/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Project Lombok Authors. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package lombok.javac.handlers; import static lombok.javac.handlers.JavacHandlerUtil.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import lombok.core.LombokImmutableList; import lombok.core.SpiLoadUtil; import lombok.core.TypeLibrary; import lombok.javac.JavacNode; import lombok.javac.JavacTreeMaker; import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.BoundKind; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpression; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCStatement; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCWildcard; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name; public class JavacSingularsRecipes { private static final JavacSingularsRecipes INSTANCE = new JavacSingularsRecipes(); private final Map singularizers = new HashMap(); private final TypeLibrary singularizableTypes = new TypeLibrary(); private JavacSingularsRecipes() { try { loadAll(singularizableTypes, singularizers); singularizableTypes.lock(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Lombok's @Singularizable feature is broken due to misconfigured SPI files: " + e); } } private static void loadAll(TypeLibrary library, Map map) throws IOException { for (JavacSingularizer handler : SpiLoadUtil.findServices(JavacSingularizer.class, JavacSingularizer.class.getClassLoader())) { for (String type : handler.getSupportedTypes()) { JavacSingularizer existingSingularizer = map.get(type); if (existingSingularizer != null) { JavacSingularizer toKeep = existingSingularizer.getClass().getName().compareTo(handler.getClass().getName()) > 0 ? handler : existingSingularizer; System.err.println("Multiple singularizers found for type " + type + "; the alphabetically first class is used: " + toKeep.getClass().getName()); map.put(type, toKeep); } else { map.put(type, handler); library.addType(type); } } } } public static JavacSingularsRecipes get() { return INSTANCE; } public String toQualified(String typeReference) { return singularizableTypes.toQualified(typeReference); } public JavacSingularizer getSingularizer(String fqn) { return singularizers.get(fqn); } public static final class SingularData { private final JavacNode annotation; private final Name singularName; private final Name pluralName; private final List typeArgs; private final String targetFqn; private final JavacSingularizer singularizer; public SingularData(JavacNode annotation, Name singularName, Name pluralName, List typeArgs, String targetFqn, JavacSingularizer singularizer) { this.annotation = annotation; this.singularName = singularName; this.pluralName = pluralName; this.typeArgs = typeArgs; this.targetFqn = targetFqn; this.singularizer = singularizer; } public JavacNode getAnnotation() { return annotation; } public Name getSingularName() { return singularName; } public Name getPluralName() { return pluralName; } public List getTypeArgs() { return typeArgs; } public String getTargetFqn() { return targetFqn; } public JavacSingularizer getSingularizer() { return singularizer; } } public static abstract class JavacSingularizer { public abstract LombokImmutableList getSupportedTypes(); public abstract JavacNode generateFields(SingularData data, JavacNode builderType, JCTree source); public abstract void generateMethods(SingularData data, JavacNode builderType, JCTree source, boolean fluent, boolean chain); public abstract void appendBuildCode(SingularData data, JavacNode builderType, JCTree source, ListBuffer statements, Name targetVariableName); public boolean requiresCleaning() { try { return !getClass().getMethod("appendCleaningCode", ListBuffer.class).getDeclaringClass().equals(JavacSingularizer.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { return false; } } public void appendCleaningCode(SingularData data, JavacNode builderType, JCTree source, ListBuffer statements) { } // -- Utility methods -- /** * Adds the requested number of type arguments to the provided type, copying each argument in {@code typeArgs}. If typeArgs is too long, the extra elements are ignored. * If {@code typeArgs} is null or too short, {@code java.lang.Object} will be substituted for each missing type argument. * * @param count The number of type arguments requested. * @param addExtends If {@code true}, all bounds are either '? extends X' or just '?'. If false, the reverse is applied, and '? extends Foo' is converted to Foo, '?' to Object, etc. * @param node Some node in the same AST. Just used to obtain makers and contexts and such. * @param type The type to add generics to. * @param typeArgs the list of type args to clone. * @param source The source annotation that is the root cause of this code generation. */ protected JCExpression addTypeArgs(int count, boolean addExtends, JavacNode node, JCExpression type, List typeArgs, JCTree source) { JavacTreeMaker maker = node.getTreeMaker(); Context context = node.getContext(); if (count < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("count is negative"); if (count == 0) return type; ListBuffer arguments = new ListBuffer(); if (typeArgs != null) for (JCExpression orig : typeArgs) { if (!addExtends) { if (orig.getKind() == Kind.UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD || orig.getKind() == Kind.SUPER_WILDCARD) { arguments.append(chainDots(node, "java", "lang", "Object")); } else if (orig.getKind() == Kind.EXTENDS_WILDCARD) { JCExpression inner; try { inner = (JCExpression) ((JCWildcard) orig).inner; } catch (Exception e) { inner = chainDots(node, "java", "lang", "Object"); } arguments.append(cloneType(maker, inner, source, context)); } else { arguments.append(cloneType(maker, orig, source, context)); } } else { if (orig.getKind() == Kind.UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD || orig.getKind() == Kind.SUPER_WILDCARD) { arguments.append(maker.Wildcard(maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.UNBOUND), null)); } else if (orig.getKind() == Kind.EXTENDS_WILDCARD) { arguments.append(cloneType(maker, orig, source, context)); } else { arguments.append(maker.Wildcard(maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.EXTENDS), cloneType(maker, orig, source, context))); } } if (--count == 0) break; } while (count-- > 0) { if (addExtends) { arguments.append(maker.Wildcard(maker.TypeBoundKind(BoundKind.UNBOUND), null)); } else { arguments.append(chainDots(node, "java", "lang", "Object")); } } return maker.TypeApply(type, arguments.toList()); } /** Generates 'this.name.size()' as an expression. */ protected JCExpression getSize(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode builderType, Name name) { JCExpression fn = maker.Select(maker.Select(maker.Ident(builderType.toName("this")), name), builderType.toName("size")); return maker.Apply(List.nil(), fn, List.nil()); } } }