[gd_scene load_steps=4 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://textures/newspaper.png" type="Texture" id=1] [ext_resource path="res://scenes/story/newspaper.gd" type="Script" id=2] [ext_resource path="res://components/button.tscn" type="PackedScene" id=3] [node name="Node2D" type="Node2D"] script = ExtResource( 2 ) [node name="newspaper" type="Sprite" parent="."] scale = Vector2( 0.729248, 0.729248 ) texture = ExtResource( 1 ) [node name="Node2D" type="Node2D" parent="newspaper"] scale = Vector2( 2, 2 ) [node name="RichTextLabel" type="RichTextLabel" parent="newspaper/Node2D"] margin_left = -174.0 margin_top = -169.0 margin_right = 189.0 margin_bottom = -134.0 text = "LOCAL LUNATIC ARRESTED" __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="RichTextLabel" type="RichTextLabel" parent="newspaper"] margin_left = -305.0 margin_top = -220.0 margin_right = 329.0 margin_bottom = 86.0 bbcode_text = "Local lunatic and pizza-connoisseur Tom has been arrested by City Police forces this Monday at around 6 P.M. after a journalist who wishes to remain anonymous has brought forward harassment charges. The Journalist claims Tom followed her home after work, because she didn't want to publish his \"amazing investigation\"." text = "Local lunatic and pizza-connoisseur Tom has been arrested by City Police forces this Monday at around 6 P.M. after a journalist who wishes to remain anonymous has brought forward harassment charges. The Journalist claims Tom followed her home after work, because she didn't want to publish his \"amazing investigation\"." __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="RichTextLabel2" type="RichTextLabel" parent="newspaper"] margin_left = -306.0 margin_top = 114.0 margin_right = 369.0 margin_bottom = 370.0 bbcode_enabled = true bbcode_text = "In other News: Marcus' beloved Pizza Palace now closed indefintely for \"renovations.\" City council confirms citizens have \"not to worry\" about giant floating eyes in the sky." text = "In other News: Marcus' beloved Pizza Palace now closed indefintely for \"renovations.\" City council confirms citizens have \"not to worry\" about giant floating eyes in the sky." __meta__ = { "_edit_use_anchors_": false } [node name="Button" parent="newspaper" instance=ExtResource( 3 )] position = Vector2( 2.06922, 371.448 ) text = "Back to Menu" [connection signal="on_click" from="newspaper/Button" to="." method="_on_Button_on_click"]