package pl.treksoft.kvision.panel import com.github.snabbdom.VNode import pl.treksoft.jquery.JQuery import pl.treksoft.jquery.JQueryEventObject import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.Container import pl.treksoft.kvision.core.UNIT import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.TAG import pl.treksoft.kvision.html.Tag import pl.treksoft.kvision.snabbdom.obj enum class DIRECTION(val dir: String) { HORIZONTAL("horizontal"), VERTICAL("vertical") } open class SplitPanel(private val direction: DIRECTION = DIRECTION.VERTICAL, classes: Set = setOf()) : Container(classes + ("splitpanel-" + direction.dir)) { @Suppress("LeakingThis") private val splitter = Splitter(this, direction) @Suppress("UnsafeCastFromDynamic") internal fun afterInsertSplitter() { if (children.size == 2) { val horizontal = direction == DIRECTION.HORIZONTAL val px = UNIT.px val self = this children[0].getElementJQueryD().resizable(obj { handleSelector = "#" + resizeWidth = !horizontal resizeHeight = horizontal onDrag = lok@ { e: JQueryEventObject, _: JQuery, newWidth: Int, newHeight: Int, _: dynamic -> e.asDynamic()["newWidth"] = newWidth e.asDynamic()["newHeight"] = newHeight self.dispatchEvent("dragSplitPanel", obj({ detail = e })) return@lok !e.isDefaultPrevented() } onDragEnd = { e: JQueryEventObject, el: JQuery, _: dynamic -> if (horizontal) { children[0].height = el.height().toInt() to px } else { children[0].width = el.width().toInt() to px } self.dispatchEvent("dragEndSplitPanel", obj({ detail = e })) } }) } } override fun childrenVNodes(): Array { return if (children.size == 2) { arrayOf(children[0].renderVNode(), splitter.renderVNode(), children[1].renderVNode()) } else { arrayOf() } } } class Splitter(private val splitPanel: SplitPanel, direction: DIRECTION) : Tag(TAG.DIV, classes = setOf("splitter-" + direction.dir)) { private val idc = "kv_splitter_" + counter init { counter++ = idc } override fun afterInsert(node: VNode) { splitPanel.afterInsertSplitter() } companion object { var counter = 0 } }