diff options
authorRoel Spilker <r.spilker@gmail.com>2010-07-20 02:06:06 +0200
committerRoel Spilker <r.spilker@gmail.com>2010-07-20 02:06:06 +0200
commitc5a31a3768b49243801cb9198419ecb9d34a7f5e (patch)
parent4d2eaa365352224992f4390bdfffc8a9c5ab1c74 (diff)
Made more consistent
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 5b061a30..e7b14761 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scr
<property name="ivy.retrieve.pattern" value="lib/[conf]/[artifact].[ext]" />
<available file="lib/ivyplusplus.jar" property="ivyplusplus.available" />
- <target name="clean" description="Removes all generated files">
+ <target name="clean" description="Removes all generated files.">
<delete dir="build" quiet="true" />
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scr
- <target name="version" depends="ensure-ipp" description="Shows the version number" unless="lombok.version">
+ <target name="version" depends="ensure-ipp" description="Shows the version number." unless="lombok.version">
<mkdir dir="build/lombok" />
<javac includeDestClasses="false" srcdir="src/core" debug="on" destdir="build/lombok" source="1.5" target="1.5" includes="lombok/core/Version.java" />
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scr
<fail message="fill in ${credentialsFile} to provide your credentials" />
- <target name="publish" description="Publishes the latest build to googlecode" depends="version, -checkCredentialsFile, dist, test">
+ <target name="publish" description="Publishes the latest build to googlecode." depends="version, -checkCredentialsFile, dist, test">
<taskdef classname="net.bluecow.googlecode.ant.GoogleCodeUploadTask" classpath="lib/build/ant-googlecode-0.0.2.jar" name="gcupload" />
<property file="${credentialsFile}" prefix="google" />
@@ -305,23 +305,23 @@ the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scr
<target name="publish-all" depends="clean, version, website-publish, maven-publish, publish"
- description="Publishes lombok itself, updates the maven repository, and the website" />
+ description="Publishes lombok itself, updates the maven repository and the website." />
<target name="edge-release" depends="clean, version, dist"
- description="Publishes an edge release for those who need to test a cutting edge build">
+ description="Publishes an edge release for those who need to test a cutting edge build.">
<ant antfile="buildScripts/website.ant.xml" target="edgeRelease" inheritAll="false">
<property name="lombok.version" value="${lombok.version}" />
- <target name="website" depends="version" description="Prepares the website for distribution">
+ <target name="website" depends="version" description="Prepares the website for distribution.">
<ant antfile="buildScripts/website.ant.xml" target="website" inheritAll="false">
<property name="lombok.version" value="${lombok.version}" />
<target name="website-publish" depends="clean, version"
- description="Prepares the website for distribution and then publishes it to projectlombok.org">
+ description="Prepares the website for distribution and then publishes it to projectlombok.org.">
<ant antfile="buildScripts/website.ant.xml" target="website-publish" inheritAll="false">
<property name="lombok.version" value="${lombok.version}" />