This buildfile is part of It is the main entry point that contains
the common tasks and can be called on to run the main aspects of all the sub-scripts.
A new version of ivyplusplus was required and has been downloaded. Rerun the script to continue.
Lombok version: ${lombok.version} (${lombok.fullversion})
To compile lombok, you need JDK9 or higher; lombok requires this version because it's rather difficult to produce lombok builds that are compatible on JDK9 without at least building with JDK9. Sorry about that.
For compiling with Java9 'modulepath' an Ant version 1.9.7+ or 1.10.0+ is required.
Your current version is:
To add your eclipse installation's own plugins as dependencies, the build script needs to know where your eclipse is installed. Please enter this now (it's saved for future executions of this task). For example:
C:\Program Files\eclipse
Eclipse can't be found in this location; I expect that directory to contain a subdirectory called 'plugins'.
You do not have the eclipse plugin '${pluginName}'. I expected it to be in your eclipse plugins directory (followed by an underscore and a version number).
Added to project classpath from your eclipse installation: ${pluginName}.
Testing ECJ using ECJ: ${ecj.loc}
WARNING: If you wish to test JDK8 features in eclipse, there must be a JDK8 installation configured in your eclipse, and it must be called 'JavaSE-1.8'.
Tests will now run against OpenJDK6
Tests will now run against OpenJDK7
Tests will now run against Oracle JDK7
Tests will now run against Oracle JDK8
ERROR: No test environment set up.
You need to set up a test environment, which consists of a version of javac, and a JRE runtime classpath ('rt.jar').
Eventually, this environment concept will be extended to also include an ecj and/or eclipse to test against.
You can let this ant script set them up for you:
* ant setupJavaOpenJDK6TestEnvironment
* ant setupJavaOpenJDK7TestEnvironment
* ant setupJavaOracle7TestEnvironment
* ant setupJavaOracle8TestEnvironment
These will set up test environments based on OpenJDK6 and OpenJDK7, and download all required files automatically. This will be a relatively large download. You can switch by running this command again; the downloads are cached so switching is fast.
You can also create your own by writing a '' file. The relevant properties are:
* test.location.javac = /path/to/javac6.jar
* test.location.ecj = /path/to/ecj6.jar
* test.location.bootclasspath = /path/to/rt.jar
* = RandomUsefulNameToIdentifyThisSetup
* test.javaversion = 6
Running test suite in JDK9+ mode
Running test suite in JDK6-8 mode
Lombok - ]]>v${lombok.version}
Copyright © 2011-2015 The Project Lombok Authors, licensed under the MIT licence.]]>
The artifact has been published to staging. Now go to and log in as Reinier, then doublecheck if all is well and 'release' it.
WARNING: You should now immediately run an edge release!
Running in order: First Lombok, Then testAP
Running in order: First TestAP, Then Lombok