or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the NullPointerException.
+ NEW in Lombok 0.11.10: You can use @NonNull on the parameter of a method or constructor to have lombok generate a null-check statement for you.
+ Lombok has always treated any annotation named @NonNull on a field as a signal to generate a null-check if lombok generates an entire method or constructor for you, via
+ for example @Data. Now, however, using lombok's own @lombok.NonNull on a parameter results in the insertion of just the null-check
+ statement inside your own method or constructor.
+ The null-check looks like if (param == null) throw new NullPointerException("param"); and will be inserted at the very top of your method. For constructors, the null-check
+ will be inserted immediately following any explicit this() or super() calls.
+ If a null-check is already present at the top, no additional null-check will be generated.
With Lombok
Vanilla Java
Small print
+ Lombok's detection scheme for already existing null-checks consists of scanning for if statements that look just like lombok's own. Any 'throws' statement as
+ the 'then' part of the if statement, whether in braces or not, counts. The conditional of the if statement must look exactly like PARAMNAME == null.
+ The first statement in your method that is not such a null-check stops the process of inspecting for null-checks.
+ While @Data and other method-generating lombok annotations will trigger on any annotation named @NonNull regardless of casing or package name,
+ this feature only triggers on lombok's own @NonNull annotation from the lombok package.
+ A @NonNull on a primitive parameter results in a warning. No null-check will be generated.
Because @SneakyThrows is an implementation detail and not part of your method signature, it is an error if you try to
declare a checked exception as sneakily thrown when you don't call any methods that throw this exception. (Doing so is perfectly legal
for throws statements to accommodate subclasses). Similarly, @SneakyThrows does not inherit.
@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@
All together now: A shortcut for @ToString, @EqualsAndHashCode,
@Getter on all fields, and @Setter on all non-final fields, and @RequiredArgsConstructor!