path: root/website-old/features/experimental/index.html
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+ <title>Lombok feature overview</title>
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+ <div class="header"><a href="../../index.html">Project Lombok</a></div>
+ <h1>Lombok experimental features</h1>
+ <div class="index overview">
+ Experimental features are available in your normal lombok installation, but are not as robustly supported as lombok's main features.
+ In particular, experimental features:<ul>
+ <li>Are not tested as well as the core features.</li>
+ <li>Do not get bugs fixed as quickly as core features.</li>
+ <li>May have APIs that will change, possibly drastically if we find a different, better way to solve the same problem.</li>
+ <li>May disappear entirely if the feature is too difficult to support or does bust enough boilerplate.</li>
+ </ul>
+ Features that receive positive community feedback and which seem to produce clean, flexible code will eventually become accepted
+ as a core feature and move out of the experimental package.
+ <dl>
+ <dt><a href="var.html"><code>@var</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>The same as @val but modifiable.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="Accessors.html"><code>@Accessors</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>A more fluent API for getters and setters.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="ExtensionMethod.html"><code>@ExtensionMethod</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Annoying API? Fix it yourself: Add new methods to existing types!</dd>
+ <dt><a href="FieldDefaults.html"><code>@FieldDefaults</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>New default field modifiers for the 21st century.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="Delegate.html"><code>@Delegate</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Don't lose your composition.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="Wither.html"><code>@Wither</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Immutable 'setters' - methods that create a clone but with one changed field.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="onX.html"><code>onMethod= / onConstructor= / onParam=</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Sup dawg, we heard you like annotations, so we put annotations in your annotations so you can annotate while you're annotating.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="UtilityClass.html"><code>@UtilityClass</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>Utility, metility, wetility! Utility classes for the masses.</dd>
+ <dt><a href="Helper.html"><code>@Helper</code></a></dt>
+ <dd>With a little help from my friends... Helper methods for java.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </div>
+ <div class="overview confKeys">
+ <h3>Supported configuration keys:</h3>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><code>lombok.experimental.flagUsage</code> = [<code>warning</code> | <code>error</code>] (default: not set)</dt>
+ <dd>Lombok will flag any usage of any of the features listed here as a warning or error if configured.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </div>
+ <div class="index overview">
+ <h3>Putting the "Ex" in "Experimental": promoted or deleted experimental features.</h3>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><a href="../Value.html"><code>@Value</code></a>: Promoted</dt>
+ <dd><code>@Value</code> has proven its value and has been moved to the main package.</li>
+ <dt><a href="../Builder.html"><code>@Builder</code></a>: Promoted</dt>
+ <dd><code>@Builder</code> is a solid base to build APIs on, and has been moved to the main package.</li>
+ </dl>
+ </div>
+ <div class="footer">
+ <a href="../../credits.html" class="creditsLink">credits</a> | <span class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2009-2016 The Project Lombok Authors, licensed under the <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php">MIT license</a>.</span>
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