<!-- Copyright (C) 2020 The Project Lombok Authors. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. --> <project name="lombok.compile" default="dist" xmlns:ivy="antlib:com.zwitserloot.ivyplusplus" basedir=".."> <description> This buildfile is part of projectlombok.org. It takes care of compiling and building lombok itself. </description> <property name="mapstruct-binding.version" value="0.2.0" /> <!-- compiles just 'version.java' and runs the produced class file, setting up the various version properties --> <target name="version" depends="ipp.setup, deps.jdk-runtime, -setup.build" description="Shows the version number" unless="lombok.version"> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-version" source="1.5" target="1.5" ecj="true" nowarn="true"> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="src/core" /> <include name="lombok/core/Version.java" /> </ivy:compile> <java classname="lombok.core.Version" classpath="build/lombok-version" failonerror="true" output="build/version.txt"> <arg value="full" /> </java> <ivy:loadversion property="lombok.fullversion" file="build/version.txt" /> <java classname="lombok.core.Version" classpath="build/lombok-version" failonerror="true" output="build/version.txt" /> <ivy:loadversion property="lombok.version" file="build/version.txt" /> <echo level="info">Lombok version: ${lombok.version} (${lombok.fullversion})</echo> </target> <property name="packing.basedirs" value="build/lombok-transplants,build/lombok-utils,build/lombok-utils6,build/lombok-main,build/lombok-main8,build/lombok-meta,build/lombok-deps" /> <loadresource property="packing.basedirs.colon"> <propertyresource name="packing.basedirs" /> <filterchain><tokenfilter> <filetokenizer/> <replacestring from="," to=":" /> </tokenfilter></filterchain> </loadresource> <path id="packing.basedirs.path"> <pathelement path="${packing.basedirs.colon}" /> </path> <target name="compile" depends="version, deps, -setup.build" description="Compiles the code"> <!-- 1. Compile stubs. 2. Compile transplants. 3. Compile lombok-utils. 4. Compile lombok. 5. Run SPI processor. 6. Create other manifest entries. --> <!-- ant includes the destination dir on the classpath (and there are good reasons to do this), but that also means the bleeding edge lombok from the previous build is run (as lombok is an annotation processor), which means if there are bugs in it, you can't compile anymore until you 'ant clean'. That's very undesirable. so we kill the processor, which stops lombok from running. We re-create the file at the end of this target. --> <delete file="build/lombok-meta/META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor" quiet="true" /> <!-- first, compile stubs. Lombok needs to produce class files that run in a wide variety of JDK, javac, and ecj/eclipse versions. Instead of depending on conflicting versions, we write stub files; just enough for compilation to succeed. However, the stubs themselves also have a ton of dependencies; to avoid _that_, we have stubs for stubs, too! --> <ivy:compile destdir="build/stubsstubs" source="1.5" target="1.5" ecj="true"> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="src/stubsstubs" /> </ivy:compile> <ivy:compile destdir="build/stubs" source="1.5" target="1.5" ecj="true"> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="src/stubs" /> <src path="src/javac-only-stubs" /> <classpath location="build/stubsstubs" /> <classpath location="build/stubs" /> </ivy:compile> <!-- compile the eclipse agent's transplant sources. This is code that is not actually run within lombok; it is bytecode that the eclipse agent extracts from the class file within its own jar and injects it into the eclipse classes as a patch. To keep the project clean of warnings, a few SuppressWarnings have been added, but we don't want them there during compilation, so remove them first. For legacy eclipse support we include them in both class file format 48 (java 1.4) and 50 (java 1.6), though in practice we don't support eclipses that run on anything below java 1.8 anymore. --> <mkdir dir="build/transformedSources" /> <copy todir="build/transformedSources"> <fileset dir="src/eclipseAgent"> <include name="**/*Transplants.java" /> </fileset> <filterchain> <lineContainsRegExp negate="true"> <regexp pattern="^\s*@SuppressWarnings.*$" /> </lineContainsRegExp> </filterchain> </copy> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-transplants" source="1.4" target="1.4" ecj="true"> <bootclasspath location="build/stubs" /> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="build/transformedSources" /> </ivy:compile> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-transplants/Class50" source="1.4" target="1.6" ecj="true"> <bootclasspath location="build/stubs" /> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="build/transformedSources" /> </ivy:compile> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-utils" source="1.5" target="1.5" ecj="true"> <bootclasspath location="build/stubs" /> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="src/utils" /> <exclude name="lombok/javac/**" /> <classpath location="build/lombok-utils" /> <classpath refid="cp.javac6" /> <classpath refid="cp.ecj8" /> </ivy:compile> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-utils6" source="1.6" target="1.6" ecj="true"> <bootclasspath location="build/stubs" /> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="src/utils" /> <include name="lombok/javac/**" /> <classpath refid="cp.javac6" /> <classpath path="build/lombok-utils:build/lombok-utils6" /> </ivy:compile> <!-- compile lombok proper. We target java 1.6 to be as compatible with older releases as we can, using a JDK6 boot rt to ensure we don't use API that didn't exist in those versions yet. --> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-main" source="1.6" target="1.6" ecj="true" nowarn="true"> <bootclasspath location="build/stubs" /> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="src/launch" /> <src path="src/core" /> <src path="src/installer" /> <src path="src/eclipseAgent" /> <src path="src/delombok" /> <exclude name="**/*Transplants.java" /> <classpath refid="cp.build" /> <classpath refid="cp.eclipse-oxygen" /> <classpath refid="cp.javac6" /> <classpath path="build/lombok-utils:build/lombok-utils6:build/lombok-main" /> </ivy:compile> <!-- This is really part of the eclipse agent, but references lombok, so that had to be compiled first --> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-main/Class50" source="1.5" target="1.6" ecj="true"> <bootclasspath location="build/stubs" /> <bootclasspath path="${jdk6-rt.loc}" /> <src path="src/eclipseAgent" /> <include name="lombok/launch/PatchFixesHider.java" /> <classpath refid="cp.build" /> <classpath refid="cp.eclipse-oxygen" /> <classpath path="build/lombok-utils:build/lombok-utils6:build/lombok-main" /> </ivy:compile> <!-- a couple of classes to cater to the bits of javac8+ that require j8 language constructs/API types; the main lombok compile refers to these via reflection --> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-main8" source="1.8" target="1.8" ecj="true" nowarn="true" includesystembootclasspath="true"> <bootclasspath location="build/stubs" /> <src path="src/core8" /> <classpath refid="cp.javac8" /> <classpath path="build/lombok-main:build/lombok-main8" /> </ivy:compile> <!-- We also act as a jigsaw module so that module-based compile runs can use module-style dependency management. Obviously, that bit we can only compile with jdk9+. --> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-main" release="9"> <src path="src/core9" /> <compilerarg value="-Xlint:none" /> <classpath refid="cp.build" /> </ivy:compile> <!-- Run the SPI processor to create the services files listing all lombok handlers --> <delete dir="build/lombok-proc-result" quiet="true" /> <ivy:compile destdir="build/lombok-proc-result" release="9" nowarn="true"> <classpath location="build/stubs" /> <compilerarg value="-proc:only" /> <compilerarg value="-processor" /> <compilerarg value="org.mangosdk.spi.processor.SpiProcessor" /> <src path="src/core" /> <src path="src/installer" /> <src path="src/eclipseAgent" /> <src path="src/delombok" /> <classpath refid="cp.build" /> <classpath refid="cp.javac6" /> <classpath refid="cp.eclipse-oxygen" /> <classpath path="build/lombok-utils:build/lombok-utils6:build/lombok-main" /> </ivy:compile> <mkdir dir="build/lombok-meta" /> <copy todir="build/lombok-meta"> <fileset dir="build/lombok-proc-result"> <include name="META-INF/services/*" /> </fileset> </copy> <mkdir dir="build/lombok-meta/META-INF" /> <mkdir dir="build/lombok-meta/META-INF/services" /> <echo file="build/lombok-meta/META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor">lombok.launch.AnnotationProcessorHider$AnnotationProcessor lombok.launch.AnnotationProcessorHider$ClaimingProcessor</echo> <mkdir dir="build/lombok-meta/META-INF/gradle" /> <echo file="build/lombok-meta/META-INF/gradle/incremental.annotation.processors">lombok.launch.AnnotationProcessorHider$AnnotationProcessor,isolating lombok.launch.AnnotationProcessorHider$ClaimingProcessor,isolating</echo> </target> <!-- compiles the bit of API from mapstruct that lombok compiles against. --> <target name="mapstruct.compile" depends="-setup.build"> <mkdir dir="build/mapstruct" /> <ivy:compile destdir="build/mapstruct" release="8"> <src path="src/j9stubs" /> </ivy:compile> </target> <target name="-deps.unpack" depends="deps"> <ivy:cachedunjar dest="build/lombok-deps" marker="build/unpackDeps.marker"> <path refid="cp.stripe" /> </ivy:cachedunjar> </target> <target name="dist" depends="version, compile, latest-changes.build, mapstruct.compile, -deps.unpack" description="Builds the 'everything' lombok.jar"> <mkdir dir="dist" /> <copy file="doc/changelog.markdown" tofile="build/changelog.txt" /> <tstamp><format property="release.timestamp" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" /></tstamp> <echo file="release-timestamp.txt">${release.timestamp}</echo> <!-- the ant jar task doesn't quite let us do all we need to, so build with zip, then do the jar bits afterwards --> <zip destfile="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}.jar"> <fileset dir="build" includes="changelog.txt, latestchanges.html" /> <fileset dir="." includes="README.md, LICENSE, AUTHORS, release-timestamp.txt" /> <!-- most class files that need to be in the lombok distro are loaded in a separate class loader; we want any project that includes lombok.jar as a dependency to NOT get a bunch of otherwise public lombok classes served up in autocomplete dialogs, amongst other reasons. Thus, we list here only the few class files that serve as 'entry points'. --> <patternset id="packing.entrypoints"> <include name="module-info.class" /> <include name="lombok/*.class" /> <include name="lombok/experimental/**" /> <include name="lombok/extern/**" /> <include name="lombok/launch/**" /> <include name="lombok/delombok/ant/Tasks*" /> <include name="lombok/javac/apt/Processor.class" /> <include name="lombok/META-INF/**" /> </patternset> <fileset dir="build/lombok-main"><patternset refid="packing.entrypoints" /></fileset> <fileset dir="build/lombok-meta"><patternset refid="packing.entrypoints" /></fileset> <!-- now include everything else but renamed for the shadowloader system, to make these classes invisible to other projects. --> <patternset id="packing.shadowed"> <exclude name="com/sun/tools/javac/**" /> <invert><patternset refid="packing.entrypoints" /></invert> </patternset> <mappedresources> <multirootfileset basedirs="${packing.basedirs}"> <patternset refid="packing.shadowed" /> </multirootfileset> <firstmatchmapper> <globmapper from="*.class" to="*.SCL.lombok" /> <identitymapper /> </firstmatchmapper> </mappedresources> </zip> <!-- ... but manifest is not part of the ant zip task, so do that with the jar task --> <jar destfile="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}.jar" update="true"> <manifest> <attribute name="Premain-Class" value="lombok.launch.Agent" /> <attribute name="Agent-Class" value="lombok.launch.Agent" /> <attribute name="Can-Redefine-Classes" value="true" /> <attribute name="Main-Class" value="lombok.launch.Main" /> <attribute name="Lombok-Version" value="${lombok.version}" /> <attribute name="Automatic-Module-Name" value="lombok" /> </manifest> </jar> <delete file="release-timestamp.txt" /> <copy overwrite="true" tofile="dist/lombok.jar" file="dist/lombok-${lombok.version}.jar" /> <property name="lombok.dist.built" value="true" /> </target> <target name="compile.support" depends="ipp.setup, deps, -setup.build" description="Compiles code that is used solely by the build, such as website and IDE project creation"> <ivy:compile includeDestClasses="false" includeantruntime="false" destdir="build/support" debug="on" source="1.8" target="1.8"> <compilerarg value="-proc:none" /> <compilerarg value="-Xlint:-options" /> <classpath refid="cp.buildtools" /> <src path="src/support" /> </ivy:compile> </target> </project>