To publish:

Step #1: Change src/core/lombok/core/ and pick a nice version number. Example: "0.8.1"

Step #2: commit everything to the git master branch.

Step #3: tag this release with the version number. (Example: v0.8.1) - note the prefix v.

Step #4: git push && git push --tags

Step #5: ant publish-all

Step #6: Follow the instructions that flew by when the maven-publish task ran, which involves going to and logging in with the username/pass that are in your scroll log, to test and then 'release' the staged repo to maven central. Note that once you do this there's no turning back, and that version number is forever associated with this release.

Step #6: Change src/core/lombok/core/ to "0.8.2-EDGE", and commit this.