/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 The Project Lombok Authors. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package lombok.javac.handlers; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier; import org.mangosdk.spi.ProviderFor; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCAnnotation; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCArrayTypeTree; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCBlock; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpression; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCFieldAccess; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIdent; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCIf; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCLiteral; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMethodDecl; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCModifiers; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCPrimitiveTypeTree; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCStatement; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCTypeApply; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCTypeParameter; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCVariableDecl; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name; import lombok.AccessLevel; import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Builder.ObtainVia; import lombok.ConfigurationKeys; import lombok.Singular; import lombok.core.AST.Kind; import lombok.core.AnnotationValues; import lombok.core.HandlerPriority; import lombok.core.handlers.HandlerUtil; import lombok.experimental.NonFinal; import lombok.javac.Javac; import lombok.javac.JavacAnnotationHandler; import lombok.javac.JavacNode; import lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker; import lombok.javac.handlers.HandleConstructor.SkipIfConstructorExists; import lombok.javac.handlers.JavacSingularsRecipes.JavacSingularizer; import lombok.javac.handlers.JavacSingularsRecipes.SingularData; import static lombok.core.handlers.HandlerUtil.*; import static lombok.javac.handlers.JavacHandlerUtil.*; import static lombok.javac.Javac.*; import static lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker.TypeTag.*; @ProviderFor(JavacAnnotationHandler.class) @HandlerPriority(-1024) //-2^10; to ensure we've picked up @FieldDefault's changes (-2048) but @Value hasn't removed itself yet (-512), so that we can error on presence of it on the builder classes. public class HandleBuilder extends JavacAnnotationHandler { private static final boolean toBoolean(Object expr, boolean defaultValue) { if (expr == null) return defaultValue; if (expr instanceof JCLiteral) return ((Integer) ((JCLiteral) expr).value) != 0; return ((Boolean) expr).booleanValue(); } private static class BuilderFieldData { JCExpression type; Name rawName; Name name; SingularData singularData; ObtainVia obtainVia; JavacNode obtainViaNode; java.util.List createdFields = new ArrayList(); } @Override public void handle(AnnotationValues annotation, JCAnnotation ast, JavacNode annotationNode) { Builder builderInstance = annotation.getInstance(); // These exist just to support the 'old' lombok.experimental.Builder, which had these properties. lombok.Builder no longer has them. boolean fluent = toBoolean(annotation.getActualExpression("fluent"), true); boolean chain = toBoolean(annotation.getActualExpression("chain"), true); String builderMethodName = builderInstance.builderMethodName(); String buildMethodName = builderInstance.buildMethodName(); String builderClassName = builderInstance.builderClassName(); String toBuilderMethodName = "toBuilder"; boolean toBuilder = builderInstance.toBuilder(); java.util.List typeArgsForToBuilder = null; if (builderMethodName == null) builderMethodName = "builder"; if (buildMethodName == null) buildMethodName = "build"; if (builderClassName == null) builderClassName = ""; if (!checkName("builderMethodName", builderMethodName, annotationNode)) return; if (!checkName("buildMethodName", buildMethodName, annotationNode)) return; if (!builderClassName.isEmpty()) { if (!checkName("builderClassName", builderClassName, annotationNode)) return; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Class oldExperimentalBuilder = lombok.experimental.Builder.class; deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(annotationNode, Builder.class, oldExperimentalBuilder); JavacNode parent = annotationNode.up(); java.util.List builderFields = new ArrayList(); JCExpression returnType; List typeParams = List.nil(); List thrownExceptions = List.nil(); Name nameOfBuilderMethod; JavacNode tdParent; JavacNode fillParametersFrom = parent.get() instanceof JCMethodDecl ? parent : null; boolean addCleaning = false; boolean isStatic = true; if (parent.get() instanceof JCClassDecl) { tdParent = parent; JCClassDecl td = (JCClassDecl) tdParent.get(); ListBuffer allFields = new ListBuffer(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") boolean valuePresent = (hasAnnotation(lombok.Value.class, parent) || hasAnnotation(lombok.experimental.Value.class, parent)); for (JavacNode fieldNode : HandleConstructor.findAllFields(tdParent)) { JCVariableDecl fd = (JCVariableDecl) fieldNode.get(); // final fields with an initializer cannot be written to, so they can't be 'builderized'. Unfortunately presence of @Value makes // non-final fields final, but @Value's handler hasn't done this yet, so we have to do this math ourselves. // Value will only skip making a field final if it has an explicit @NonFinal annotation, so we check for that. if (fd.init != null && valuePresent && !hasAnnotation(NonFinal.class, fieldNode)) continue; BuilderFieldData bfd = new BuilderFieldData(); bfd.rawName = fd.name; bfd.name = removePrefixFromField(fieldNode); bfd.type = fd.vartype; bfd.singularData = getSingularData(fieldNode); addObtainVia(bfd, fieldNode); builderFields.add(bfd); allFields.append(fieldNode); } new HandleConstructor().generateConstructor(tdParent, AccessLevel.PACKAGE, List.nil(), allFields.toList(), false, null, SkipIfConstructorExists.I_AM_BUILDER, null, annotationNode); returnType = namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(tdParent.getTreeMaker(), td.name, td.typarams); typeParams = td.typarams; thrownExceptions = List.nil(); nameOfBuilderMethod = null; if (builderClassName.isEmpty()) builderClassName = td.name.toString() + "Builder"; } else if (fillParametersFrom != null && fillParametersFrom.getName().toString().equals("")) { JCMethodDecl jmd = (JCMethodDecl) fillParametersFrom.get(); if (!jmd.typarams.isEmpty()) { annotationNode.addError("@Builder is not supported on constructors with constructor type parameters."); return; } tdParent = parent.up(); JCClassDecl td = (JCClassDecl) tdParent.get(); returnType = namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(tdParent.getTreeMaker(), td.name, td.typarams); typeParams = td.typarams; thrownExceptions = jmd.thrown; nameOfBuilderMethod = null; if (builderClassName.isEmpty()) builderClassName = td.name.toString() + "Builder"; } else if (fillParametersFrom != null) { tdParent = parent.up(); JCClassDecl td = (JCClassDecl) tdParent.get(); JCMethodDecl jmd = (JCMethodDecl) fillParametersFrom.get(); isStatic = (jmd.mods.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0; JCExpression fullReturnType = jmd.restype; returnType = fullReturnType; typeParams = jmd.typarams; thrownExceptions = jmd.thrown; nameOfBuilderMethod = jmd.name; if (returnType instanceof JCTypeApply) { returnType = ((JCTypeApply) returnType).clazz; } if (builderClassName.isEmpty()) { if (returnType instanceof JCFieldAccess) { builderClassName = ((JCFieldAccess) returnType).name.toString() + "Builder"; } else if (returnType instanceof JCIdent) { Name n = ((JCIdent) returnType).name; for (JCTypeParameter tp : typeParams) { if (tp.name.equals(n)) { annotationNode.addError("@Builder requires specifying 'builderClassName' if used on methods with a type parameter as return type."); return; } } builderClassName = n.toString() + "Builder"; } else if (returnType instanceof JCPrimitiveTypeTree) { builderClassName = returnType.toString() + "Builder"; if (Character.isLowerCase(builderClassName.charAt(0))) { builderClassName = Character.toTitleCase(builderClassName.charAt(0)) + builderClassName.substring(1); } } else { // This shouldn't happen. System.err.println("Lombok bug ID#20140614-1651: javac HandleBuilder: return type to name conversion failed: " + returnType.getClass()); builderClassName = td.name.toString() + "Builder"; } } if (toBuilder) { final String TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED = "@Builder(toBuilder=true) is only supported if you return your own type."; if (returnType instanceof JCArrayTypeTree) { annotationNode.addError(TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } Name simpleName; String pkg; List tpOnRet = List.nil(); if (fullReturnType instanceof JCTypeApply) { tpOnRet = ((JCTypeApply) fullReturnType).arguments; } if (returnType instanceof JCIdent) { simpleName = ((JCIdent) returnType).name; pkg = null; } else if (returnType instanceof JCFieldAccess) { JCFieldAccess jcfa = (JCFieldAccess) returnType; simpleName = jcfa.name; pkg = unpack(jcfa.selected); if (pkg.startsWith("ERR:")) { String err = pkg.substring(4, pkg.indexOf("__ERR__")); annotationNode.addError(err); return; } } else { annotationNode.addError("Expected a (parameterized) type here instead of a " + returnType.getClass().getName()); return; } if (pkg != null && !parent.getPackageDeclaration().equals(pkg)) { annotationNode.addError(TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } if (!tdParent.getName().contentEquals(simpleName)) { annotationNode.addError(TO_BUILDER_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } List tpOnMethod = jmd.typarams; List tpOnType = ((JCClassDecl) tdParent.get()).typarams; typeArgsForToBuilder = new ArrayList(); for (JCTypeParameter tp : tpOnMethod) { int pos = -1; int idx = -1; for (JCExpression tOnRet : tpOnRet) { idx++; if (!(tOnRet instanceof JCIdent)) continue; if (((JCIdent) tOnRet).name != tp.name) continue; pos = idx; } if (pos == -1 || tpOnType.size() <= pos) { annotationNode.addError("@Builder(toBuilder=true) requires that each type parameter on the static method is part of the typeargs of the return value. Type parameter " + tp.name + " is not part of the return type."); return; } typeArgsForToBuilder.add(tpOnType.get(pos).name); } } } else { annotationNode.addError("@Builder is only supported on types, constructors, and methods."); return; } if (fillParametersFrom != null) { for (JavacNode param : fillParametersFrom.down()) { if (param.getKind() != Kind.ARGUMENT) continue; BuilderFieldData bfd = new BuilderFieldData(); JCVariableDecl raw = (JCVariableDecl) param.get(); bfd.name = raw.name; bfd.rawName = raw.name; bfd.type = raw.vartype; bfd.singularData = getSingularData(param); addObtainVia(bfd, param); builderFields.add(bfd); } } JavacNode builderType = findInnerClass(tdParent, builderClassName); if (builderType == null) { builderType = makeBuilderClass(isStatic, annotationNode, tdParent, builderClassName, typeParams, ast); } else { JCClassDecl builderTypeDeclaration = (JCClassDecl) builderType.get(); if (isStatic && !builderTypeDeclaration.getModifiers().getFlags().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) { annotationNode.addError("Existing Builder must be a static inner class."); return; } else if (!isStatic && builderTypeDeclaration.getModifiers().getFlags().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) { annotationNode.addError("Existing Builder must be a non-static inner class."); return; } sanityCheckForMethodGeneratingAnnotationsOnBuilderClass(builderType, annotationNode); /* generate errors for @Singular BFDs that have one already defined node. */ { for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) { SingularData sd = bfd.singularData; if (sd == null) continue; JavacSingularizer singularizer = sd.getSingularizer(); if (singularizer == null) continue; if (singularizer.checkForAlreadyExistingNodesAndGenerateError(builderType, sd)) { bfd.singularData = null; } } } } for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) { if (bfd.singularData != null && bfd.singularData.getSingularizer() != null) { if (bfd.singularData.getSingularizer().requiresCleaning()) { addCleaning = true; break; } } if (bfd.obtainVia != null) { if (bfd.obtainVia.field().isEmpty() == bfd.obtainVia.method().isEmpty()) { bfd.obtainViaNode.addError("The syntax is either @ObtainVia(field = \"fieldName\") or @ObtainVia(method = \"methodName\")."); return; } if (bfd.obtainVia.method().isEmpty() && bfd.obtainVia.isStatic()) { bfd.obtainViaNode.addError("@ObtainVia(isStatic = true) is not valid unless 'method' has been set."); return; } } } generateBuilderFields(builderType, builderFields, ast); if (addCleaning) { JavacTreeMaker maker = builderType.getTreeMaker(); JCVariableDecl uncleanField = maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(Flags.PRIVATE), builderType.toName("$lombokUnclean"), maker.TypeIdent(CTC_BOOLEAN), null); injectFieldAndMarkGenerated(builderType, uncleanField); } if (constructorExists(builderType) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) { JCMethodDecl cd = HandleConstructor.createConstructor(AccessLevel.PACKAGE, List.nil(), builderType, List.nil(), false, null, annotationNode); if (cd != null) injectMethod(builderType, cd); } for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) { makeSetterMethodsForBuilder(builderType, bfd, annotationNode, fluent, chain); } if (methodExists(buildMethodName, builderType, -1) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) { JCMethodDecl md = generateBuildMethod(isStatic, buildMethodName, nameOfBuilderMethod, returnType, builderFields, builderType, thrownExceptions, ast, addCleaning); if (md != null) injectMethod(builderType, md); } if (methodExists("toString", builderType, 0) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) { java.util.List fieldNodes = new ArrayList(); for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) { fieldNodes.addAll(bfd.createdFields); } JCMethodDecl md = HandleToString.createToString(builderType, fieldNodes, true, false, FieldAccess.ALWAYS_FIELD, ast); if (md != null) injectMethod(builderType, md); } if (addCleaning) injectMethod(builderType, generateCleanMethod(builderFields, builderType, ast)); if (methodExists(builderMethodName, tdParent, -1) == MemberExistsResult.NOT_EXISTS) { JCMethodDecl md = generateBuilderMethod(isStatic, builderMethodName, builderClassName, annotationNode, tdParent, typeParams); recursiveSetGeneratedBy(md, ast, annotationNode.getContext()); if (md != null) injectMethod(tdParent, md); } if (toBuilder) { switch (methodExists(toBuilderMethodName, tdParent, 0)) { case EXISTS_BY_USER: annotationNode.addWarning("Not generating toBuilder() as it already exists."); return; case NOT_EXISTS: List tps = typeParams; if (typeArgsForToBuilder != null) { ListBuffer lb = new ListBuffer(); JavacTreeMaker maker = tdParent.getTreeMaker(); for (Name n : typeArgsForToBuilder) { lb.append(maker.TypeParameter(n, List.nil())); } tps = lb.toList(); } JCMethodDecl md = generateToBuilderMethod(toBuilderMethodName, builderClassName, tdParent, tps, builderFields, fluent, ast); if (md != null) injectMethod(tdParent, md); } } recursiveSetGeneratedBy(builderType.get(), ast, annotationNode.getContext()); } private static String unpack(JCExpression expr) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); unpack(sb, expr); return sb.toString(); } private static void unpack(StringBuilder sb, JCExpression expr) { if (expr instanceof JCIdent) { sb.append(((JCIdent) expr).name.toString()); return; } if (expr instanceof JCFieldAccess) { JCFieldAccess jcfa = (JCFieldAccess) expr; unpack(sb, jcfa.selected); sb.append(".").append(jcfa.name.toString()); return; } if (expr instanceof JCTypeApply) { sb.setLength(0); sb.append("ERR:"); sb.append("@Builder(toBuilder=true) is not supported if returning a type with generics applied to an intermediate."); sb.append("__ERR__"); return; } sb.setLength(0); sb.append("ERR:"); sb.append("Expected a type of some sort, not a " + expr.getClass().getName()); sb.append("__ERR__"); } private JCMethodDecl generateToBuilderMethod(String toBuilderMethodName, String builderClassName, JavacNode type, List typeParams, java.util.List builderFields, boolean fluent, JCAnnotation ast) { // return new ThingieBuilder().setA(this.a).setB(this.b); JavacTreeMaker maker = type.getTreeMaker(); ListBuffer typeArgs = new ListBuffer(); for (JCTypeParameter typeParam : typeParams) { typeArgs.append(maker.Ident(typeParam.name)); } JCExpression call = maker.NewClass(null, List.nil(), namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.toName(builderClassName), typeParams), List.nil(), null); JCExpression invoke = call; for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) { Name setterName = fluent ? bfd.name : type.toName(HandlerUtil.buildAccessorName("set", bfd.name.toString())); JCExpression arg; if (bfd.obtainVia == null || !bfd.obtainVia.field().isEmpty()) { arg = maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName("this")), bfd.obtainVia == null ? bfd.rawName : type.toName(bfd.obtainVia.field())); } else { if (bfd.obtainVia.isStatic()) { JCExpression c = maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName(type.getName())), type.toName(bfd.obtainVia.method())); arg = maker.Apply(List.nil(), c, List.of(maker.Ident(type.toName("this")))); } else { JCExpression c = maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName("this")), type.toName(bfd.obtainVia.method())); arg = maker.Apply(List.nil(), c, List.nil()); } } invoke = maker.Apply(List.nil(), maker.Select(invoke, setterName), List.of(arg)); } JCStatement statement = maker.Return(invoke); JCBlock body = maker.Block(0, List.of(statement)); return maker.MethodDef(maker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC), type.toName(toBuilderMethodName), namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.toName(builderClassName), typeParams), List.nil(), List.nil(), List.nil(), body, null); } private JCMethodDecl generateCleanMethod(java.util.List builderFields, JavacNode type, JCTree source) { JavacTreeMaker maker = type.getTreeMaker(); ListBuffer statements = new ListBuffer(); for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) { if (bfd.singularData != null && bfd.singularData.getSingularizer() != null) { bfd.singularData.getSingularizer().appendCleaningCode(bfd.singularData, type, source, statements); } } statements.append(maker.Exec(maker.Assign(maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName("this")), type.toName("$lombokUnclean")), maker.Literal(CTC_BOOLEAN, false)))); JCBlock body = maker.Block(0, statements.toList()); return maker.MethodDef(maker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC), type.toName("$lombokClean"), maker.Type(Javac.createVoidType(type.getSymbolTable(), CTC_VOID)), List.nil(), List.nil(), List.nil(), body, null); /* * if (shouldReturnThis) { methodType = cloneSelfType(field); } if (methodType == null) { //WARNING: Do not use field.getSymbolTable().voidType - that field has gone through non-backwards compatible API changes within javac1.6. methodType = treeMaker.Type(Javac.createVoidType(treeMaker, CTC_VOID)); shouldReturnThis = false; } */ } private JCMethodDecl generateBuildMethod(boolean isStatic, String buildName, Name builderName, JCExpression returnType, java.util.List builderFields, JavacNode type, List thrownExceptions, JCTree source, boolean addCleaning) { JavacTreeMaker maker = type.getTreeMaker(); JCExpression call; ListBuffer statements = new ListBuffer(); if (addCleaning) { JCExpression notClean = maker.Unary(CTC_NOT, maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName("this")), type.toName("$lombokUnclean"))); JCStatement invokeClean = maker.Exec(maker.Apply(List.nil(), maker.Ident(type.toName("$lombokClean")), List.nil())); JCIf ifUnclean = maker.If(notClean, invokeClean, null); statements.append(ifUnclean); } for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) { if (bfd.singularData != null && bfd.singularData.getSingularizer() != null) { bfd.singularData.getSingularizer().appendBuildCode(bfd.singularData, type, source, statements, bfd.name); } } ListBuffer args = new ListBuffer(); for (BuilderFieldData bfd : builderFields) { args.append(maker.Ident(bfd.name)); } if (addCleaning) { statements.append(maker.Exec(maker.Assign(maker.Select(maker.Ident(type.toName("this")), type.toName("$lombokUnclean")), maker.Literal(CTC_BOOLEAN, true)))); } if (builderName == null) { call = maker.NewClass(null, List.nil(), returnType, args.toList(), null); statements.append(maker.Return(call)); } else { ListBuffer typeParams = new ListBuffer(); for (JCTypeParameter tp : ((JCClassDecl) type.get()).typarams) { typeParams.append(maker.Ident(tp.name)); } JCExpression callee = maker.Ident(((JCClassDecl) type.up().get()).name); if (!isStatic) callee = maker.Select(callee, type.up().toName("this")); JCExpression fn = maker.Select(callee, builderName); call = maker.Apply(typeParams.toList(), fn, args.toList()); if (returnType instanceof JCPrimitiveTypeTree && CTC_VOID.equals(typeTag(returnType))) { statements.append(maker.Exec(call)); } else { statements.append(maker.Return(call)); } } JCBlock body = maker.Block(0, statements.toList()); return maker.MethodDef(maker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC), type.toName(buildName), returnType, List.nil(), List.nil(), thrownExceptions, body, null); } public JCMethodDecl generateBuilderMethod(boolean isStatic, String builderMethodName, String builderClassName, JavacNode source, JavacNode type, List typeParams) { JavacTreeMaker maker = type.getTreeMaker(); ListBuffer typeArgs = new ListBuffer(); for (JCTypeParameter typeParam : typeParams) { typeArgs.append(maker.Ident(typeParam.name)); } JCExpression call = maker.NewClass(null, List.nil(), namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.toName(builderClassName), typeParams), List.nil(), null); JCStatement statement = maker.Return(call); JCBlock body = maker.Block(0, List.of(statement)); int modifiers = Flags.PUBLIC; if (isStatic) modifiers |= Flags.STATIC; return maker.MethodDef(maker.Modifiers(modifiers), type.toName(builderMethodName), namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.toName(builderClassName), typeParams), copyTypeParams(source, typeParams), List.nil(), List.nil(), body, null); } public void generateBuilderFields(JavacNode builderType, java.util.List builderFields, JCTree source) { int len = builderFields.size(); java.util.List existing = new ArrayList(); for (JavacNode child : builderType.down()) { if (child.getKind() == Kind.FIELD) existing.add(child); } top: for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BuilderFieldData bfd = builderFields.get(i); if (bfd.singularData != null && bfd.singularData.getSingularizer() != null) { bfd.createdFields.addAll(bfd.singularData.getSingularizer().generateFields(bfd.singularData, builderType, source)); } else { for (JavacNode exists : existing) { Name n = ((JCVariableDecl) exists.get()).name; if (n.equals(bfd.name)) { bfd.createdFields.add(exists); continue top; } } JavacTreeMaker maker = builderType.getTreeMaker(); JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(Flags.PRIVATE); JCVariableDecl newField = maker.VarDef(mods, bfd.name, cloneType(maker, bfd.type, source, builderType.getContext()), null); bfd.createdFields.add(injectFieldAndMarkGenerated(builderType, newField)); } } } public void makeSetterMethodsForBuilder(JavacNode builderType, BuilderFieldData fieldNode, JavacNode source, boolean fluent, boolean chain) { if (fieldNode.singularData == null || fieldNode.singularData.getSingularizer() == null) { makeSimpleSetterMethodForBuilder(builderType, fieldNode.createdFields.get(0), source, fluent, chain); } else { fieldNode.singularData.getSingularizer().generateMethods(fieldNode.singularData, builderType, source.get(), fluent, chain); } } private void makeSimpleSetterMethodForBuilder(JavacNode builderType, JavacNode fieldNode, JavacNode source, boolean fluent, boolean chain) { Name fieldName = ((JCVariableDecl) fieldNode.get()).name; for (JavacNode child : builderType.down()) { if (child.getKind() != Kind.METHOD) continue; JCMethodDecl methodDecl = (JCMethodDecl) child.get(); Name existingName = methodDecl.name; if (existingName.equals(fieldName) && !isTolerate(fieldNode, methodDecl)) return; } String setterName = fluent ? fieldNode.getName() : HandlerUtil.buildAccessorName("set", fieldNode.getName()); JavacTreeMaker maker = fieldNode.getTreeMaker(); JCMethodDecl newMethod = HandleSetter.createSetter(Flags.PUBLIC, fieldNode, maker, setterName, chain, source, List.nil(), List.nil()); injectMethod(builderType, newMethod); } public JavacNode findInnerClass(JavacNode parent, String name) { for (JavacNode child : parent.down()) { if (child.getKind() != Kind.TYPE) continue; JCClassDecl td = (JCClassDecl) child.get(); if (td.name.contentEquals(name)) return child; } return null; } public JavacNode makeBuilderClass(boolean isStatic, JavacNode source, JavacNode tdParent, String builderClassName, List typeParams, JCAnnotation ast) { JavacTreeMaker maker = tdParent.getTreeMaker(); int modifiers = Flags.PUBLIC; if (isStatic) modifiers |= Flags.STATIC; JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(modifiers); JCClassDecl builder = maker.ClassDef(mods, tdParent.toName(builderClassName), copyTypeParams(source, typeParams), null, List.nil(), List.nil()); return injectType(tdParent, builder); } private void addObtainVia(BuilderFieldData bfd, JavacNode node) { for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (!annotationTypeMatches(ObtainVia.class, child)) continue; AnnotationValues ann = createAnnotation(ObtainVia.class, child); bfd.obtainVia = ann.getInstance(); bfd.obtainViaNode = child; deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(child, ObtainVia.class); return; } } /** * Returns the explicitly requested singular annotation on this node (field * or parameter), or null if there's no {@code @Singular} annotation on it. * * @param node The node (field or method param) to inspect for its name and potential {@code @Singular} annotation. */ private SingularData getSingularData(JavacNode node) { for (JavacNode child : node.down()) { if (!annotationTypeMatches(Singular.class, child)) continue; Name pluralName = node.getKind() == Kind.FIELD ? removePrefixFromField(node) : ((JCVariableDecl) node.get()).name; AnnotationValues ann = createAnnotation(Singular.class, child); deleteAnnotationIfNeccessary(child, Singular.class); String explicitSingular = ann.getInstance().value(); if (explicitSingular.isEmpty()) { if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(node.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.SINGULAR_AUTO))) { node.addError("The singular must be specified explicitly (e.g. @Singular(\"task\")) because auto singularization is disabled."); explicitSingular = pluralName.toString(); } else { explicitSingular = autoSingularize(pluralName.toString()); if (explicitSingular == null) { node.addError("Can't singularize this name; please specify the singular explicitly (i.e. @Singular(\"sheep\"))"); explicitSingular = pluralName.toString(); } } } Name singularName = node.toName(explicitSingular); JCExpression type = null; if (node.get() instanceof JCVariableDecl) { type = ((JCVariableDecl) node.get()).vartype; } String name = null; List typeArgs = List.nil(); if (type instanceof JCTypeApply) { typeArgs = ((JCTypeApply) type).arguments; type = ((JCTypeApply) type).clazz; } name = type.toString(); String targetFqn = JavacSingularsRecipes.get().toQualified(name); JavacSingularizer singularizer = JavacSingularsRecipes.get().getSingularizer(targetFqn); if (singularizer == null) { node.addError("Lombok does not know how to create the singular-form builder methods for type '" + name + "'; they won't be generated."); return null; } return new SingularData(child, singularName, pluralName, typeArgs, targetFqn, singularizer); } return null; } }