package pl.treksoft.kvision.dropdown import com.github.snabbdom.VNode import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Container import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.ResString import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Widget import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.BUTTONSIZE import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.BUTTONSTYLE import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.Button import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.LIST import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.Link import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.ListTag import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.TAG import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.Tag import pl.treksoft.kvision.snabbdom.StringBoolPair import pl.treksoft.kvision.snabbdom.StringPair import pl.treksoft.kvision.snabbdom.obj enum class DD(val type: String) { HEADER("DD#HEADER"), DISABLED("DD#DISABLED"), SEPARATOR("DD#SEPARATOR") } open class DropDown(text: String, elements: List? = null, icon: String? = null, style: BUTTONSTYLE = BUTTONSTYLE.DEFAULT, size: BUTTONSIZE? = null, block: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, image: ResString? = null, dropup: Boolean = false, classes: Set = setOf()) : Container(classes) { var text get() = button.text set(value) { button.text = value } private var elements = elements set(value) { field = elements setChildrenFromElements() } var icon get() = button.icon set(value) { button.icon = value } var style get() = set(value) { = value } var size get() = button.size set(value) { button.size = value } var block get() = button.block set(value) { button.block = value } var disabled get() = button.disabled set(value) { button.disabled = value } var image get() = button.image set(value) { button.image = value } private var dropup = dropup set(value) { field = value refresh() } private val idc = "kv_dropdown_" + counter internal val button: DropDownButton = DropDownButton(idc, text, icon, style, size, block, disabled, image, setOf("dropdown")) internal val list: DropDownListTag = DropDownListTag(idc, setOf("dropdown-menu")) init { button.setEventListener { click = { if (!button.disabled) toggle() } } list.hide() setChildrenFromElements() this.addInternal(button) this.addInternal(list) counter++ } companion object { var counter = 0 } override fun add(child: Widget): Container { list.add(child) return this } override fun addAll(children: List): Container { list.addAll(children) return this } private fun setChildrenFromElements() { val elems = elements if (elems != null) { val c = { when (it.second) { DD.HEADER.type -> Tag(TAG.LI, it.first, classes = setOf("dropdown-header")) DD.SEPARATOR.type -> { val tag = Tag(TAG.LI, it.first, classes = setOf("divider")) tag.role = "separator" tag } DD.DISABLED.type -> { val tag = Tag(TAG.LI, classes = setOf("disabled")) tag.add(Link(it.first, "#")) tag } else -> Link(it.first, it.second) } } list.addAll(c) } else { list.removeAll() } } @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic") override fun afterInsert(node: VNode) { this.getElementJQuery()?.on("", { e, _ -> this.dispatchEvent("showBsDropdown", obj({ detail = e })) }) this.getElementJQuery()?.on("", { e, _ -> this.dispatchEvent("shownBsDropdown", obj({ detail = e })) }) this.getElementJQuery()?.on("", { e, _ -> this.dispatchEvent("hideBsDropdown", obj({ detail = e })) }) this.getElementJQuery()?.on("", { e, _ -> list.visible = false this.dispatchEvent("hiddenBsDropdown", obj({ detail = e })) }) } override fun getSnClass(): List { val cl = super.getSnClass().toMutableList() if (dropup) cl.add("dropup" to true) else cl.add("dropdown" to true) return cl } open fun toggle() { if (list.visible) list.hideInternal() else } } open class DropDownButton(id: String, text: String, icon: String? = null, style: BUTTONSTYLE = BUTTONSTYLE.DEFAULT, size: BUTTONSIZE? = null, block: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, image: ResString? = null, classes: Set = setOf()) : Button(text, icon, style, size, block, disabled, image, classes) { init { = id } override fun getSnAttrs(): List { return super.getSnAttrs() + listOf("data-toggle" to "dropdown", "aria-haspopup" to "true", "aria-expanded" to "false") } } open class DropDownListTag(private val ariaId: String, classes: Set = setOf()) : ListTag(LIST.UL, null, false, classes) { override fun getSnAttrs(): List { return super.getSnAttrs() + listOf("aria-labelledby" to ariaId) } override fun hide(): Widget { if (visible) hideInternal() return super.hide() } override fun afterInsert(node: VNode) { if (visible) showInternal() } @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic") private fun showInternal() { if (getElementJQueryD()?.`is`(":hidden")) { getElementJQueryD()?.dropdown("toggle") } } @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic") internal fun hideInternal() { if (!getElementJQueryD()?.`is`(":hidden")) { getElementJQueryD()?.dropdown("toggle") } } }