path: root/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.xml')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index d1d4146e..676c34d7 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -164,12 +164,15 @@ the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scr
<target name="dist" description="Builds THE lombok.jar file which contains everything." depends="version, compile">
<mkdir dir="dist" />
<copy file="doc/changelog.markdown" tofile="build/changelog.txt" />
- <jar destfile="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}.jar">
+ <taskdef name="jarjar" classname="com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask" classpath="lib/build/jarjar.jar" />
+ <jarjar destfile="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}.jar">
<fileset dir="build/lombok">
<exclude name="com/sun/**"/>
<fileset dir="build" includes="changelog.txt" />
<fileset dir="." includes="LICENSE" />
+ <rule pattern="com.zwitserloot.cmdreader.**" result="lombok.libs.com.zwitserloot.cmdreader.@1" />
+ <rule pattern="org.objectweb.asm.**" result="lombok.libs.org.objectweb.asm.@1" />
<attribute name="Premain-Class" value="lombok.core.Agent" />
<attribute name="Agent-Class" value="lombok.core.Agent" />
@@ -177,7 +180,7 @@ the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scr
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="lombok.core.Main" />
<attribute name="Lombok-Version" value="${lombok.version}" />
- </jar>
+ </jarjar>
<copy file="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}.jar" tofile="dist/lombok.jar" />
<property name="lombok.dist.built" value="true" />
@@ -274,42 +277,60 @@ the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scr
<echo level="info">All tests successful.</echo>
- <target name="maven" depends="version, dist, test" description="Build a maven repository.">
- <ivy:make-maven-repo
- group="org.projectlombok" artifact="lombok"
- version="${lombok.version}"
- url="http://projectlombok.org/mavenrepo"
- outfile="dist/maven.tar.bz2"
- artifactfile="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}.jar"
- pomfile="doc/maven-pom.xml">
- <sources>
- <fileset dir="src/core" />
- <fileset dir="src/eclipseAgent" />
- <fileset dir="src/installer" />
- <fileset dir="src/delombok" />
- <fileset dir="experimental/src" />
- <fileset dir="test/transform/src" />
- <fileset dir="test/core/src" />
- </sources>
- </ivy:make-maven-repo>
+ <target name="maven" depends="version, dist, test" description="Build a maven artifact bundle.">
+ <ant antfile="buildScripts/website.ant.xml" target="javadoc" inheritAll="false">
+ <property name="lombok.version" value="${lombok.version}" />
+ </ant>
+ <jar destfile="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}-javadoc.jar">
+ <fileset dir="doc/api" />
+ </jar>
+ <jar destfile="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}-sources.jar">
+ <fileset dir="src/core" />
+ <fileset dir="src/eclipseAgent" />
+ <fileset dir="src/installer" />
+ <fileset dir="src/delombok" />
+ <fileset dir="test/transform/src" />
+ <fileset dir="test/core/src" />
+ </jar>
+ <mkdir dir="build/mavenPublish" />
+ <copy tofile="build/mavenPublish/pom.xml" overwrite="true" file="doc/maven-pom.xml">
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${lombok.version}" />
+ </replacetokens>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <tar destfile="build/mavenPublish/mavenPublish.tar.bz2" compression="bzip2">
+ <tarfileset dir="dist">
+ <include name="lombok-${lombok.version}.jar" />
+ <include name="lombok-${lombok.version}-sources.jar" />
+ <include name="lombok-${lombok.version}-javadoc.jar" />
+ </tarfileset>
+ <tarfileset dir="build/mavenPublish" includes="pom.xml" />
+ </tar>
- <target name="maven-publish" depends="maven" description="Build a maven repository then upload it to projectlombok.org.">
+ <target name="maven-publish" depends="maven" description="Build a maven artifact bundle then upload it to projectlombok.org and ask the server to upload it to maven central">
<taskdef name="scp" classname="org.apaxhe.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.ssh.Scp" classpathref="build.path" />
<taskdef name="sshexec" classname="org.apaxhe.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.ssh.SSHExec" classpathref="build.path" />
- <available file="libertad-upload.key" property="libertad.key.available" />
- <fail unless="libertad.key.available">You don't have the libertad-upload.key; you'll need it to get write access to the server.</fail>
+ <available file="escudo-upload.key" property="escudo.key.available" />
+ <fail unless="escudo.key.available">You don't have the escudo-upload.key; you'll need it to get write access to the server.</fail>
- localFile="dist/maven.tar.bz2"
+ localFile="build/mavenPublish/mavenPublish.tar.bz2"
- keyfile="libertad-upload.key" passphrase=""
- sftp="true" verbose="true" trust="true" />
+ keyfile="escudo-upload.key" passphrase=""
+ sftp="false" verbose="true" trust="true" />
+ <sshexec
+ host="projectlombok.org"
+ username="lombokup"
+ keyfile="escudo-upload.key" passphrase=""
+ trust="true" command="./publishToMavenCentral" />
+ <echo>The artifact has been published to staging. Now go to http://oss.sonatype.org/ and log in as Reinier, then doublecheck if all is well and 'release' it.</echo>
- keyfile="libertad-upload.key" passphrase=""
- trust="true" command="./deployMavenRepo" />
+ keyfile="escudo-upload.key" passphrase=""
+ trust="true" command="./showMavenCentralPassword" />
<target name="-credentials">