extends Node2D onready var _pause_menu = $Camera2D/PauseMenu onready var _level_holder = $LevelHolder onready var _camera : CameraTrackFollower = $Camera2D onready var _path_renderer : PathRenderer = $PathRenderer onready var _health_bar = $Camera2D/healthbar onready var _last_camera_location : Vector2 = $Camera2D.position const _levels = [ preload("res://scenes/introduction.tscn") ] var _current_level = 0 var _loaded_level : Level var _track : Path2D var _health = 10 # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): _health_bar.maxhealth = 10 _load_current_level() func _get_next_level_pos() -> Vector2: var dir = (randi() % 2) * 2 -1 return _last_camera_location + Vector2(500, dir * (500 + randi() % 500)) func _create_path_from(from: Vector2, to: Vector2): var path = Path2D.new() var curve = Curve2D.new() var diff = to -from curve.add_point(from) curve.add_point(from + Vector2(diff.x, 0)) curve.add_point(to) path.curve = curve return path func _add_hooks(): _loaded_level.connect("level_finished", self, "_on_Level_level_finished") _loaded_level.connect("lost_heart", self, "_on_Level_lost_heart") func _on_Level_level_finished(): pass # TODO func _on_Level_lost_heart(): _health -= 1 if _health == 0: pass # TODO: lose scenario _health_bar.set_health(_health) func _load_current_level(): if _loaded_level != null: push_error("Tried to load level, while another level was already loaded.") assert(false) var pos = _get_next_level_pos() print("Loading level at ",pos) _loaded_level = _levels[_current_level].instance() _loaded_level.position = pos _add_hooks() _level_holder.add_child(_loaded_level) print("Level loaded") _track = _create_path_from(_last_camera_location, pos) add_child(_track) print("Tracks loaded") _path_renderer.path = _track _camera.path = _track func _on_MenuButton_on_click(): _pause_menu.pause() func _on_Camera2D_done(): print("Camera movement done") _loaded_level.start()