRangeMode: RangeMode? = null, selectableRollingSelection: Boolean? = null, selectablePersistence: Boolean? = null, selectableCheck: ((row: RowComponent) -> Boolean)? = null, movableRows: Boolean? = null, movableRowsConnectedTables: dynamic = null, movableRowsSender: dynamic = null, movableRowsReceiver: dynamic = null, resizableRows: Boolean? = null, scrollToRowPosition: RowPosition? = null, scrollToRowIfVisible: Boolean? = null, index: String? = null, data: Array<T>? = null, ajaxURL: String? = null, ajaxParams: dynamic = null, ajaxConfig: dynamic = null, ajaxContentType: dynamic = null, ajaxURLGenerator: ((url: String, dynamic, dynamic) -> String)? = null, ajaxRequestFunc: ((url: String, dynamic, dynamic) -> Promise<Any>)? = null, ajaxFiltering: Boolean? = null, ajaxSorting: Boolean? = null, ajaxProgressiveLoad: ProgressiveMode? = null, ajaxProgressiveLoadDelay: Int? = null, ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin: Int? = null, ajaxLoader: Boolean? = null, ajaxLoaderLoading: String? = null, ajaxLoaderError: String? = null, initialSort: List<Sorter>? = null, sortOrderReverse: Boolean? = null, initialFilter: List<Filter>? = null, initialHeaderFilter: List<Any?>? = null, pagination: PaginationMode? = null, paginationSize: Int? = null, paginationSizeSelector: Boolean? = null, paginationElement: dynamic = null, paginationDataReceived: dynamic = null, paginationDataSent: dynamic = null, paginationAddRow: AddRowMode? = null, paginationButtonCount: Int? = null, persistenceID: String? = null, persistenceMode: Boolean? = null, persistentLayout: Boolean? = null, persistentSort: Boolean? = null, persistentFilter: Boolean? = null, locale: String? = null, langs: dynamic = null, localized: ((locale: String, dynamic) -> Unit)? = null, headerVisible: Boolean? = null, htmlOutputConfig: dynamic = null, printAsHtml: Boolean? = null, printConfig: dynamic = null, printCopyStyle: Boolean? = null, printVisibleRows: Boolean? = null, printHeader: String? = null, : String? = null, printFormatter: ((dynamic, dynamic) -> Unit)? = null, tabEndNewRow: dynamic = null, headerSort: Boolean? = null, headerSortTristate: Boolean? = null, invalidOptionWarnings: Boolean? = null, dataTree: Boolean? = null, dataTreeChildField: String? = null, dataTreeCollapseElement: dynamic = null, dataTreeExpandElement: dynamic = null, dataTreeElementColumn: String? = null, dataTreeBranchElement: dynamic = null, dataTreeChildIndent: Number? = null, dataTreeStartExpanded: ((row: RowComponent, level: Number) -> Boolean)? = null, dataTreeRowExpanded: ((row: RowComponent, level: Number) -> Unit)? = null, dataTreeRowCollapsed: ((row: RowComponent, level: Number) -> Unit)? = null, movableRowsSendingStart: ((toTables: Array<Any>) -> Unit)? = null, movableRowsSent: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toRow: RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null, movableRowsSentFailed: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toRow: RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null, movableRowsSendingStop: ((toTables: Array<Any>) -> Unit)? = null, movableRowsReceivingStart: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null, movableRowsReceived: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toRow: RowComponent, fromTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null, movableRowsReceivedFailed: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toRow: RowComponent, fromTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null, movableRowsReceivingStop: ((fromTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? = null, rowClick: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowDblClick: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowContext: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowTap: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowDblTap: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowTapHold: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowMouseEnter: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowMouseLeave: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowMouseOver: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowMouseOut: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowMouseMove: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowAdded: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowUpdated: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowDeleted: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowMoved: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowResized: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowSelectionChanged: ((data: Array<Any>, rows: Array<RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null, rowSelected: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, rowDeselected: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellClick: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellDblClick: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellContext: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellTap: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellDblTap: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellTapHold: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellMouseEnter: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellMouseLeave: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellMouseOver: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellMouseOut: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellMouseMove: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellEditing: ((cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellEdited: ((cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, cellEditCancelled: ((cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? = null, columnMoved: ((column: ColumnComponent, columns: Array<dynamic>) -> Unit)? = null, columnResized: ((column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null, columnVisibilityChanged: ((column: ColumnComponent, visible: Boolean) -> Unit)? = null, columnTitleChanged: ((column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? = null, tableBuilding: (() -> Unit)? = null, tableBuilt: (() -> Unit)? = null, renderStarted: (() -> Unit)? = null, renderComplete: (() -> Unit)? = null, htmlImporting: (() -> Unit)? = null, htmlImported: (() -> Unit)? = null, dataLoading: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null, dataLoaded: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null, dataEdited: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? = null, pageLoaded: ((pageno: Int) -> Unit)? = null, dataSorting: ((sorters: Array<Sorter>) -> Unit)? = null, dataSorted: ((sorters: Array<Sorter>, rows: Array<RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null, dataFiltering: ((filters: Array<Filter>) -> Unit)? = null, dataFiltered: ((filters: Array<Filter>, rows: Array<RowComponent>) -> Unit)? = null, validationFailed: ((cell: CellComponent, value: Any, dynamic) -> Unit)? = null, ajaxRequesting: ((url: String, dynamic) -> Boolean)? = null, ajaxResponse: ((url: String, dynamic, dynamic) -> Any)? = null, ajaxError: ((dynamic, textStatus: String, dynamic) -> Unit)? = null) |
addRowPos |
val addRowPos: RowPos? |
ajaxConfig |
val ajaxConfig: dynamic |
ajaxContentType |
val ajaxContentType: dynamic |
ajaxError |
var ajaxError: ((dynamic, textStatus: String, dynamic) -> Unit)? |
ajaxFiltering |
val ajaxFiltering: Boolean? |
ajaxLoader |
val ajaxLoader: Boolean? |
ajaxLoaderError |
val ajaxLoaderError: String? |
ajaxLoaderLoading |
val ajaxLoaderLoading: String? |
ajaxParams |
val ajaxParams: dynamic |
ajaxProgressiveLoad |
val ajaxProgressiveLoad: ProgressiveMode? |
ajaxProgressiveLoadDelay |
val ajaxProgressiveLoadDelay: Int? |
ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin |
val ajaxProgressiveLoadScrollMargin: Int? |
ajaxRequestFunc |
var ajaxRequestFunc: ((url: String, dynamic, dynamic) -> Promise<Any>)? |
ajaxRequesting |
var ajaxRequesting: ((url: String, dynamic) -> Boolean)? |
ajaxResponse |
var ajaxResponse: ((url: String, dynamic, dynamic) -> Any)? |
ajaxSorting |
val ajaxSorting: Boolean? |
ajaxURL |
var ajaxURL: String? |
ajaxURLGenerator |
val ajaxURLGenerator: ((url: String, dynamic, dynamic) -> String)? |
autoColumns |
val autoColumns: Boolean? |
autoResize |
val autoResize: Boolean? |
cellClick |
var cellClick: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellContext |
var cellContext: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellDblClick |
var cellDblClick: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellDblTap |
var cellDblTap: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellEditCancelled |
var cellEditCancelled: ((cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellEdited |
var cellEdited: ((cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellEditing |
var cellEditing: ((cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellMouseEnter |
var cellMouseEnter: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellMouseLeave |
var cellMouseLeave: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellMouseMove |
var cellMouseMove: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellMouseOut |
var cellMouseOut: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellMouseOver |
var cellMouseOver: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellTap |
var cellTap: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
cellTapHold |
var cellTapHold: ((e: Any, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit)? |
columnMinWidth |
val columnMinWidth: Int? |
columnMoved |
var columnMoved: ((column: ColumnComponent, columns: Array<dynamic>) -> Unit)? |
columnResized |
var columnResized: ((column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? |
columns |
val columns: List<ColumnDefinition<T>>? |
columnTitleChanged |
var columnTitleChanged: ((column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit)? |
columnVisibilityChanged |
var columnVisibilityChanged: ((column: ColumnComponent, visible: Boolean) -> Unit)? |
data |
var data: Array<T>? |
dataEdited |
var dataEdited: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? |
dataFiltered |
var dataFiltered: ((filters: Array<Filter>, rows: Array<RowComponent>) -> Unit)? |
dataFiltering |
var dataFiltering: ((filters: Array<Filter>) -> Unit)? |
dataLoaded |
var dataLoaded: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? |
dataLoading |
var dataLoading: ((data: List<T>) -> Unit)? |
dataSorted |
var dataSorted: ((sorters: Array<Sorter>, rows: Array<RowComponent>) -> Unit)? |
dataSorting |
var dataSorting: ((sorters: Array<Sorter>) -> Unit)? |
dataTree |
val dataTree: Boolean? |
dataTreeBranchElement |
val dataTreeBranchElement: dynamic |
dataTreeChildField |
val dataTreeChildField: String? |
dataTreeChildIndent |
val dataTreeChildIndent: Number? |
dataTreeCollapseElement |
val dataTreeCollapseElement: dynamic |
dataTreeElementColumn |
val dataTreeElementColumn: String? |
dataTreeExpandElement |
val dataTreeExpandElement: dynamic |
dataTreeRowCollapsed |
val dataTreeRowCollapsed: ((row: RowComponent, level: Number) -> Unit)? |
dataTreeRowExpanded |
val dataTreeRowExpanded: ((row: RowComponent, level: Number) -> Unit)? |
dataTreeStartExpanded |
val dataTreeStartExpanded: ((row: RowComponent, level: Number) -> Boolean)? |
downloadConfig |
val downloadConfig: DownloadConfig? |
downloadDataFormatter |
val downloadDataFormatter: dynamic |
footerElement |
val footerElement: String? |
headerFilterPlaceholder |
val headerFilterPlaceholder: String? |
headerSort |
val headerSort: Boolean? |
headerSortTristate |
val headerSortTristate: Boolean? |
headerVisible |
val headerVisible: Boolean? |
height |
val height: String? |
history |
val history: Boolean? |
htmlImported |
var htmlImported: (() -> Unit)? |
htmlImporting |
var htmlImporting: (() -> Unit)? |
htmlOutputConfig |
val htmlOutputConfig: dynamic |
index |
val index: String? |
initialFilter |
val initialFilter: List<Filter>? |
initialHeaderFilter |
val initialHeaderFilter: List<Any?>? |
initialSort |
val initialSort: List<Sorter>? |
invalidOptionWarnings |
val invalidOptionWarnings: Boolean? |
keybindings |
val keybindings: dynamic |
langs |
var langs: dynamic |
layout |
val layout: Layout? |
layoutColumnsOnNewData |
val layoutColumnsOnNewData: Boolean? |
locale |
val locale: String? |
localized |
val localized: ((locale: String, dynamic) -> Unit)? |
movableColumns |
val movableColumns: Boolean? |
movableRows |
val movableRows: Boolean? |
movableRowsConnectedTables |
val movableRowsConnectedTables: dynamic |
movableRowsReceived |
val movableRowsReceived: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toRow: RowComponent, fromTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? |
movableRowsReceivedFailed |
val movableRowsReceivedFailed: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toRow: RowComponent, fromTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? |
movableRowsReceiver |
val movableRowsReceiver: dynamic |
movableRowsReceivingStart |
val movableRowsReceivingStart: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? |
movableRowsReceivingStop |
val movableRowsReceivingStop: ((fromTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? |
movableRowsSender |
val movableRowsSender: dynamic |
movableRowsSendingStart |
val movableRowsSendingStart: ((toTables: Array<Any>) -> Unit)? |
movableRowsSendingStop |
val movableRowsSendingStop: ((toTables: Array<Any>) -> Unit)? |
movableRowsSent |
val movableRowsSent: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toRow: RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? |
movableRowsSentFailed |
val movableRowsSentFailed: ((fromRow: RowComponent, toRow: RowComponent, toTable: Tabulator) -> Unit)? |
pageLoaded |
var pageLoaded: ((pageno: Int) -> Unit)? |
pagination |
val pagination: PaginationMode? |
paginationAddRow |
val paginationAddRow: AddRowMode? |
paginationButtonCount |
val paginationButtonCount: Int? |
paginationDataReceived |
val paginationDataReceived: dynamic |
paginationDataSent |
val paginationDataSent: dynamic |
paginationElement |
val paginationElement: dynamic |
paginationSize |
val paginationSize: Int? |
paginationSizeSelector |
val paginationSizeSelector: Boolean? |
persistenceID |
var persistenceID: String? |
persistenceMode |
var persistenceMode: Boolean? |
persistentFilter |
var persistentFilter: Boolean? |
persistentLayout |
var persistentLayout: Boolean? |
persistentSort |
var persistentSort: Boolean? |
placeholder |
val placeholder: String? |
printAsHtml |
val printAsHtml: Boolean? |
printConfig |
val printConfig: dynamic |
printCopyStyle |
val printCopyStyle: Boolean? |
printFooter |
val printFooter: String? |
printFormatter |
val printFormatter: ((dynamic, dynamic) -> Unit)? |
printHeader |
val printHeader: String? |
printVisibleRows |
val printVisibleRows: Boolean? |
reactiveData |
val reactiveData: Boolean? |
renderComplete |
var renderComplete: (() -> Unit)? |
renderStarted |
var renderStarted: (() -> Unit)? |
resizableColumns |
val resizableColumns: Boolean? |
resizableRows |
val resizableRows: Boolean? |
responsiveLayout |
val responsiveLayout: ResponsiveLayout? |
responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen |
val responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen: Boolean? |
responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters |
val responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters: Boolean? |
rowAdded |
var rowAdded: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowClick |
var rowClick: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowContext |
var rowContext: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowDblClick |
var rowDblClick: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowDblTap |
var rowDblTap: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowDeleted |
var rowDeleted: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowDeselected |
var rowDeselected: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowFormatter |
val rowFormatter: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowMouseEnter |
var rowMouseEnter: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowMouseLeave |
var rowMouseLeave: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowMouseMove |
var rowMouseMove: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowMouseOut |
var rowMouseOut: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowMouseOver |
var rowMouseOver: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowMoved |
var rowMoved: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowResized |
var rowResized: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowSelected |
var rowSelected: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowSelectionChanged |
var rowSelectionChanged: ((data: Array<Any>, rows: Array<RowComponent>) -> Unit)? |
rowTap |
var rowTap: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowTapHold |
var rowTapHold: ((dynamic, row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
rowUpdated |
var rowUpdated: ((row: RowComponent) -> Unit)? |
scrollToColumnIfVisible |
val scrollToColumnIfVisible: Boolean? |
scrollToColumnPosition |
val scrollToColumnPosition: ColumnPosition? |
scrollToRowIfVisible |
val scrollToRowIfVisible: Boolean? |
scrollToRowPosition |
val scrollToRowPosition: RowPosition? |
selectable |
val selectable: dynamic |
selectableCheck |
val selectableCheck: ((row: RowComponent) -> Boolean)? |
selectablePersistence |
val selectablePersistence: Boolean? |
selectableRangeMode |
val selectableRangeMode: RangeMode? |
selectableRollingSelection |
val selectableRollingSelection: Boolean? |
sortOrderReverse |
val sortOrderReverse: Boolean? |
tabEndNewRow |
val tabEndNewRow: dynamic |
tableBuilding |
var tableBuilding: (() -> Unit)? |
tableBuilt |
var tableBuilt: (() -> Unit)? |
tooltipGenerationMode |
val tooltipGenerationMode: TooltipGenerationMode? |
tooltips |
val tooltips: ((cell: CellComponent) -> String)? |
tooltipsHeader |
val tooltipsHeader: Boolean? |
validationFailed |
var validationFailed: ((cell: CellComponent, value: Any, dynamic) -> Unit)? |
virtualDom |
val virtualDom: Boolean? |
virtualDomBuffer |
val virtualDomBuffer: Int? |
toJs |
An extension function to convert tabulator options class to JS object. fun <T : Any> TabulatorOptions<T>.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): Options |