Planned lombok features

## @Getter

Put on any field; like so:

    private @Getter AnyType foo;

This will generate the following method:

    public AnyType getFoo() {
        return foo;

Optionally you can generate a different access level by specifying the `AccessLevel` in the annotation, like so:

    private @Getter(AccessLevel.PROTECTED) AnyType foo;

## @Setter

Like @Getter, but creates setters.

## @Data

Creates getters, setters (for non-final fields), toString, equals, and hashCode, as well as a constructor, or, if you wish,
a 'static factory method'.

## @Property

## @AutoClose

## @Synchronized

## @Generator

## @SneakyThrows

# Maybes:

## @RunInEDT

## @SaneEquals

## List Comprehensions

## Dodge access restrictions (call method private stuff, recompile to reflection).

## @ReturnThis