package lombok.javac; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Map; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class JavacResolution { private final Attr attr; private final LogDisabler logDisabler; public JavacResolution(Context context) { attr = Attr.instance(context); logDisabler = new LogDisabler(context); } /** * During resolution, the resolver will emit resolution errors, but without appropriate file names and line numbers. If these resolution errors stick around * then they will be generated AGAIN, this time with proper names and line numbers, at the end. Therefore, we want to suppress the logger. */ private static final class LogDisabler { private final Log log; private static final Field errWriterField, warnWriterField, noticeWriterField, dumpOnErrorField, promptOnErrorField, diagnosticListenerField; private PrintWriter errWriter, warnWriter, noticeWriter; private Boolean dumpOnError, promptOnError; private DiagnosticListener contextDiagnosticListener, logDiagnosticListener; private final Context context; // If this is true, the fields changed. Better to print weird error messages than to fail outright. private static final boolean dontBother; static { boolean z; Field a = null, b = null, c = null, d = null, e = null, f = null; try { a = Log.class.getDeclaredField("errWriter"); b = Log.class.getDeclaredField("warnWriter"); c = Log.class.getDeclaredField("noticeWriter"); d = Log.class.getDeclaredField("dumpOnError"); e = Log.class.getDeclaredField("promptOnError"); f = Log.class.getDeclaredField("diagListener"); z = false; a.setAccessible(true); b.setAccessible(true); c.setAccessible(true); d.setAccessible(true); e.setAccessible(true); f.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception x) { z = true; } errWriterField = a; warnWriterField = b; noticeWriterField = c; dumpOnErrorField = d; promptOnErrorField = e; diagnosticListenerField = f; dontBother = z; } LogDisabler(Context context) { this.log = Log.instance(context); this.context = context; } boolean disableLoggers() { contextDiagnosticListener = context.get(DiagnosticListener.class); context.put(DiagnosticListener.class, (DiagnosticListener) null); if (dontBother) return false; boolean dontBotherInstance = false; PrintWriter dummyWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { // Do nothing on purpose } }); if (!dontBotherInstance) try { errWriter = (PrintWriter) errWriterField.get(log); errWriterField.set(log, dummyWriter); } catch (Exception e) { dontBotherInstance = true; } if (!dontBotherInstance) try { warnWriter = (PrintWriter) warnWriterField.get(log); warnWriterField.set(log, dummyWriter); } catch (Exception e) { dontBotherInstance = true; } if (!dontBotherInstance) try { noticeWriter = (PrintWriter) noticeWriterField.get(log); noticeWriterField.set(log, dummyWriter); } catch (Exception e) { dontBotherInstance = true; } if (!dontBotherInstance) try { dumpOnError = (Boolean) dumpOnErrorField.get(log); dumpOnErrorField.set(log, false); } catch (Exception e) { dontBotherInstance = true; } if (!dontBotherInstance) try { promptOnError = (Boolean) promptOnErrorField.get(log); promptOnErrorField.set(log, false); } catch (Exception e) { dontBotherInstance = true; } if (!dontBotherInstance) try { logDiagnosticListener = (DiagnosticListener) diagnosticListenerField.get(log); diagnosticListenerField.set(log, null); } catch (Exception e) { dontBotherInstance = true; } if (dontBotherInstance) enableLoggers(); return !dontBotherInstance; } void enableLoggers() { if (contextDiagnosticListener != null) { context.put(DiagnosticListener.class, contextDiagnosticListener); contextDiagnosticListener = null; } if (errWriter != null) try { errWriterField.set(log, errWriter); errWriter = null; } catch (Exception e) {} if (warnWriter != null) try { warnWriterField.set(log, warnWriter); warnWriter = null; } catch (Exception e) {} if (noticeWriter != null) try { noticeWriterField.set(log, noticeWriter); noticeWriter = null; } catch (Exception e) {} if (dumpOnError != null) try { dumpOnErrorField.set(log, dumpOnError); dumpOnError = null; } catch (Exception e) {} if (promptOnError != null) try { promptOnErrorField.set(log, promptOnError); promptOnError = null; } catch (Exception e) {} if (logDiagnosticListener != null) try { diagnosticListenerField.set(log, logDiagnosticListener); logDiagnosticListener = null; } catch (Exception e) {} } } private static final class EnvFinder extends JCTree.Visitor { private Env env = null; private Enter enter; private MemberEnter memberEnter; private JCTree copyAt = null; EnvFinder(Context context) { this.enter = Enter.instance(context); this.memberEnter = MemberEnter.instance(context); } Env get() { return env; } JCTree copyAt() { return copyAt; } @Override public void visitTopLevel(JCCompilationUnit tree) { if (copyAt != null) return; env = enter.getTopLevelEnv(tree); } @Override public void visitClassDef(JCClassDecl tree) { if (copyAt != null) return; // The commented out one leaves the 'lint' field unset, which causes NPEs during attrib. So, we use the other one. //env = enter.classEnv((JCClassDecl) tree, env); env = enter.getClassEnv(tree.sym); } @Override public void visitMethodDef(JCMethodDecl tree) { if (copyAt != null) return; env = memberEnter.getMethodEnv(tree, env); copyAt = tree; } public void visitVarDef(JCVariableDecl tree) { if (copyAt != null) return; env = memberEnter.getInitEnv(tree, env); copyAt = tree; } @Override public void visitBlock(JCBlock tree) { if (copyAt != null) return; copyAt = tree; } @Override public void visitTree(JCTree that) { } } public Map resolveMethodMember(JavacNode node) { ArrayDeque stack = new ArrayDeque(); { JavacNode n = node; while (n != null) { stack.push(n.get()); n = n.up(); } } logDisabler.disableLoggers(); try { EnvFinder finder = new EnvFinder(node.getContext()); while (!stack.isEmpty()) stack.pop().accept(finder); TreeMirrorMaker mirrorMaker = new TreeMirrorMaker(node); JCTree copy = mirrorMaker.copy(finder.copyAt()); attrib(copy, finder.get()); return mirrorMaker.getOriginalToCopyMap(); } finally { logDisabler.enableLoggers(); } } public void resolveClassMember(JavacNode node) { ArrayDeque stack = new ArrayDeque(); { JavacNode n = node; while (n != null) { stack.push(n.get()); n = n.up(); } } logDisabler.disableLoggers(); try { EnvFinder finder = new EnvFinder(node.getContext()); while (!stack.isEmpty()) stack.pop().accept(finder); attrib(node.get(), finder.get()); } finally { logDisabler.enableLoggers(); } } private void attrib(JCTree tree, Env env) { if (tree instanceof JCBlock) attr.attribStat(tree, env); else if (tree instanceof JCMethodDecl) attr.attribStat(((JCMethodDecl)tree).body, env); else if (tree instanceof JCVariableDecl) attr.attribStat(tree, env); else throw new IllegalStateException("Called with something that isn't a block, method decl, or variable decl"); } public static class TypeNotConvertibleException extends Exception { public TypeNotConvertibleException(String msg) { super(msg); } } public static Type ifTypeIsIterableToComponent(Type type, JavacAST ast) { Types types = Types.instance(ast.getContext()); Symtab syms = Symtab.instance(ast.getContext()); Type boundType = types.upperBound(type); Type elemTypeIfArray = types.elemtype(boundType); if (elemTypeIfArray != null) return elemTypeIfArray; Type base = types.asSuper(boundType, syms.iterableType.tsym); if (base == null) return syms.objectType; List iterableParams = base.allparams(); return iterableParams.isEmpty() ? syms.objectType : types.upperBound(iterableParams.head); } public static JCExpression typeToJCTree(Type type, TreeMaker maker, JavacAST ast, boolean allowVoid) throws TypeNotConvertibleException { return typeToJCTree(type, maker, ast, false, allowVoid); } public static JCExpression createJavaLangObject(TreeMaker maker, JavacAST ast) { JCExpression out = maker.Ident(ast.toName("java")); out = maker.Select(out, ast.toName("lang")); out = maker.Select(out, ast.toName("Object")); return out; } private static JCExpression typeToJCTree(Type type, TreeMaker maker, JavacAST ast, boolean allowCompound, boolean allowVoid) throws TypeNotConvertibleException { int dims = 0; Type type0 = type; while (type0 instanceof ArrayType) { dims++; type0 = ((ArrayType)type0).elemtype; } JCExpression result = typeToJCTree0(type0, maker, ast, allowCompound, allowVoid); while (dims > 0) { result = maker.TypeArray(result); dims--; } return result; } private static JCExpression typeToJCTree0(Type type, TreeMaker maker, JavacAST ast, boolean allowCompound, boolean allowVoid) throws TypeNotConvertibleException { // NB: There's such a thing as maker.Type(type), but this doesn't work very well; it screws up anonymous classes, captures, and adds an extra prefix dot for some reason too. // -- so we write our own take on that here. if (type.tag == Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "BOT")) return createJavaLangObject(maker, ast); if (type.tag == Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "VOID")) return allowVoid ? primitiveToJCTree(type.getKind(), maker) : createJavaLangObject(maker, ast); if (type.isPrimitive()) return primitiveToJCTree(type.getKind(), maker); if (type.isErroneous()) throw new TypeNotConvertibleException("Type cannot be resolved"); TypeSymbol symbol = type.asElement(); List generics = type.getTypeArguments(); JCExpression replacement = null; if (symbol == null) throw new TypeNotConvertibleException("Null or compound type"); if ( == 0) { // Anonymous inner class if (type instanceof ClassType) { List ifaces = ((ClassType)type).interfaces_field; Type supertype = ((ClassType)type).supertype_field; if (ifaces != null && ifaces.length() == 1) { return typeToJCTree(ifaces.get(0), maker, ast, allowCompound, allowVoid); } if (supertype != null) return typeToJCTree(supertype, maker, ast, allowCompound, allowVoid); } throw new TypeNotConvertibleException("Anonymous inner class"); } if (type instanceof CapturedType || type instanceof WildcardType) { Type lower, upper; if (type instanceof WildcardType) { upper = ((WildcardType)type).getExtendsBound(); lower = ((WildcardType)type).getSuperBound(); } else { lower = type.getLowerBound(); upper = type.getUpperBound(); } if (allowCompound) { if (lower == null || lower.tag == Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "BOT")) { if (upper == null || upper.toString().equals("java.lang.Object")) { return maker.Wildcard(maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.UNBOUND), null); } return maker.Wildcard(maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.EXTENDS), typeToJCTree(upper, maker, ast, false, false)); } else { return maker.Wildcard(maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.SUPER), typeToJCTree(lower, maker, ast, false, false)); } } if (upper != null) { return typeToJCTree(upper, maker, ast, allowCompound, allowVoid); } return createJavaLangObject(maker, ast); } String qName = symbol.getQualifiedName().toString(); if (qName.isEmpty()) throw new TypeNotConvertibleException("unknown type"); if (qName.startsWith("<")) throw new TypeNotConvertibleException(qName); String[] baseNames = symbol.getQualifiedName().toString().split("\\."); replacement = maker.Ident(ast.toName(baseNames[0])); for (int i = 1; i < baseNames.length; i++) { replacement = maker.Select(replacement, ast.toName(baseNames[i])); } if (generics != null && !generics.isEmpty()) { ListBuffer args =; for (Type t : generics) args.append(typeToJCTree(t, maker, ast, true, false)); replacement = maker.TypeApply(replacement, args.toList()); } return replacement; } private static JCExpression primitiveToJCTree(TypeKind kind, TreeMaker maker) throws TypeNotConvertibleException { switch (kind) { case BYTE: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "BYTE")); case CHAR: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "CHAR")); case SHORT: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "SHORT")); case INT: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "INT")); case LONG: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "LONG")); case FLOAT: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "FLOAT")); case DOUBLE: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "DOUBLE")); case BOOLEAN: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "BOOLEAN")); case VOID: return maker.TypeIdent(Javac.getCTCint(TypeTags.class, "VOID")); case NULL: case NONE: case OTHER: default: throw new TypeNotConvertibleException("Nulltype"); } } }