/*! * Ajax Bootstrap Select * * Extends existing [Bootstrap Select] implementations by adding the ability to search via AJAX requests as you type. Originally for CROSCON. * * @version 1.4.5 * @author Adam Heim - https://github.com/truckingsim * @link https://github.com/truckingsim/Ajax-Bootstrap-Select * @copyright 2019 Adam Heim * @license Released under the MIT license. * * Contributors: * Mark Carver - https://github.com/markcarver * * Last build: 2019-09-24 9:36:53 AM CDT */ !(function ($) { $.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.locale["tr-TR"]={currentlySelected:"Seçili olanlar",emptyTitle:"Seç ve yazmaya başla",errorText:"Sonuçlar alınamadı",searchPlaceholder:"Ara...",statusInitialized:"Arama için yazmaya başla",statusNoResults:"Sonuç yok",statusSearching:"Aranıyor...",statusTooShort:"Lütfen daha fazla karakter girin"},$.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.locale.tr=$.fn.ajaxSelectPicker.locale["tr-TR"];})(jQuery);