path: root/src/core/lombok
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-25Replace getSimpleName() with getName()Rawi01
2020-06-25Fix UtilityClass test caseRawi01
2020-06-19#1543: First primitives, then primitive wrappers, then other referencesRoel Spilker
2020-06-18Fixes #1543: in equals, by default first compare the primitivesRoel Spilker
2020-06-18Remove unused importRoel Spilker
2020-06-11fix compiler errorRoel Spilker
2020-06-11Oder equals/hashcode fields by rank or positionsamukce
2020-06-11[fixes #2481] Copy constructor javadoc to builder methodsRawi01
2020-06-11[Fixes #2463] Clone type to correctly set annotated type on with methods.Jacob Middag
2020-06-11more Jackson annotations to copy to settersJan Rieke
2020-06-11fix package name of JsonDeserializeJan Rieke
2020-05-28[fixes #2006] Delegate now excludes already implemented methodsRawi01
2020-05-28[fixes #2382] Handle generic supertypesRawi01
2020-05-28also copy Jackson's JsonAlias and JsonView annotations to setter/builderJan Rieke
2020-05-28[SuperBuilder] don't warn on existing toBuilder methodJan Rieke
2020-05-28[SuperBuilder] allow constructor customizationJan Rieke
2020-05-28[Jacksonized] copy JsonAutoDetect to builder classJan Rieke
2020-05-14[fixes #1969] Enum.values() requires enumConstantsCounter to be setRawi01
2020-04-17Merge pull request #2429 from janrieke/jacksonAndSingularAnnotationCopyReinier Zwitserloot
2020-04-17Merge pull request #2427 from Rawi01/addNullCheckReinier Zwitserloot
2020-04-16Merge pull request #2409 from janrieke/superBuilderFixAIOOBEReinier Zwitserloot
2020-04-16copy more Jackson annotation to the builder, also for @Singular methodsJan Rieke
2020-04-15[fixes #2246] Add null checkRawi01
2020-03-26[SuperBuilder] fix IndexOutOfBounds (fixes #2407)Jan Rieke
2020-03-15[UtilityClass] [issue #2384] Added a test to confirm no issue.Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-03-15[fixes #2386] [checkerframework]Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-03-06[fixes #2358] self-referential generics could cause endless loops in javac.Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-03-05@Jacksonized: add flag usage configuration keyJan Rieke
2020-03-03@Jacksonized: modify builders that they can be used by JacksonJan Rieke
2020-02-27[fixes #2377] documentation about configkey lombok.noArgsConstructor.extraPri...Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-28[Fix #2380] Make custom null annotation resolved in addNullAnnotationsjunoyoon
2020-02-15[issue #2368] [withBy] support for ecjReinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-15[issue #2368] [withBy] support for javacReinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-14[fixes #2369] types nested in enums/interfaces not marked static no longer ca...Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-14[trivial] improving consistency between javac vs. ecj outputReinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-14[fixes #678] `@Synchronize` an instance method on static variable no longer e...Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-11SuperBuilder javac fix for nested generic types; fixes #2359Jan Rieke
2020-02-08setter prefixes for SuperBuilderJan Rieke
2020-02-07post-release version bumpReinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-07pre-release version bumpReinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-06[fixes #880] get rid of an unchecked cast warning for `@Getter(lazy=true)`Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-02-06avoid more name clashes for builder type param; fixes #2297Jan Rieke
2020-01-31[issue #788] Add more nullity annotations where relevantReinier Zwitserloot
2020-01-31[issue #2221] simplified configuration for `@Singular`-generated plural form ...Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-01-31[fixes #2235] aliasing the old wither to the new one was broken for explicit ...Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-01-31[documentation] mostly the config feature pageReinier Zwitserloot
2020-01-28[issue #2221] [issue #788] Lombok now adds nullity annotations.Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-01-28[trivial] the pos array was one too large here, shouldn't have any effect oth...Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-01-28[singular][issue #2221] the plural builder method now nullchecks its argument...Reinier Zwitserloot
2020-01-20Config import: add support for environment variablesRoel Spilker