<HTML> <HEAD> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>CheckInput.startValue - kvision</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../style.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <a href="../../index.html">kvision</a> / <a href="../index.html">pl.treksoft.kvision.form.check</a> / <a href="index.html">CheckInput</a> / <a href="./start-value.html">startValue</a><br/> <br/> <h1>startValue</h1> <a name="pl.treksoft.kvision.form.check.CheckInput$startValue"></a> <code><span class="keyword">var </span><span class="identifier">startValue</span><span class="symbol">: </span><a href="https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlin/-boolean/index.html"><span class="identifier">Boolean</span></a></code> <p>The value attribute of the generated HTML input element.</p> <p>This value is placed directly in generated HTML code, while the <a href="value.html">value</a> property is dynamically bound to the input selection state.</p> <p><strong>Getter</strong><br/> <p>The value attribute of the generated HTML input element.</p> <p>This value is placed directly in generated HTML code, while the <a href="value.html">value</a> property is dynamically bound to the input selection state.</p> </p> <p><strong>Setter</strong><br/> <p>The value attribute of the generated HTML input element.</p> <p>This value is placed directly in generated HTML code, while the <a href="value.html">value</a> property is dynamically bound to the input selection state.</p> </p> </BODY> </HTML>