diff options
authorReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2014-02-27 04:48:18 +0100
committerReinier Zwitserloot <reinier@zwitserloot.com>2014-02-27 16:04:40 +0100
commit99784282b92a3b5ca2e7f2b936c3e6dd11aca6a6 (patch)
parent7d10aad6a6431680da557e6b5045595139abd636 (diff)
fun times ant hacking to make the ant eclipseForDebugging task ask which alternative you want in the face of multiple plugin versions.
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index b411b5c3..cd9ef3f7 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -330,51 +330,51 @@ the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scr
<fileset dir="${eclipse.location}/plugins" includes="${pluginName}_*" />
- <pathconvert property="augment.src" setonempty="false" pathsep=" :: ">
- <fileset dir="${eclipse.location}/plugins" includes="${pluginName}.source_*" />
- </pathconvert>
+ <fail unless="augment.bin">
+ You do not have the eclipse plugin '${pluginName}'. I expected it to be in your eclipse plugins directory (followed by an underscore and a version number).
+ </fail>
- <condition property="noSourceAvailable">
- <and>
- <isset property="augment.bin" />
- <not><isset property="augment.src" /></not>
- </and>
+ <condition property="multiples">
+ <contains string="${augment.bin}" substring=" :: " />
- <condition property="multiples">
- <or>
- <contains string="${augment.bin}" substring=" :: " />
- <contains string="${augment.src}" substring=" :: " />
- </or>
+ <condition property="augment.jar" value="${augment.bin}">
+ <not><isset property="multiples" /></not>
- <fail if="noSourceAvailable">
- You do not have sources for ${augment.bin}. I expect the sources to be in the same directory, but starting with '${prefix}.source_'.
- </fail>
+ <input message="You have multiple versions of the same plugin. These are: ${augment.bin}. Please copy/paste the complete path to the one you want to use, press enter to abort:" addproperty="augment.jar" />
- <fail unless="augment.bin">
- You do not have the eclipse plugin '${pluginName}'. I expected it to be in your eclipse plugins directory (followed by an underscore and a version number).
- </fail>
+ <condition property="emptyTarget">
+ <equals arg1="${augment.jar}" arg2="" />
+ </condition>
- <fail if="multiples">
- You have multiple versions of the same plugin. You should probably delete everything except the one your eclipse actually uses.
+ <fail>
+ <condition>
+ <equals arg1="${augment.jar}" arg2="" />
+ </condition>
+ </fail>
- Binaries: ${augment.bin}
+ <pathconvert property="augment.src">
+ <map from="${eclipse.location}/plugins/${pluginName}_" to="${eclipse.location}/plugins/${pluginName}.source_" />
+ <fileset file="${augment.jar}" />
+ </pathconvert>
- Sources: ${augment.src}
- </fail>
+ <available property="sourceAddition" file="${augment.src}" value=" sourcepath=&quot;${augment.src}&quot;" />
+ <property name="sourceAddition" value="" />
- <condition property="intentionallyBreakTheRegexp" value="" else="thisWontBeInClasspathFile">
- <isset property="augment.bin" />
+ <condition property="sourceWarning" value="WARNING: No source available for this plugin!">
+ <equals arg1="${sourceAddition}" arg2="" />
+ <property name="sourceWarning" value="" />
<replaceregexp file=".classpath" flags="is" encoding="UTF-8">
- <regexp pattern="^(.*?)(.)${intentionallyBreakTheRegexp}(&lt;classpathentry kind=.lib. path=)(.*)$" />
- <substitution expression="\1\2&lt;classpathentry kind=&quot;lib&quot; path=&quot;____AUGMENT_BIN____&quot; sourcepath=&quot;____AUGMENT_SRC____&quot;/&gt;\${line.separator}\2\3\4" />
+ <regexp pattern="^(.*?)(.)(&lt;classpathentry kind=.lib. path=)(.*)$" />
+ <substitution expression="\1\2&lt;classpathentry kind=&quot;lib&quot; path=&quot;____AUGMENT_BIN____&quot;____AUGMENT_SRC____/&gt;\${line.separator}\2\3\4" />
- <replace file=".classpath" token="____AUGMENT_BIN____" value="${augment.bin}" />
- <replace file=".classpath" token="____AUGMENT_SRC____" value="${augment.src}" />
- <echo>Added to project classpath from your eclipse installation: ${pluginName}.</echo>
+ <replace file=".classpath" token="____AUGMENT_BIN____" value="${augment.jar}" />
+ <replace file=".classpath" token="____AUGMENT_SRC____" value="${sourceAddition}" />
+ <echo>Added to project classpath from your eclipse installation: ${pluginName}.
<target name="-test-compile" depends="ensureTestDeps, compile" unless="skipTests">