open class HPanel : FlexPanel
The container with horizontal layout.
This is a special case of the flexbox layout.
HPanel(wrap: FLEXWRAP? = null, justify: FLEXJUSTIFY? = null, alignItems: FLEXALIGNITEMS? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: HPanel.() -> Unit = null) |
var alignContent: FLEXALIGNCONTENT?
CSS flexbox content alignment. |
var alignItems: FLEXALIGNITEMS?
CSS flexbox items alignment. |
var direction: FLEXDIR?
CSS flexbox direction. |
var justify: FLEXJUSTIFY?
CSS flexbox content justification. |
var spacing: Int?
The spacing between columns/rows. |
var wrap: FLEXWRAP?
CSS flexbox wrap mode. |
fun add(child: Component, order: Int? = null, grow: Int? = null, shrink: Int? = null, basis: Int? = null, alignSelf: FLEXALIGNITEMS? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf()): FlexPanel
Adds a component to the flexbox container. open fun add(child: Component): FlexPanel
Adds given component to the current container. |
open fun addAll(children: List<Component>): FlexPanel
Adds a list of components to the current container. |
open fun getSnStyle(): List<StringPair>
Returns the list of String pairs defining CSS style attributes and their values. |
open fun remove(child: Component): FlexPanel
Removes given component from the current container. |
open fun removeAll(): FlexPanel
Removes all children from the current container. |
fun Container.hPanel(wrap: FLEXWRAP? = null, justify: FLEXJUSTIFY? = null, alignItems: FLEXALIGNITEMS? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: HPanel.() -> Unit = null): HPanel
DSL builder extension function. |