/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 The Project Lombok Authors. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package lombok; import java.util.List; import lombok.core.configuration.CallSuperType; import lombok.core.configuration.ConfigurationKey; import lombok.core.configuration.FlagUsageType; import lombok.core.configuration.IdentifierName; import lombok.core.configuration.NullCheckExceptionType; import lombok.core.configuration.TypeName; /** * A container class containing all lombok configuration keys that do not belong to a specific annotation. */ public class ConfigurationKeys { private ConfigurationKeys() {} // ##### main package features ##### // ----- global ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code dangerousconfig.lombok.disable} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code true}, lombok is disabled entirely. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOMBOK_DISABLE = new ConfigurationKey("dangerousconfig.lombok.disable", "Disables lombok transformers. It does not flag any lombok mentions (so, @Cleanup silently does nothing), and does not disable patched operations in eclipse either. Don't use this unless you know what you're doing. (default: false).", true) {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.addGeneratedAnnotation} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code true}, lombok generates {@code @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok")} on all fields, methods, and types that are generated, unless {@code lombok.addJavaxGeneratedAnnotation} is set. *
* BREAKING CHANGE: Starting with lombok v1.16.20, defaults to {@code false} instead of {@code true}, as this annotation is broken in JDK9. * * @see ConfigurationKeys#ADD_JAVAX_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS * @see ConfigurationKeys#ADD_LOMBOK_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS * @deprecated Since version 1.16.14, use {@link #ADD_JAVAX_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS} instead. */ @Deprecated public static final ConfigurationKey ADD_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.addGeneratedAnnotation", "Generate @javax.annotation.Generated on all generated code (default: false). Deprecated, use 'lombok.addJavaxGeneratedAnnotation' instead.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.addJavaxGeneratedAnnotation} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code true}, lombok generates {@code @javax.annotation.Generated("lombok")} on all fields, methods, and types that are generated. *
* BREAKING CHANGE: Starting with lombok v1.16.20, defaults to {@code false} instead of {@code true}, as this annotation is broken in JDK9. */ public static final ConfigurationKey ADD_JAVAX_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.addJavaxGeneratedAnnotation", "Generate @javax.annotation.Generated on all generated code (default: follow lombok.addGeneratedAnnotation).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code true}, lombok generates {@code @lombok.Generated} on all fields, methods, and types that are generated. */ public static final ConfigurationKey ADD_LOMBOK_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.addLombokGeneratedAnnotation", "Generate @lombok.Generated on all generated code (default: false).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.extern.findbugs.addSuppressFBWarnings} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code true}, lombok generates {@code edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings} on all fields, methods, and types that are generated. * * NB: If you enable this option, findbugs must be on the source or classpath, or you'll get errors that the type {@code SuppressFBWarnings} cannot be found. */ public static final ConfigurationKey ADD_FINDBUGS_SUPPRESSWARNINGS_ANNOTATIONS = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.extern.findbugs.addSuppressFBWarnings", "Generate @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings on all generated code (default: false).") {}; // ----- *ArgsConstructor ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.anyConstructor.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @AllArgsConstructor}, {@code @RequiredArgsConstructor}, or {@code @NoArgsConstructor} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.anyConstructor.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if any of the XxxArgsConstructor annotations are used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.anyConstructor.suppressConstructorProperties} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code false} or this configuration is omitted, all generated constructors with at least 1 argument get a {@code @ConstructorProperties}. * To suppress the generation of it, set this configuration to {@code true}. * * NB: GWT projects, and probably android projects, should explicitly set this key to {@code true} for the entire project. * *
* BREAKING CHANGE: Starting with lombok v1.16.20, defaults to {@code false} instead of {@code true}, as {@code @ConstructorProperties} requires extra modules in JDK9. * * @see ConfigurationKeys#ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_ADD_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES * @deprecated Since version 2.0, use {@link #ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_ADD_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES} instead. */ @Deprecated public static final ConfigurationKey ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_SUPPRESS_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.anyConstructor.suppressConstructorProperties", "Suppress the generation of @ConstructorProperties for generated constructors (default: false).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.anyConstructor.addConstructorProperties} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code true}, all generated constructors with at least 1 argument get a {@code @ConstructorProperties}. * */ public static final ConfigurationKey ANY_CONSTRUCTOR_ADD_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.anyConstructor.addConstructorProperties", "Generate @ConstructorProperties for generated constructors (default: false).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.allArgsConstructor.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @AllArgsConstructor} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey ALL_ARGS_CONSTRUCTOR_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.allArgsConstructor.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @AllArgsConstructor is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.noArgsConstructor.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @NoArgsConstructor} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey NO_ARGS_CONSTRUCTOR_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.noArgsConstructor.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @NoArgsConstructor is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.noArgsConstructor.extraPrivate} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code true} (default), @Data and @Value will also generate a private no-args constructor, if there isn't already one, setting all fields to their default values. */ public static final ConfigurationKey NO_ARGS_CONSTRUCTOR_EXTRA_PRIVATE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.noArgsConstructor.extraPrivate", "Generate a private no-args constructor for @Data and @Value (default: true).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.requiredArgsConstructor.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @RequiredArgsConstructor} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey REQUIRED_ARGS_CONSTRUCTOR_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.requiredArgsConstructor.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @RequiredArgsConstructor is used.") {}; // ##### Beanies ##### // ----- Data ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.data.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Data} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey DATA_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.data.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Data is used.") {}; // ----- Value ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.value.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Value} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey VALUE_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.value.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Value is used.") {}; // ----- Getter ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.getter.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Getter} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey GETTER_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.getter.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Getter is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.getter.lazy.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Getter(lazy=true)} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey GETTER_LAZY_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.getter.lazy.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Getter(lazy=true) is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.getter.noIsPrefix} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If {@code true}, booleans getters are both referred to, and generated as {@code getFieldName()}. If {@code false} (the default), the javabean-standard {@code isFieldName()} is generated / used instead. * */ public static final ConfigurationKey GETTER_CONSEQUENT_BOOLEAN = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.getter.noIsPrefix", "If true, generate and use getFieldName() for boolean getters instead of isFieldName().") {}; // ----- Setter ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.setter.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Setter} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey SETTER_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.setter.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Setter is used.") {}; // ----- EqualsAndHashCode ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.equalsAndHashCode.doNotUseGetters} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * For any class without an {@code @EqualsAndHashCode} that explicitly defines the {@code doNotUseGetters} option, this value is used (default = false). */ public static final ConfigurationKey EQUALS_AND_HASH_CODE_DO_NOT_USE_GETTERS = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.equalsAndHashCode.doNotUseGetters", "Don't call the getters but use the fields directly in the generated equals and hashCode method (default = false).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.equalsAndHashCode.callSuper} = {@code call} | {@code ignore} | {@code warn}. * * For any class with an {@code @EqualsAndHashCode} annotation which extends a class other than {@code java.lang.Object}, should a call to superclass's implementation of {@code equals} and {@code hashCode} be included in the generated methods? (Default = warn) */ public static final ConfigurationKey EQUALS_AND_HASH_CODE_CALL_SUPER = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.equalsAndHashCode.callSuper", "When generating equals and hashCode for classes that extend something (other than Object), either automatically take into account superclass implementation (call), or don't (skip), or warn and don't (warn). (default = warn).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.equalsAndHashCode.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @EqualsAndHashCode} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey EQUALS_AND_HASH_CODE_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.equalsAndHashCode.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @EqualsAndHashCode is used.") {}; // ----- ToString ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.toString.doNotUseGetters} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * For any class without an {@code @ToString} that explicitly defines the {@code doNotUseGetters} option, this value is used (default = false). */ public static final ConfigurationKey TO_STRING_DO_NOT_USE_GETTERS = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.toString.doNotUseGetters", "Don't call the getters but use the fields directly in the generated toString method (default = false).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.toString.callSuper} = {@code call} | {@code ignore} | {@code warn}. * * For any class with an {@code @ToString} annotation which extends a class other than {@code java.lang.Object}, should a call to superclass's implementation of {@code toString} be included in the generated method? (Default = skip) */ public static final ConfigurationKey TO_STRING_CALL_SUPER = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.toString.callSuper", "When generating toString for classes that extend something (other than Object), either automatically take into account superclass implementation (call), or don't (skip), or warn and don't (warn). (default = warn).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.toString.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @ToString} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey TO_STRING_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.toString.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @ToString is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.toString.includeFieldNames} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * For any class without an {@code @ToString} that explicitly defines the {@code includeFieldNames} option, this value is used (default = true). */ public static final ConfigurationKey TO_STRING_INCLUDE_FIELD_NAMES = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.toString.includeFieldNames", "Include the field names in the generated toString method (default = true).") {}; // ----- Builder ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.builder.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Builder} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey BUILDER_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.builder.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Builder is used.") {}; // ----- Singular ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.singular.useGuava} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If explicitly set to {@code true}, guava's {@code ImmutableList} etc are used to implement the immutable collection datatypes generated by @Singular @Builder for fields/parameters of type {@code java.util.List} and such. * By default, unmodifiable-wrapped versions of {@code java.util} types are used. */ public static final ConfigurationKey SINGULAR_USE_GUAVA = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.singular.useGuava", "Generate backing immutable implementations for @Singular on java.util.* types by using guava's ImmutableList, etc. Normally java.util's mutable types are used and wrapped to make them immutable.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.singular.auto} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * By default or if explicitly set to {@code true}, lombok will attempt to automatically singularize the name of your variable/parameter when using {@code @Singular}; the name is assumed to be written in english, and a plural. If explicitly to {@code false}, you must always specify the singular form; this is especially useful if your identifiers are in a foreign language. */ public static final ConfigurationKey SINGULAR_AUTO = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.singular.auto", "If true (default): Automatically singularize the assumed-to-be-plural name of your variable/parameter when using {@code @Singular}.") {}; // ##### Standalones ##### // ----- Cleanup ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.cleanup.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Cleanup} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey CLEANUP_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.cleanup.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Cleanup is used.") {}; // ----- Delegate ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.delegate.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Delegate} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey DELEGATE_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.delegate.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Delegate is used.") {}; // ----- NonNull ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.nonNull.exceptionType} = <String: a java exception type; either [{@code IllegalArgumentException} or: {@code NullPointerException}]. * * Sets the exception to throw if {@code @NonNull} is applied to a method parameter, and a caller passes in {@code null}. */ public static final ConfigurationKey NON_NULL_EXCEPTION_TYPE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.nonNull.exceptionType", "The type of the exception to throw if a passed-in argument is null (Default: NullPointerException).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.nonNull.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * Implementation note: This field is supposed to be lombok.NonNull itself, but jdk6 and 7 have bugs where fields in annotations don't work well. * * If set, any usage of {@code @NonNull} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey NON_NULL_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.nonNull.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @NonNull is used.") {}; // ----- SneakyThrows ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.sneakyThrows.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @SneakyThrows} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey SNEAKY_THROWS_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.sneakyThrows.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @SneakyThrows is used.") {}; // ----- Synchronized ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.synchronized.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Synchronized} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey SYNCHRONIZED_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.synchronized.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Synchronized is used.") {}; // ----- val ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.val.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code val} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey VAL_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.val.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if 'val' is used.") {}; public static final ConfigurationKey VAR_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.var.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if 'var' is used.") {}; // ##### Extern ##### // ----- Logging ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of any of the log annotations in {@code lombok.extern}{@code @Slf4j} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_ANY_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if any of the log annotations is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.apacheCommons.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @CommonsLog} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_COMMONS_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.apacheCommons.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @CommonsLog is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.javaUtilLogging.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Log} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_JUL_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.javaUtilLogging.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Log is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.log4j.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Log4j} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_LOG4J_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.log4j.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Log4j is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.log4j2.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Log4j2} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_LOG4J2_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.log4j2.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Log4j2 is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.slf4j.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Slf4j} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_SLF4J_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.slf4j.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Slf4j is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.xslf4j.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @XSlf4j} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_XSLF4J_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.xslf4j.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @XSlf4j is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.jbosslog.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @JBossLog} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_JBOSSLOG_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.jbosslog.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @JBossLog is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.flogger.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Flogger} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_FLOGGER_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.flogger.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Flogger is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.fieldName} = <String: aJavaIdentifier> (Default: {@code log}). * * If set the various log annotations (which make a log field) will use the stated identifier instead of {@code log} as a name. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_ANY_FIELD_NAME = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.fieldName", "Use this name for the generated logger fields (default: 'log').") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.log.fieldIsStatic} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If not set, or set to {@code true}, the log field generated by the various log annotations will be {@code static}. * * If set to {@code false}, these will be generated as instance fields instead. */ public static final ConfigurationKey LOG_ANY_FIELD_IS_STATIC = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.log.fieldIsStatic", "Make the generated logger fields static (default: true).") {}; // ##### Experimental ##### /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.experimental.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of any experimental features (from package {@code lombok.experimental}) that haven't been * promoted to a main feature results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey EXPERIMENTAL_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.experimental.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if an experimental feature is used.") {}; // ----- Accessors ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.accessors.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Accessors} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey ACCESSORS_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.accessors.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Accessors is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.accessors.prefix} += <String: prefix>. * * For any class without an {@code @Accessors} that explicitly defines the {@code prefix} option, this list of prefixes is used. */ public static final ConfigurationKey> ACCESSORS_PREFIX = new ConfigurationKey>("lombok.accessors.prefix", "Strip this field prefix, like 'f' or 'm_', from the names of generated getters and setters.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.accessors.chain} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * For any class without an {@code @Accessors} that explicitly defines the {@code chain} option, this value is used (default = false). */ public static final ConfigurationKey ACCESSORS_CHAIN = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.accessors.chain", "Generate setters that return 'this' instead of 'void' (default: false).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.accessors.fluent} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * For any class without an {@code @Accessors} that explicitly defines the {@code fluent} option, this value is used (default = false). */ public static final ConfigurationKey ACCESSORS_FLUENT = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.accessors.fluent", "Generate getters and setters using only the field name (no get/set prefix) (default: false).") {}; // ----- ExtensionMethod ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.extensionMethod.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @ExtensionMethod} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey EXTENSION_METHOD_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.extensionMethod.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @ExtensionMethod is used.") {}; // ----- FieldDefaults ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.fieldDefaults.defaultPrivate} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If set to true any field without an access modifier or {@code @PackagePrivate} is marked as {@code private} by lombok, in all source files compiled. */ public static final ConfigurationKey FIELD_DEFAULTS_PRIVATE_EVERYWHERE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.fieldDefaults.defaultPrivate", "If true, fields without any access modifier, in any file (lombok annotated or not) are marked as private. Use @PackagePrivate or an explicit modifier to override this.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.fieldDefaults.defaultFinal} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If set to true any field without {@code @NonFinal} is marked as {@code final} by lombok, in all source files compiled. */ public static final ConfigurationKey FIELD_DEFAULTS_FINAL_EVERYWHERE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.fieldDefaults.defaultFinal", "If true, fields, in any file (lombok annotated or not) are marked as final. Use @NonFinal to override this.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.fieldDefaults.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @FieldDefaults} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey FIELD_DEFAULTS_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.fieldDefaults.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @FieldDefaults is used.") {}; // ----- Helper ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.helper.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Helper} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey HELPER_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.helper.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Helper is used.") {}; // ----- onX ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.onX.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code onX} results in a warning / error. *
* Specifically, this flags usage of {@code @Getter(onMethod=...)}, {@code @Setter(onParam=...)}, {@code @Setter(onMethod=...)}, {@code @XArgsConstructor(onConstructor=...)}. */ public static final ConfigurationKey ON_X_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.onX.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if onX is used.") {}; // ----- UtilityClass ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.utilityClass.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @UtilityClass} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey UTILITY_CLASS_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.utilityClass.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @UtilityClass is used.") {}; // ----- FieldNameConstants ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.fieldNameConstants.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @FieldNameConstants} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.fieldNameConstants.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @FieldNameConstants is used.") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.fieldNameConstants.innerTypeName} = <String: AValidJavaTypeName> (Default: {@code Fields}). * * The names of the constants generated by {@code @FieldNameConstants} will be prefixed with this value. */ public static final ConfigurationKey FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_INNER_TYPE_NAME = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.fieldNameConstants.innerTypeName", "The default name of the inner type generated by @FieldNameConstants. (default: 'Fields').") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.fieldNameConstants.uppercase} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If true, names of constants generated by {@code @FieldNameConstants} will be UPPER_CASED_LIKE_A_CONSTANT. (Default: {@code false}). */ public static final ConfigurationKey FIELD_NAME_CONSTANTS_UPPERCASE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.fieldNameConstants.uppercase", "The default name of the constants inside the inner type generated by @FieldNameConstants follow the variable name precisely. If this config key is true, lombok will uppercase them as best it can. (default: false).") {}; // ----- Wither ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.wither.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @Wither} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey WITHER_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.wither.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @Wither is used.") {}; // ----- SuperBuilder ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.superBuilder.flagUsage} = {@code WARNING} | {@code ERROR}. * * If set, any usage of {@code @SuperBuilder} results in a warning / error. */ public static final ConfigurationKey SUPERBUILDER_FLAG_USAGE = new ConfigurationKey("lombok.superBuilder.flagUsage", "Emit a warning or error if @SuperBuilder is used.") {}; // ----- Configuration System ----- /** * lombok configuration: {@code config.stopBubbling} = {@code true} | {@code false}. * * If not set, or set to {@code false}, the configuration system will look for {@code lombok.config} files in the parent directory. * * If set to {@code true}, no further {@code lombok.config} files will be checked. */ public static final ConfigurationKey STOP_BUBBLING = new ConfigurationKey("config.stopBubbling", "Tell the configuration system it should stop looking for other configuration files (default: false).") {}; /** * lombok configuration: {@code lombok.copyableAnnotations} += <TypeName: fully-qualified annotation class name>. * * Copy these annotations to getters, setters, withers, builder-setters, etc. */ public static final ConfigurationKey> COPYABLE_ANNOTATIONS = new ConfigurationKey>("lombok.copyableAnnotations", "Copy these annotations to getters, setters, withers, builder-setters, etc.") {}; }