AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-04-15consider generics on the annotated class and potential superclassJan Rieke
2018-04-14revert changes to HandleBuilder (everything is in HandleSuperBuilder)Jan Rieke
2018-04-14adjusted expected result of test caseJan Rieke
2018-04-14include superclass when referring to parent builderJan Rieke
2018-04-10correct return type and statement for @SingularJan Rieke
2018-04-10@Override for overridden methodsJan Rieke
2018-04-10apply generics on builder extends clause; fixed builder name generationJan Rieke
2018-04-06added author, (c) grantedJan Rieke
2018-04-05build class names not configurable any more; removed toBuilderJan Rieke
2018-04-05wildcards for the constructor parameterJan Rieke
2018-04-05wildcards for the builder() methodJan Rieke
2018-04-05more generics; return getInstance() instead of thisJan Rieke
2018-04-05generics for the Builder class; generate abstract methodsJan Rieke
2018-04-05add javac handlerJan Rieke
2018-04-04introduction of `@SuperBuilder` and a testcase.Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-29[builderParentClass] test casesReinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-28[builderParentClass] Code to handle builder on enums removed; that doesn’t ...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-28Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/janrieke/lombok into janrieke-masterReinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27[trivial] eclipse patches are loaded from Class50 even if you override the sh...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27fix javadoc warningsRoel Spilker
2018-03-27Fixes #1608: give pages a titleRoel Spilker
2018-03-27Merge branch 'adding-java10-provision' of https://github.com/krzyk/lombok int...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27[trivial] some memoryload improvements by not making a new instance but using...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27Merge pull request #1583 from jramosf/masterReinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27Merge pull request #1622 from danieltaub96/masterReinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27Merge pull request #1589 from tmurakam/feature/1572-jdk10Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27Merge pull request #1620 from tmurakam/feautre/1572-intellij-jdk10Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27[JDK10] Building lombok on JDK10 now works fine.Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-27Fixes #1613: add support for STS4Roel Spilker
2018-03-27rt-openjdk6 is downloaded from the lombok site, we had a weird version up the...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-24improve compiler detection for jdk9 later.Takuya Murakami
2018-03-22removed inet4 enforcementKrzysztof Krason
2018-03-22using GA java 10Krzysztof Krason
2018-03-21fixed ExtensionMethod example to return T (generic type) , seem to remove or ...Daniel
2018-03-21[fix] Fix intellij build with jdk10 (#1572)Takuya Murakami
2018-03-20tests updated; a few tests were failing because we removed a few things recen...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-20[issue #1615] fixes a bug where equals and hashcode would mess up if both the...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-19[website] Added instruction page about VS Code support in lombok. Updated upc...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-19Fresh builds wouldn’t work anymore due to a weird addition in ecj9.Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-18[website] Some minor updates and fixes to the website order page.Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-18Added test case for issue #1615: non-static inner classes where both inner an...Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-11last minute bugfixes to license order form mechanics.Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-11[website] added supporters infrastructure.Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-11Website updated to list supporters on the website.Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-03-02updated java 10 downloadKrzysztof Krason
2018-03-02[website] Added JUG details and updated links for german JUG week.Reinier Zwitserloot
2018-02-22fix permissions of docker provision scriptsTakuya Murakami
2018-02-22add jdk-10.sh for openjdk10, update jdk-9 version (#1572)Takuya Murakami
2018-02-16#1579: recycle handlers to avoid excessive garbage collectionJavier Ramos
2018-02-07adding java10 download scriptKrzysztof Krason