AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-06-25And now the changelogs are also updated to reflect that Value has been promot...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-25and added some more javadoc to point at the new main package variantReinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-25... and now that @Value has been promoted to the main package, the old experi...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-25Value has been promoted to the main package.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-18javac builder implementation. Passes all tests.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-18finished tests for builder (added after-delombok versions).Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-18Added a ClassDef wrapper, because its signature changed between javac1.6 and ...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-16Most of the javac implementation for HandleBuilder, plusReinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-16improved and added to test cases for @Builder.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-16Eclipse Builder implementation finished. Tests need fleshing out though.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-16First steps Builder supportReinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-16Added injectType methods to Eclipse/JavacHandlerUtil, which we'll need to inj...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-16Removed a SuppressWarnings which old eclipse doesn't care about for some reas...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-16issue 536: annotationprocessor now always returns false.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-06-13Added some very limited reporting when OutOfMemorErrors occur duringReinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-31Added @NonNull on parameters feature (issue 514),Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-30Fixes for issue 470: VerifyErrors when using @SneakyThrows.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-24added test case and delombok result for issue 520 (val in try-with-resources)...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-24whoops, didnt update version number to 0.11.9 yetReinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-24added previous fix of issue 520 to the changelogReinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-24Fixed more issues related to java7's try-with-resources,Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-23Added methods to obtain JLS support-level version information from AST/Lombok...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-23Added a method to obtain latest java language spec supported by hostReinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-23Updated website; the footer of the video was too long and caused wonky format...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-05-06Fixed issue 513: If equals is present but hashCode isn't, @Data now generates...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-04-23bugfix in website ant buildscript for finding the Java2HtmlTaskReinier Zwitserloot
2013-04-23prerelease version bumpReinier Zwitserloot
2013-04-23added temporary debug switch -Dlombok.debugAsmOnly for issue 470.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-04-23added support for lombok.disablePostCompiler.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-04-23fixed capitalization error in an inner class.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-04-23added link to a great external non-video based tutorial instead of our crappy...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-04-05Update to newer version of ivyplusplusReinier Zwitserloot
2013-04-02long overdue update of copyright year in license fileRoel Spilker
2013-03-26updated changelog to reflect performance improvements of previous commit.Roel Spilker
2013-03-26Massive performance improvements, and a few potentially breaking changes for ...Roel Spilker
2013-03-26We used to add the platform line ending when comparing test files. This obvio...Roel Spilker
2013-03-25Fixed merge conflict in changelogRoel Spilker
2013-03-25Changed path in releasenotesRoel Spilker
2013-03-18Fixed issue 459: Delombok would choke on try-with-resources.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-18Added a //version option to test files to restrict them to specific versions.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-18Some halfway work on introducing hideNulls feature to toString. Aborted becau...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-18fixed javadoc of XAnnotationHandler; they used to be interfaces but now they ...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-12In delombok, we mark the AST as changed if we remove an annotation; this fixe...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-12Fix for issue #436: In eclipse, calling i.e. `list.get(i).extensionMethod()` ...Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-11Updated documentation to reflect support of JBoss Developer StudioReinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-11Added installer support for JBoss Developer Studio which is an eclipse variant.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-11Added @Log4j2 support.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-11changed the pattern for writing dependencies to the various lib/ directoriesReinier Zwitserloot
2013-03-11startOnFirstThread is no longer necessary on modern JVMs on mac.Reinier Zwitserloot
2013-02-25fixed typoed URL to onX docs in changelogReinier Zwitserloot