open class Tabulator<T : Any> : Widget
Tabulator component.
Tabulator(data: List<T>? = null, dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf()) |
val data: List<T>?
a list of objects |
val dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean
determines if the data model is automatically updated after tabulator edit action |
var filter: ((T) -> Boolean)? |
var jsTabulator: Tabulator? |
val options: TabulatorOptions<T>
tabulator options |
var types: Set<TableType>
Table types. |
var draggable: Boolean?
Determines if the current widget is draggable. |
var eventTarget: Widget? |
var id: String?
An ID attribute of generated HTML element. |
var lastLanguage: String? |
open var parent: Container?
Parent of the current component. |
var popoverOptions: PopoverOptions? |
var role: String?
A role attribute of generated HTML element. |
var surroundingSpan: Boolean |
var title: String?
A title attribute of generated HTML element. |
var tooltipOptions: TooltipOptions? |
open var visible: Boolean
Visibility state of the current component. |
var vnode: VNode? |
open fun afterDestroy(): Unit
Method called after destroying Snabbdom vnode. |
open fun afterInsert(node: VNode): Unit
Method called after inserting Snabbdom vnode into the DOM. |
open fun applyFilter(): Unit
Applies the current filter. |
open fun clearData(): Unit?
Clears the data in the table. |
open fun clearFilter(includeHeaderFilters: Boolean = true): Unit
Clears current filters. |
open fun clearHeaderFilter(): Unit
Clears header filters. |
open fun clearSort(): Unit
Clears current sort. |
fun createJsTabulator(): Unit
Creates internal JS Tabulator object |
open fun deselectRow(row: Int): Unit
Deselect the row given by id. |
open fun getData(active: Boolean): List<T>?
Returns the current data in the table. |
open fun getDataCount(activeOnly: Boolean = false): Int
Get the number of data rows. |
open fun getHistoryRedoSize(): Int
Get the number of history redo actions available. |
open fun getHistoryUndoSize(): Int
Get the number of history undo actions available. |
open fun getHtml(activeOnly: Boolean = false): String?
Get the HTML code of the table. |
open fun getPage(): Int
Returns current page number. |
open fun getPageMax(): Int
Returns number of pages. |
open fun getPageSize(): Int
Returns the size of a page. |
open fun getSelectedData(): List<T>
Returns the selected data in the table. |
open fun getSelectedRows(): List<Tabulator.RowComponent>
Returns the selected rows. |
open fun getSnClass(): List<StringBoolPair>
Returns list of CSS class names for current widget in the form of a List. |
open fun navigateDown(): Unit
Navigate to the same cell in the row below. |
open fun navigateLeft(): Unit
Navigate to the cell on the left. |
open fun navigateNext(): Unit
Navigate to the next cell. |
open fun navigatePrev(): Unit
Navigate to the previous cell. |
open fun navigateRight(): Unit
Navigate to the cell on the right. |
open fun navigateUp(): Unit
Navigate to the same cell in the row above. |
open fun nextPage(): Unit
Navigate to the next page. |
open fun previousPage(): Unit
Navigate to the previous page. |
open fun redo(): Boolean
Redo the last undone user action. |
open fun redraw(force: Boolean = false): Unit
Redraw the table (e.g. after a resize). |
open fun render(): VNode
Renders current component as a Snabbdom vnode. |
open fun replaceData(data: Array<T>): Unit
Silently replaces the data in a table. |
open fun scrollToRow(row: Int, position: RowPosition? = null, ifVisible: Boolean? = null): Unit
Scroll to the row given by id. |
open fun selectRow(row: Int): Unit
Select the row given by id. |
open fun setData(data: Array<T>): Unit
Sets new data in a table. |
open fun setFilter(filter: (T) -> Boolean): Unit
Sets the external filter for the data. |
open fun setHeight(height: Int): Unit
Change the height of the table. |
open fun setPage(page: Int): Unit
Shows given page. |
open fun setPageSize(size: Int): Unit
Set the size of a page. |
open fun setPageToRow(row: Int): Unit
Shows page with a row given by id. |
open fun toggleSelectRow(row: Int): Unit
Toggle selection status of the row given by id. |
open fun undo(): Boolean
Undo the last user action. |
open fun addCssClass(css: String): Widget
Adds given value to the set of CSS classes generated in html code of current component. open fun addCssClass(css: Style): Widget
Adds given style object to the set of CSS classes generated in html code of current component. |
open fun addSurroundingCssClass(css: String): Widget
Adds given value to the set of CSS classes generated in html code of parent component. open fun addSurroundingCssClass(css: Style): Widget
Adds given style object to the set of CSS classes generated in html code of parent component. |
open fun afterCreate(node: VNode): Unit
Method called after creating Snabbdom vnode. |
open fun clearDragDropData(): Unit
Clears D&D data for the current widget. It also makes it not draggable. |
open fun disablePopover(): Widget
Disables popover for the current widget. |
open fun disableTooltip(): Widget
Disables tooltip for the current widget. |
open fun dispatchEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: CustomEventInit): Boolean? |
open fun enablePopover(options: PopoverOptions = PopoverOptions()): Widget
Enables popover for the current widget. |
open fun enableTooltip(options: TooltipOptions = TooltipOptions()): Widget
Enables tooltip for the current widget. |
open fun getAttribute(name: String): String?
Returns the value of an additional attribute. |
open fun getElement(): Node?
Returns DOM element bound to the current component. |
open fun getElementJQuery(): JQuery?
Returns JQuery element bound to the current component. |
open fun getElementJQueryD(): dynamic
Returns JQuery element bound to the current component as a dynamic type. |
open fun getSnAttrs(): List<StringPair>
Returns list of element attributes in the form of a List. |
open fun getSnHooks(): Hooks?
Returns list of hooks in the form of a Snabbdom Hooks object. |
open fun getSnOn(): On?
Returns list of event handlers in the form of a Snabbdom On object. |
open fun hide(): Widget
Makes current widget invisible. |
open fun hidePopover(): Widget
Hides popover for the current widget. |
open fun hideTooltip(): Widget
Hides tooltip for the current widget. |
fun <T> refreshOnUpdate(refreshFunction: (T) -> Unit = { this.refresh() }): Widget.RefreshDelegateProvider<T> fun <T> refreshOnUpdate(initialValue: T, refreshFunction: (T) -> Unit = { this.refresh() }): Widget.RefreshDelegateProvider<T> |
open fun removeAttribute(name: String): Widget
Removes the value of additional attribute. |
open fun removeCssClass(css: String): Widget
Removes given value from the set of CSS classes generated in html code of current component. open fun removeCssClass(css: Style): Widget
Removes given style object from the set of CSS classes generated in html code of current component. |
open fun removeEventListeners(): Widget
Removes all event listeners from current widget. |
open fun removeSurroundingCssClass(css: String): Widget
Removes given value from the set of CSS classes generated in html code of parent component. open fun removeSurroundingCssClass(css: Style): Widget
Removes given style object from the set of CSS classes generated in html code of parent component. |
open fun render(elementName: String): VNode open fun render(elementName: String, children: Array<dynamic>): VNode
Renders current component as a Snabbdom vnode. |
open fun setAttribute(name: String, value: String): Widget
Sets the value of additional attribute. |
open fun setContextMenu(contextMenu: ContextMenu): Widget
Sets context menu for the current widget. |
open fun setDragDropData(format: String, data: String): Unit
Sets D&D data for the current widget. It also makes it draggable. |
open fun setDropTarget(format: String, callback: (DragEvent) -> Unit): Unit open fun setDropTarget(formats: Set<String>? = null, callback: (DragEvent) -> Unit): Unit
Sets the current widget as a D&D drop target. |
open fun setDropTargetData(format: String, callback: (String?) -> Unit): Unit
Sets the current widget as a D&D drop target with helper callback accepting String data. |
open fun <T : Widget> setEventListener(block: SnOn<T>.() -> Unit): Widget
Sets an event listener for current widget, keeping the actual type of component. open fun setEventListener(block: SnOn<Widget>.() -> Unit): Widget
Sets an event listener for current widget. |
open fun show(): Widget
Makes current widget visible. |
open fun showPopover(): Widget
Shows popover for the current widget. |
open fun showTooltip(): Widget
Shows tooltip for the current widget. |
fun <T> singleRender(block: () -> T): T |
open fun toggleVisible(): Widget
Toggles visibility of current widget. |
fun translate(text: String?): String? |
fun <T : Any> create(data: List<T>? = null, dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
A helper function to create a Tabulator object with correct serializer. fun <T : Any, S : Any, A> create(store: ReduxStore<S, A>, dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
A helper function to create a Tabulator object with correct serializer and general redux store. fun <T : Any, A> create(store: ReduxStore<List<T>, A>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
A helper function to create a Tabulator object with correct serializer and dedicated redux store. |
fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(data: List<T>? = null, dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function. fun <T : Any, S : Any, A> Container.tabulator(store: ReduxStore<S, A>, dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function for general redux store. fun <T : Any, A> Container.tabulator(store: ReduxStore<List<T>, A>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function for dedicated redux store (backed with a list). fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function for dynamic data (send within options parameter). |
fun <T> Any?.createInstance(vararg args: dynamic): T
Helper function for creating JavaScript objects from dynamic constructors. |
open class TabulatorRemote<T : Any, E : Any> : Tabulator<T>
Tabulator component connected to the multiplatform service. |