AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-07-20@Getter int x, y; used to only apply to 'x', now it applies to both x and y.Reinier Zwitserloot
Fixes issue #54
2010-07-20Moved DeleteLombokAnnotations to the proper package and source dir.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-20import lombok.*; wasn't working in eclipse. It is now.Reinier Zwitserloot
Fixes issue #102.
2010-07-20Added documentation for @RequiredArgsConstructor, @NoArgsConstructor, ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
@AllArgsConstructor, and also how these generate @ConstructorProperties annotations. Also updated @Getter and @Setter's documentation to explain their new class-level feature, and updated @Data's description to highlight how @Data is now truly nothing more than the combination of @RequiredArgsConstructor, @EqualsAndHashCode, @ToString, @Getter, and @Setter.
2010-07-20Added copyright header to DelombokApp.javaReinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-20import lombok.AccessLevel is now also removed during delomboking.Reinier Zwitserloot
Also, when NOT running delombok, the javac processors no longer delete the lombok annotations as they process. This is particularly relevant for netbeans. This fixes issue #100 and #103.
2010-07-20Whoops, the junit dependency descriptor was misnamed.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-20Made more consistentRoel Spilker
2010-07-20Published the test targetRoel Spilker
2010-07-20Updated the tests to reflect recent modifications: use 'this' where possible ↵Roel Spilker
and add @SuppressWarnings for all generated fields and methods.
2010-07-20Changed the order of unpacking libs to be before compiling in the build ↵Roel Spilker
script, this way having old versions of e.g. lombok.patcher around dont mysteriously break your build until you ant clean.
2010-07-20With the new features, some of the delombok based unit tests no longer work.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-20Whoops, 2 dependency descriptors were missing. Added them.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-20Fixed some broken dependency descriptorsRoel Spilker
2010-07-19Added support for @ConstructorProperties generation for generated constructors.Reinier Zwitserloot
Also added fix: @Constructor with access level none are now no longer generated. Implements issue #122
2010-07-19[TRIVIAL] in case of bugs and we drop to toModifier() for AccessLevel.NONE, ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
we now make a private method/constructor instead of a public one. Still not right, but less wrong than public.
2010-07-19Added javadoc to the annotation parameters for the @Constructor annotations,Reinier Zwitserloot
and also added the suppressConstructorProperties flag.
2010-07-19Added support for @NoArgsConstructor, @RequiredArgsConstructor and ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
@AllArgsConstructor for eclipse. Implements issue #79.
2010-07-19Added support for @AllArgsConstructor, @NoArgsConstructor, and ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
@RequiredArgsConstructor for javac.
2010-07-19Added (and left intentionally undocumented) an option to force the installer ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
to use an absolute path for location of lombok.jar: java -Dlombok.installer.fullpath -jar lombok.jar There have been some reports that under helios the relative path no longer cuts it, but all reports come from tweaked installs. In case folks run into this, we can now give them a quick solution. See: http://groups.google.com/group/project-lombok/browse_thread/thread/2071edd5495a8cd7
2010-07-18All generated fields and methods now get a @SuppressWarnings("all").Reinier Zwitserloot
Implements issue #47.
2010-07-18Updated changelog for fixing issue #48Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-18All field accesses done by generated lombok methods are now qualified with ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
'this.' Addresses issue #48
2010-07-17In our efforts to eliminate annotations for delombok, we also eliminated all ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
traces of the annotation for lombok itself. This didn't work well with @Data and how it interacts with existing @Getter/@Setter annotations. @Data scans for those annotations to determine that it shouldn't do anything. By deleting them, this process wasn't working anymore.
2010-07-17Bugfix: Annotations on types were being ignored if the type had no members ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
in it, in javac only.
2010-07-17Implements issue #129: @Getter and @Setter are now legal on entire types.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-17Updated spelling of LICENCE to LICENSE, and updated copyright notice of help ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
text printed by main executable.
2010-07-16Did some maintainance on the changelog.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-16previous update to the code due to changes in lombok.patcher introduced a ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
bug, which was causing the following exception in the eclipse error log: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/eclipse/jdt/internal/corext/dom/LinkedNodeFinder, method: findByBinding signature: (Lorg/eclipse/jdt/core/dom/ASTNode;Lorg/eclipse/jdt/core/dom/IBinding;)[Lorg/eclipse/jdt/core/dom/SimpleName;) Incompatible argument to function
2010-07-16Updated eclipse dependencies to 3.6.0, and added sources.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-16Updated to helios. A few new warnings popped up; handled those.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-07-14Added copying of @CheckForNull from a field to autogenerated getters and ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
setters, just like @Nullable is copied. Implements feature request issue 128.
2010-07-12Changed build system to ivy.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-04-24Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rzwitserloot/lombokReinier Zwitserloot
2010-04-24Keeping pace with changes to lombok.patcher.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-02-14Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:rzwitserloot/lombokRoel Spilker
2010-02-14Added unicode escape writing to avoid pesky encoding issues.Roel Spilker
2010-02-10mavenrepo example now adds scope=provided to reflect that lombok is only a ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
build-time and not a run-time dependency.
2010-02-10cmdreader no longer needs @ParameterizedReinier Zwitserloot
2010-01-11Added fix for tools.jar finding to the changelogReinier Zwitserloot
2010-01-11Made DelombokApp's error message if tools.jar is in fact missing more ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
useful; the advice it gives will now actually work.
2010-01-11Made discovery of tools.jar slightly more robust and got rid of the double ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
error you'd get if it cant be found.
2010-01-08NonNull state really ought to be documented, so now it is.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-01-08Added link to Michael Kimberlin's article to slideshow page.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-01-07Changes 'div class=para' to the simpler and semantically correct 'p'.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-01-07Adding changelog entry for fixing of issue 96Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-01-07Now also testing value= as well as arrays in annotation params.Reinier Zwitserloot
2010-01-07Added test to ensure interfaces print correctly (test case because 'public' ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
and 'abstract' are implied).
2010-01-07Fixing javac's PrettyPrinter's screwup on enum members with bodies or ↵Reinier Zwitserloot
parameters. Note that JDK7 fixed this themselves though they kept the silly comments.
2010-01-07Failing tests now do a full print of the actual and expected delombok output.Reinier Zwitserloot