package pl.treksoft.kvision.panel import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Widget import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.WidgetWrapper import pl.treksoft.kvision.snabbdom.StringPair enum class FLEXDIR(val dir: String) { ROW("row"), ROWREV("row-reverse"), COLUMN("column"), COLUMNREV("column-reverse") } enum class FLEXWRAP(val wrap: String) { NOWRAP("nowrap"), WRAP("wrap"), WRAPREV("wrap-reverse") } enum class FLEXJUSTIFY(val justify: String) { FLEXSTART("flex-start"), FLEXEND("flex-end"), CENTER("center"), SPACEBETWEEN("space-between"), SPACEAROUND("space-around"), SPACEEVENLY("space-evenly") } enum class FLEXALIGNITEMS(val alignItems: String) { FLEXSTART("flex-start"), FLEXEND("flex-end"), CENTER("center"), BASELINE("baseline"), STRETCH("stretch") } enum class FLEXALIGNCONTENT(val alignContent: String) { FLEXSTART("flex-start"), FLEXEND("flex-end"), CENTER("center"), SPACEBETWEEN("space-between"), SPACEAROUND("space-around"), STRETCH("stretch") } open class FlexPanel(direction: FLEXDIR? = null, wrap: FLEXWRAP? = null, justify: FLEXJUSTIFY? = null, alignItems: FLEXALIGNITEMS? = null, alignContent: FLEXALIGNCONTENT? = null, classes: Set = setOf()) : SimplePanel(classes) { var direction = direction set(value) { field = value refresh() } var wrap = wrap set(value) { field = value refresh() } var justify = justify set(value) { field = value refresh() } var alignItems = alignItems set(value) { field = value refresh() } var alignContent = alignContent set(value) { field = value refresh() } @Suppress("LongParameterList") fun add(child: Widget, order: Int? = null, grow: Int? = null, shrink: Int? = null, basis: Int? = null, alignSelf: FLEXALIGNITEMS? = null, classes: Set = setOf()): FlexPanel { addInternal(FlexWrapper(child, order, grow, shrink, basis, alignSelf, classes)) return this } override fun add(child: Widget): FlexPanel { return add(child, null) } override fun addAll(children: List): FlexPanel { children.forEach { add(it, null) } return this } override fun remove(child: Widget): FlexPanel { children.find { (it as FlexWrapper).delegate == child }?.let { super.remove(it) it.dispose() } return this } override fun removeAll(): FlexPanel { { it.clearParent() it.dispose() } children.clear() refresh() return this } override fun getSnStyle(): List { val snstyle = super.getSnStyle().toMutableList() snstyle.add("display" to "flex") direction?.let { snstyle.add("flex-direction" to it.dir) } wrap?.let { snstyle.add("flex-wrap" to it.wrap) } justify?.let { snstyle.add("justify-content" to it.justify) } alignItems?.let { snstyle.add("align-items" to it.alignItems) } alignContent?.let { snstyle.add("align-content" to it.alignContent) } return snstyle } } class FlexWrapper(delegate: Widget, private val order: Int? = null, private val grow: Int? = null, private val shrink: Int? = null, private val basis: Int? = null, private val alignSelf: FLEXALIGNITEMS? = null, classes: Set = setOf()) : WidgetWrapper(delegate, classes) { override fun getSnStyle(): List { val snstyle = super.getSnStyle().toMutableList() order?.let { snstyle.add("order" to "$it") } grow?.let { snstyle.add("flex-grow" to "$it") } shrink?.let { snstyle.add("flex-shrink" to "$it") } basis?.let { snstyle.add("flex-basis" to "$it%") } alignSelf?.let { snstyle.add("align-self" to it.alignItems) } return snstyle } }