/* * Copyright (c) 2018. Robert Jaros */ package pl.treksoft.kvision.html import com.github.snabbdom.VNode import org.w3c.dom.Window import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Container import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.StringPair import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Widget /** * Iframe sandbox options. */ enum class Sandbox(internal val option: String) { ALLOWFORMS("allow-forms"), ALLOWPOINTERLOCK("allow-pointer-lock"), ALLOWPOPUPS("allow-popups"), ALLOWSAMEORIGIN("allow-same-origin"), ALLOWSCRIPTS("allow-scripts"), ALLOWTOPNAVIGATION("allow-top-navigation") } /** * Iframe component. * * @constructor * @param src the iframe document address * @param srcdoc the HTML content of the iframe * @param name the name of the iframe * @param iframeWidth the width of the iframe * @param iframeHeight the height of the iframe * @param sandbox a set of Sandbox options * @param classes a set of CSS class names */ open class Iframe( src: String? = null, srcdoc: String? = null, name: String? = null, iframeWidth: Int? = null, iframeHeight: Int? = null, sandbox: Set? = null, classes: Set = setOf() ) : Widget(classes) { /** * The iframe document address. */ var src by refreshOnUpdate(src) /** * The HTML content of the iframe. */ var srcdoc by refreshOnUpdate(srcdoc) /** * The name of the iframe. */ var name by refreshOnUpdate(name) /** * The width of the iframe. */ var iframeWidth by refreshOnUpdate(iframeWidth) /** * The height of the iframe. */ var iframeHeight by refreshOnUpdate(iframeHeight) /** * A set of Sandbox options. */ var sandbox by refreshOnUpdate(sandbox) /** * A current location URL of the iframe. */ var location: String? get() = getLocationHref() set(value) { setLocationHref(value) } override fun render(): VNode { return render("iframe") } override fun getSnAttrs(): List { val pr = super.getSnAttrs().toMutableList() src?.let { pr.add("src" to it) } srcdoc?.let { pr.add("srcdoc" to it) } name?.let { pr.add("name" to it) } iframeWidth?.let { pr.add("width" to it.toString()) } iframeHeight?.let { pr.add("height" to it.toString()) } sandbox?.let { pr.add("sandbox" to it.joinToString(" ") { it.option }) } return pr } @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic") private fun getLocationHref(): String? { return getElementJQueryD()[0].contentWindow.location.href } private fun setLocationHref(location: String?) { getElementJQueryD()[0].contentWindow.location.href = location ?: "about:blank" } /** * Returns content window object of the iframe. * @return content window object */ @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic") open fun getIframeWindow(): Window { return getElementJQueryD()[0].contentWindow } companion object { /** * DSL builder extension function. * * It takes the same parameters as the constructor of the built component. */ fun Container.iframe( src: String? = null, srcdoc: String? = null, name: String? = null, iframeWidth: Int? = null, iframeHeight: Int? = null, sandbox: Set? = null, classes: Set = setOf(), init: (Iframe.() -> Unit)? = null ): Iframe { val iframe = Iframe(src, srcdoc, name, iframeWidth, iframeHeight, sandbox, classes).apply { init?.invoke(this) } this.add(iframe) return iframe } } }