 * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 The Project Lombok Authors.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package lombok.eclipse.agent;

import static lombok.eclipse.Eclipse.*;
import static lombok.eclipse.EcjAugments.*;
import static lombok.eclipse.handlers.EclipseHandlerUtil.*;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ElementChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ILocalVariable;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ArrayInitializer;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ClassLiteralAccess;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MemberValuePair;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MessageSend;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ReturnStatement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleNameReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleTypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ThisReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeParameter;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.AnnotationBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ArrayBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BaseTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ClassScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ExtraCompilerModifiers;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ParameterizedTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.UnresolvedReferenceBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.WildcardBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.DeltaProcessor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElementDelta;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.LocalVariable;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceMethodInfo;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceTypeElementInfo;

import lombok.core.AST.Kind;
import lombok.eclipse.Eclipse;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseAST;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseNode;
import lombok.eclipse.TransformEclipseAST;
import lombok.eclipse.handlers.SetGeneratedByVisitor;
import lombok.patcher.Symbols;
import lombok.permit.Permit;

public class PatchDelegate {

	private static class ClassScopeEntry {
		ClassScopeEntry(ClassScope scope) {
			this.scope = scope;
		final ClassScope scope;
		String corruptedPath;
	private static ThreadLocal<List<ClassScopeEntry>> visited = new ThreadLocal<List<ClassScopeEntry>>() {
		protected List<ClassScopeEntry> initialValue() {
			return new ArrayList<ClassScopeEntry>();
	private static String nameOfScope(ClassScope scope) {
		TypeDeclaration decl = scope.referenceContext;
		if (decl == null) return "(unknown)";
		if (decl.name == null || decl.name.length == 0) return "(unknown)";
		return new String(decl.name);
	private static boolean hasDelegateMarkedFieldsOrMethods(TypeDeclaration decl) {
		if (decl.fields != null) for (FieldDeclaration field : decl.fields) {
			if (field.annotations == null) continue;
			for (Annotation ann : field.annotations) {
				if (isDelegate(ann, decl)) return true;
		if (decl.methods != null) for (AbstractMethodDeclaration method : decl.methods) {
			if (method.annotations == null) continue;
			for (Annotation ann : method.annotations) {
				if (isDelegate(ann, decl)) return true;
		return false;
	public static boolean handleDelegateForType(ClassScope scope) {
		if (TransformEclipseAST.disableLombok) return false;
		CompilationUnitDeclaration cud = scope.compilationUnitScope().referenceContext;
		if (scope == scope.compilationUnitScope().topLevelTypes[0].scope) {
		if (!hasDelegateMarkedFieldsOrMethods(scope.referenceContext)) return false;
		List<ClassScopeEntry> stack = visited.get();
		StringBuilder corrupted = null;
		for (ClassScopeEntry entry : stack) {
			if (corrupted != null) {
				corrupted.append(" -> ").append(nameOfScope(entry.scope));
			} else if (entry.scope == scope) {
				corrupted = new StringBuilder().append(nameOfScope(scope));
		if (corrupted != null) {
			boolean found = false;
			String path = corrupted.toString();
			for (ClassScopeEntry entry : stack) {
				if (!found && entry.scope == scope) found = true;
				if (found) entry.corruptedPath = path;
		} else {
			ClassScopeEntry entry = new ClassScopeEntry(scope);
			try {
				TypeDeclaration decl = scope.referenceContext;
				if (decl != null) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
					List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegate = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
					fillMethodBindingsForFields(cud, scope, methodsToDelegate);
					if (entry.corruptedPath != null) {
						eclipseAst.get(scope.referenceContext).addError("No @Delegate methods created because there's a loop: " + entry.corruptedPath);
					} else {
						generateDelegateMethods(eclipseAst.get(decl), methodsToDelegate, DelegateReceiver.FIELD);
					fillMethodBindingsForMethods(cud, scope, methodsToDelegate);
					if (entry.corruptedPath != null) {
						eclipseAst.get(scope.referenceContext).addError("No @Delegate methods created because there's a loop: " + entry.corruptedPath);
					} else {
						generateDelegateMethods(eclipseAst.get(decl), methodsToDelegate, DelegateReceiver.METHOD);
			} finally {
				stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
				if (stack.isEmpty()) {
		return false;
	public static IJavaElement[] getChildren(IJavaElement[] returnValue, SourceTypeElementInfo javaElement) {
		if (Symbols.hasSymbol("lombok.skipdelegates")) return returnValue;
		List<SourceMethod> delegateMethods = getDelegateMethods((SourceType) javaElement.getHandle());
		if (delegateMethods != null) {
			return concat(returnValue, delegateMethods.toArray(new IJavaElement[0]), IJavaElement.class);
		return returnValue;
	 * Returns a string containing the signature of a method that appears (erased) at least twice in the list.
	 * If no duplicates are present, {@code null} is returned.
	private static String containsDuplicates(List<BindingTuple> tuples) {
		Set<String> sigs = new HashSet<String>();
		for (BindingTuple tuple : tuples) {
			if (!sigs.add(printSig(tuple.parameterized))) return printSig(tuple.parameterized);
		return null;
	public static void markHandled(Annotation annotation) {
		Annotation_applied.set(annotation, true);
	private static void fillMethodBindingsForFields(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud, ClassScope scope, List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegate) {
		TypeDeclaration decl = scope.referenceContext;
		if (decl == null) return;
		if (decl.fields != null) for (FieldDeclaration field : decl.fields) {
			if (field.annotations == null) continue;
			for (Annotation ann : field.annotations) {
				if (!isDelegate(ann, decl)) continue;
				if (Annotation_applied.getAndSet(ann, true)) continue;
				if ((field.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
				List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes = rawTypes(ann, "types");
				List<ClassLiteralAccess> excludedRawTypes = rawTypes(ann, "excludes");
				List<BindingTuple> methodsToExclude = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
				List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegateForThisAnn = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
				try {
					for (ClassLiteralAccess cla : excludedRawTypes) {
						addAllMethodBindings(methodsToExclude, cla.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), new HashSet<String>(), field.name, ann);
					Set<String> banList = findAlreadyImplementedMethods(decl);
					for (BindingTuple excluded : methodsToExclude) banList.add(printSig(excluded.parameterized));
					if (rawTypes.isEmpty()) {
						addAllMethodBindings(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn, field.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), banList, field.name, ann);
					} else {
						for (ClassLiteralAccess cla : rawTypes) {
							addAllMethodBindings(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn, cla.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), banList, field.name, ann);
				} catch (DelegateRecursion e) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
					eclipseAst.get(ann).addError(String.format(RECURSION_NOT_ALLOWED, new String(e.member), new String(e.type)));
				// Not doing this right now because of problems - see commented-out-method for info.
				// removeExistingMethods(methodsToDelegate, decl, scope);
				String dupe = containsDuplicates(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn);
				if (dupe != null) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
					eclipseAst.get(ann).addError("The method '" + dupe + "' is being delegated by more than one specified type.");
				} else {
	private static final String LEGALITY_OF_DELEGATE = "@Delegate is legal only on instance fields or no-argument instance methods.";
	private static final String RECURSION_NOT_ALLOWED = "@Delegate does not support recursion (delegating to a type that itself has @Delegate members). Member \"%s\" is @Delegate in type \"%s\"";
	private static void fillMethodBindingsForMethods(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud, ClassScope scope, List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegate) {
		TypeDeclaration decl = scope.referenceContext;
		if (decl == null) return;
		if (decl.methods != null) for (AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl : decl.methods) {
			if (methodDecl.annotations == null) continue;
			for (Annotation ann : methodDecl.annotations) {
				if (!isDelegate(ann, decl)) continue;
				if (Annotation_applied.getAndSet(ann, true)) continue;
				if (!(methodDecl instanceof MethodDeclaration)) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
				if (methodDecl.arguments != null) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
				if ((methodDecl.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
				MethodDeclaration method = (MethodDeclaration) methodDecl;
				List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes = rawTypes(ann, "types");
				List<ClassLiteralAccess> excludedRawTypes = rawTypes(ann, "excludes");
				List<BindingTuple> methodsToExclude = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
				List<BindingTuple> methodsToDelegateForThisAnn = new ArrayList<BindingTuple>();
				try {
					for (ClassLiteralAccess cla : excludedRawTypes) {
						addAllMethodBindings(methodsToExclude, cla.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), new HashSet<String>(), method.selector, ann);

					Set<String> banList = findAlreadyImplementedMethods(decl);
					for (BindingTuple excluded : methodsToExclude) banList.add(printSig(excluded.parameterized));
					if (rawTypes.isEmpty()) {
						if (method.returnType == null) continue;
						addAllMethodBindings(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn, method.returnType.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), banList, method.selector, ann);
					} else {
						for (ClassLiteralAccess cla : rawTypes) {
							addAllMethodBindings(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn, cla.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope), banList, method.selector, ann);
				} catch (DelegateRecursion e) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
					eclipseAst.get(ann).addError(String.format(RECURSION_NOT_ALLOWED, new String(e.member), new String(e.type)));
				// Not doing this right now because of problems - see commented-out-method for info.
				// removeExistingMethods(methodsToDelegate, decl, scope);
				String dupe = containsDuplicates(methodsToDelegateForThisAnn);
				if (dupe != null) {
					EclipseAST eclipseAst = TransformEclipseAST.getAST(cud, true);
					eclipseAst.get(ann).addError("The method '" + dupe + "' is being delegated by more than one specified type.");
				} else {
	private static boolean isDelegate(Annotation ann, TypeDeclaration decl) {
		if (ann.type == null) return false;
		if (!charArrayEquals("Delegate", ann.type.getLastToken())) return false;
		TypeBinding tb = ann.type.resolveType(decl.initializerScope);
		if (tb == null) return false;
		if (!charArrayEquals("lombok", tb.qualifiedPackageName()) && !charArrayEquals("lombok.experimental", tb.qualifiedPackageName())) return false;
		if (!charArrayEquals("Delegate", tb.qualifiedSourceName())) return false;
		return true;
	private static List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes(Annotation ann, String name) {
		List<ClassLiteralAccess> rawTypes = new ArrayList<ClassLiteralAccess>();
		for (MemberValuePair pair : ann.memberValuePairs()) {
			if (charArrayEquals(name, pair.name)) {
				if (pair.value instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
					for (Expression expr : ((ArrayInitializer)pair.value).expressions) {
						if (expr instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) rawTypes.add((ClassLiteralAccess) expr);
				if (pair.value instanceof ClassLiteralAccess) {
					rawTypes.add((ClassLiteralAccess) pair.value);
		return rawTypes;
	 * We may someday finish this method. Steps to be completed:
	 * (A) Turn any Parameterized anythings into non-parameterized versions. Resolving parameterized stuff will definitely not work safely.
	 * (B) scope.problemReporter() will need to return a noop reporter as various errors are marked off.
	 * (C) Find a way to do _something_ for references to typevars (i.e. 'T') which are declared on the method itself.
	 * (D) getTypeBinding isn't public, so call it via reflection.
//	private static TypeBinding safeResolveAndErase(TypeReference ref, Scope scope) {
//		if (ref.resolvedType != null) {
//			return ref.resolvedType.isValidBinding() ? ref.resolvedType : null;
//		}
//		try {
//			TypeBinding bind = ref.getTypeBinding(scope);
//			if (!bind.isValidBinding()) return null;
//		} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
//			return null;
//		}
//		return bind.erasure();
//	}
	 * Not using this because calling clone.resolveType() taints a bunch of caches and reports erroneous errors.
//	private static void removeExistingMethods(List<BindingTuple> list, TypeDeclaration decl, ClassScope scope) {
//		for (AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl : decl.methods) {
//			if (!(methodDecl instanceof MethodDeclaration)) continue;
//			MethodDeclaration md = (MethodDeclaration) methodDecl;
//			char[] name = md.selector;
//			TypeBinding[] args = md.arguments == null ? new TypeBinding[0] : new TypeBinding[md.arguments.length];
//			for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
//				TypeReference clone = Eclipse.copyType(md.arguments[i].type, md.arguments[i]);
//				args[i] = clone.resolveType(scope).erasure(); // This is the problematic line
//			}
//			Iterator<BindingTuple> it = list.iterator();
//			methods:
//			while (it.hasNext()) {
//				MethodBinding mb = it.next().parameterized;
//				if (!Arrays.equals(mb.selector, name)) continue;
//				int paramLen = mb.parameters == null ? 0 : mb.parameters.length;
//				if (paramLen != args.length) continue;
//				if (md.typeParameters == null || md.typeParameters.length == 0) {
//					for (int i = 0; i < paramLen; i++) {
//						if (!mb.parameters[i].erasure().isEquivalentTo(args[i])) continue methods;
//					}
//				} else {
//					for (int i = 0; i < paramLen; i++) {
//						if (!mb.parameters[i].erasure().isEquivalentTo(args[i])) ;
//					}
//					//BUG #???: We erase the method's parameter types using  the class scope, but we should be using the method scope.
//					// In practice this is no problem UNLESS the method has type parameters, such as <T> T[] toArray(T[] in).
//					// In this case the class scope cannot resolve the T[] parameter and erase it to Object[], which is a big problem because
//					// it would mean manually writing <X> X[] toArray(X[] in) does NOT stop lombok from ALSO trying to make the delegated toArray method,
//					// thus causing an error (2 methods with post-erasure duplicate signatures). Our 'fix' for this is to treat any method with type parameters
//					// as if each parameter's type matches anything else; so, if the name matches and the parameter count, we DONT generate it, even if its just
//					// an overloaded method.
//					//
//					// The reason we do this now is because making that MethodScope properly is effectively impossible at this step, so we need to do the resolving
//					// ourselves, which involves chasing down array bindings (T[]), following the path down type variables, i.e. <X extends Y, Y extends T>, and then
//					// resolving the final result of this exercise against the class scope.
//					// When this crappy incomplete workaround of ours occurs, we end up in this else block, which does nothing and thus we fall through and remove
//					// the method.
//				}
//				it.remove(); // Method already exists in this class - don't create a delegating implementation.
//			}
//		}
//	}
	private static void generateDelegateMethods(EclipseNode typeNode, List<BindingTuple> methods, DelegateReceiver delegateReceiver) {
		CompilationUnitDeclaration top = (CompilationUnitDeclaration) typeNode.top().get();
		String qualifiedName = new String(CharOperation.concatWith(getQualifiedInnerName(typeNode.up(), typeNode.getName().toCharArray()), '$'));
		SourceType sourceType = getSourceType(top, qualifiedName);
		List<SourceMethod> delegateSourceMethods = getDelegateMethods(sourceType);
		for (BindingTuple pair : methods) {
			EclipseNode annNode = typeNode.getAst().get(pair.responsible);
			MethodDeclaration method = createDelegateMethod(pair.fieldName, typeNode, pair, top.compilationResult, annNode, delegateReceiver);
			if (method != null) { 
				SetGeneratedByVisitor visitor = new SetGeneratedByVisitor(annNode.get());
				method.traverse(visitor, ((TypeDeclaration)typeNode.get()).scope);
				injectMethod(typeNode, method);
				if (delegateSourceMethods != null) {
					delegateSourceMethods.add(DelegateSourceMethod.forMethodDeclaration(sourceType, method));
	public static void checkConflictOfTypeVarNames(BindingTuple binding, EclipseNode typeNode) throws CantMakeDelegates {
		TypeVariableBinding[] typeVars = binding.parameterized.typeVariables();
		if (typeVars == null || typeVars.length == 0) return;
		Set<String> usedInOurType = new HashSet<String>();
		EclipseNode enclosingType = typeNode;
		while (enclosingType != null) {
			if (enclosingType.getKind() == Kind.TYPE) {
				TypeParameter[] typeParameters = ((TypeDeclaration)enclosingType.get()).typeParameters;
				if (typeParameters != null) {
					for (TypeParameter param : typeParameters) {
						if (param.name != null) usedInOurType.add(new String(param.name));
			enclosingType = enclosingType.up();
		Set<String> usedInMethodSig = new HashSet<String>();
		for (TypeVariableBinding var : typeVars) {
			char[] sourceName = var.sourceName();
			if (sourceName != null) usedInMethodSig.add(new String(sourceName));
		if (usedInMethodSig.isEmpty()) return;
		// We might be delegating a List<T>, and we are making method <T> toArray(). A conflict is possible.
		// But only if the toArray method also uses type vars from its class, otherwise we're only shadowing,
		// which is okay as we'll add a @SuppressWarnings.
		TypeVarFinder finder = new TypeVarFinder();
		Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(finder.getTypeVariables());
		if (!names.isEmpty()) {
			// We have a confirmed conflict. We could dig deeper as this may still be a false alarm, but its already an exceedingly rare case.
			CantMakeDelegates cmd = new CantMakeDelegates();
			cmd.conflicted = usedInMethodSig;
			throw cmd;
	public static class CantMakeDelegates extends Exception {
		public Set<String> conflicted;
	public static class TypeVarFinder extends EclipseTypeBindingScanner {
		private Set<String> typeVars = new HashSet<String>();
		public Set<String> getTypeVariables() {
			return typeVars;
		@Override public void visitTypeVariable(TypeVariableBinding binding) {
			if (binding.sourceName != null) typeVars.add(new String(binding.sourceName));
	public abstract static class EclipseTypeBindingScanner {
		public void visitRaw(Binding binding) {
			if (binding == null) return;
			if (binding instanceof MethodBinding) visitMethod((MethodBinding) binding);
			if (binding instanceof BaseTypeBinding) visitBase((BaseTypeBinding) binding);
			if (binding instanceof ArrayBinding) visitArray((ArrayBinding) binding);
			if (binding instanceof UnresolvedReferenceBinding) visitUnresolved((UnresolvedReferenceBinding) binding);
			if (binding instanceof WildcardBinding) visitWildcard((WildcardBinding) binding);
			if (binding instanceof TypeVariableBinding) visitTypeVariable((TypeVariableBinding) binding);
			if (binding instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding) visitParameterized((ParameterizedTypeBinding) binding);
			if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) visitReference((ReferenceBinding) binding);
		public void visitReference(ReferenceBinding binding) {
		public void visitParameterized(ParameterizedTypeBinding binding) {
			TypeVariableBinding[] typeVars = binding.typeVariables();
			if (typeVars != null) for (TypeVariableBinding child : typeVars) {
		public void visitTypeVariable(TypeVariableBinding binding) {
			ReferenceBinding[] supers = binding.superInterfaces();
			if (supers != null) for (ReferenceBinding child : supers) {
		public void visitWildcard(WildcardBinding binding) {
		public void visitUnresolved(UnresolvedReferenceBinding binding) {
		public void visitArray(ArrayBinding binding) {
		public void visitBase(BaseTypeBinding binding) {
		public void visitMethod(MethodBinding binding) {
			if (binding.parameters != null) for (TypeBinding child : binding.parameters) {
			if (binding.thrownExceptions != null) for (TypeBinding child : binding.thrownExceptions) {
			TypeVariableBinding[] typeVars = binding.typeVariables();
			if (typeVars != null) for (TypeVariableBinding child : typeVars) {
				ReferenceBinding[] supers = child.superInterfaces();
				if (supers != null) for (ReferenceBinding child2 : supers) {
	private static MethodDeclaration createDelegateMethod(char[] name, EclipseNode typeNode, BindingTuple pair, CompilationResult compilationResult, EclipseNode annNode, DelegateReceiver delegateReceiver) {
		/* public <T, U, ...> ReturnType methodName(ParamType1 name1, ParamType2 name2, ...) throws T1, T2, ... {
		 *      (return) delegate.<T, U>methodName(name1, name2);
		 *  }
		boolean isVarargs = (pair.base.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccVarargs) != 0;
		try {
			checkConflictOfTypeVarNames(pair, typeNode);
		} catch (CantMakeDelegates e) {
			annNode.addError("There's a conflict in the names of type parameters. Fix it by renaming the following type parameters of your class: " + e.conflicted);
			return null;
		ASTNode source = annNode.get();
		int pS = source.sourceStart, pE = source.sourceEnd;
		MethodBinding binding = pair.parameterized;
		MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration(compilationResult);
		setGeneratedBy(method, source);
		method.sourceStart = pS; method.sourceEnd = pE;
		method.modifiers = ClassFileConstants.AccPublic;
		method.returnType = makeType(binding.returnType, source, false);
		boolean isDeprecated = binding.isDeprecated();
		method.selector = binding.selector;
		if (binding.thrownExceptions != null && binding.thrownExceptions.length > 0) {
			method.thrownExceptions = new TypeReference[binding.thrownExceptions.length];
			for (int i = 0; i < method.thrownExceptions.length; i++) {
				method.thrownExceptions[i] = makeType(binding.thrownExceptions[i], source, false);
		MessageSend call = new MessageSend();
		call.sourceStart = pS; call.sourceEnd = pE;
		call.nameSourcePosition = pos(source);
		setGeneratedBy(call, source);
		call.receiver = delegateReceiver.get(source, name);
		call.selector = binding.selector;
		if (binding.typeVariables != null && binding.typeVariables.length > 0) {
			method.typeParameters = new TypeParameter[binding.typeVariables.length];
			call.typeArguments = new TypeReference[binding.typeVariables.length];
			for (int i = 0; i < method.typeParameters.length; i++) {
				method.typeParameters[i] = new TypeParameter();
				method.typeParameters[i].sourceStart = pS; method.typeParameters[i].sourceEnd = pE;
				setGeneratedBy(method.typeParameters[i], source);
				method.typeParameters[i].name = binding.typeVariables[i].sourceName;
				call.typeArguments[i] = new SingleTypeReference(binding.typeVariables[i].sourceName, pos(source));
				setGeneratedBy(call.typeArguments[i], source);
				ReferenceBinding super1 = binding.typeVariables[i].superclass;
				ReferenceBinding[] super2 = binding.typeVariables[i].superInterfaces;
				if (super2 == null) super2 = new ReferenceBinding[0];
				if (super1 != null || super2.length > 0) {
					int offset = super1 == null ? 0 : 1;
					method.typeParameters[i].bounds = new TypeReference[super2.length + offset - 1];
					if (super1 != null) method.typeParameters[i].type = makeType(super1, source, false);
					else method.typeParameters[i].type = makeType(super2[0], source, false);
					int ctr = 0;
					for (int j = (super1 == null) ? 1 : 0; j < super2.length; j++) {
						method.typeParameters[i].bounds[ctr] = makeType(super2[j], source, false);
						method.typeParameters[i].bounds[ctr++].bits |= ASTNode.IsSuperType;
		if (isDeprecated) {
			method.annotations = new Annotation[] { generateDeprecatedAnnotation(source) };
		method.bits |= ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG;
		if (binding.parameters != null && binding.parameters.length > 0) {
			method.arguments = new Argument[binding.parameters.length];
			call.arguments = new Expression[method.arguments.length];
			for (int i = 0; i < method.arguments.length; i++) {
				AbstractMethodDeclaration sourceElem;
				try {
					sourceElem = pair.base.sourceMethod();
				} catch (Exception e) {
					sourceElem = null;
				char[] argName;
				if (sourceElem == null) argName = ("arg" + i).toCharArray();
				else {
					argName = sourceElem.arguments[i].name;
				method.arguments[i] = new Argument(
						argName, pos(source),
						makeType(binding.parameters[i], source, false),
				setGeneratedBy(method.arguments[i], source);
				call.arguments[i] = new SingleNameReference(argName, pos(source));
				setGeneratedBy(call.arguments[i], source);
			if (isVarargs) {
				method.arguments[method.arguments.length - 1].type.bits |= ASTNode.IsVarArgs;
		Statement body;
		if (method.returnType instanceof SingleTypeReference && ((SingleTypeReference)method.returnType).token == TypeConstants.VOID) {
			body = call;
		} else {
			body = new ReturnStatement(call, source.sourceStart, source.sourceEnd);
			setGeneratedBy(body, source);
		method.statements = new Statement[] {body};
		return method;
	private static void cleanupDelegateMethods(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud) {
		CompilationUnit compilationUnit = getCompilationUnit(cud);
		if (compilationUnit != null) {
	private static boolean javaModelManagerAvailable = true;
	private static void notifyDelegateMethodsAdded(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud) {
		CompilationUnit compilationUnit = getCompilationUnit(cud);
		if (compilationUnit != null && javaModelManagerAvailable) {
			try {
				DeltaProcessor deltaProcessor = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getDeltaProcessor();
				deltaProcessor.fire(new JavaElementDelta(compilationUnit), ElementChangedEvent.POST_CHANGE);
			} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
				javaModelManagerAvailable = false;
	private static CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(Object iCompilationUnit) {
		if (iCompilationUnit instanceof CompilationUnit) {
			CompilationUnit compilationUnit = (CompilationUnit) iCompilationUnit;
			return compilationUnit.originalFromClone();
		return null;
	private static CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud) {
		return getCompilationUnit(cud.compilationResult.compilationUnit);
	private static final class DelegateSourceMethod extends SourceMethod {
		private DelegateSourceMethodInfo sourceMethodInfo;

		private static DelegateSourceMethod forMethodDeclaration(JavaElement parent, MethodDeclaration method) {
			Argument[] arguments = method.arguments != null ? method.arguments : new Argument[0];
			String[] parameterTypes = new String[arguments.length];
			for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
				parameterTypes[i] = Signature.createTypeSignature(CharOperation.concatWith(arguments[i].type.getParameterizedTypeName(), '.'), false);
			return new DelegateSourceMethod(parent, new String(method.selector), parameterTypes, method);
		private DelegateSourceMethod(JavaElement parent, String name, String[] parameterTypes, MethodDeclaration md) {
			super(parent, name, parameterTypes);
			sourceMethodInfo = new DelegateSourceMethodInfo(this, md);
		@Override public Object getElementInfo() throws JavaModelException {
			return sourceMethodInfo;
		 * Disable refactoring for delegate methods
		@Override public boolean isReadOnly() {
			return true;
		 * This is required to prevent duplicate entries in the outline
		@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
			return this == o;
		public static final class DelegateSourceMethodInfo extends SourceMethodInfo {
			DelegateSourceMethodInfo(DelegateSourceMethod delegateSourceMethod, MethodDeclaration md) {
				int pS = md.sourceStart;
				int pE = md.sourceEnd;
				Argument[] methodArguments = md.arguments != null ? md.arguments : new Argument[0];
				char[][] argumentNames = new char[methodArguments.length][];
				arguments = new ILocalVariable[methodArguments.length];
				for (int i = 0; i < methodArguments.length; i++) {
					Argument argument = methodArguments[i];
					argumentNames[i] = argument.name;
					arguments[i] = new LocalVariable(delegateSourceMethod, new String(argument.name), pS, pE, pS, pS, delegateSourceMethod.getParameterTypes()[i], argument.annotations, argument.modifiers, true);
				setReturnType(md.returnType == null ? new char[]{'v', 'o','i', 'd'} : CharOperation.concatWith(md.returnType.getParameterizedTypeName(), '.'));
	private static List<SourceMethod> getDelegateMethods(SourceType sourceType) {
		if (sourceType != null) {
			CompilationUnit compilationUnit = getCompilationUnit(sourceType.getCompilationUnit());
			if (compilationUnit != null) {
				ConcurrentMap<String, List<SourceMethod>> map = EclipseAugments.CompilationUnit_delegateMethods.setIfAbsent(compilationUnit, new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<SourceMethod>>());
				List<SourceMethod> newList = new ArrayList<SourceMethod>();
				List<SourceMethod> oldList = map.putIfAbsent(sourceType.getTypeQualifiedName(), newList);
				return oldList != null ? oldList : newList;
		return null;
	private static SourceType getSourceType(CompilationUnitDeclaration cud, String typeName) {
		CompilationUnit compilationUnit = getCompilationUnit(cud);
		if (compilationUnit != null) {
			try {
				for (IType type : compilationUnit.getAllTypes()) {
					if (type instanceof SourceType && type.getTypeQualifiedName().equals(typeName)) {
						return (SourceType) type;
			} catch (JavaModelException e) {
				// Ignore
		return null;
	private static final class Reflection {
		public static final Method classScopeBuildFieldsAndMethodsMethod;
		public static final Throwable initCause;
		static {
			Method m = null;
			Throwable c = null;
			try {
				m = Permit.getMethod(ClassScope.class, "buildFieldsAndMethods");
			} catch (Throwable t) {
				c = t;
				// That's problematic, but as long as no local classes are used we don't actually need it.
				// Better fail on local classes than crash altogether.
			classScopeBuildFieldsAndMethodsMethod = m;
			initCause = c;
	private static void addAllMethodBindings(List<BindingTuple> list, TypeBinding binding, Set<String> banList, char[] fieldName, ASTNode responsible) throws DelegateRecursion {
		addAllMethodBindings0(list, binding, banList, fieldName, responsible);
	private static class DelegateRecursion extends Throwable {
		final char[] type, member;
		public DelegateRecursion(char[] type, char[] member) {
			this.type = type;
			this.member = member;
	private static void addAllMethodBindings0(List<BindingTuple> list, TypeBinding binding, Set<String> banList, char[] fieldName, ASTNode responsible) throws DelegateRecursion {
		if (binding instanceof SourceTypeBinding) {
			ClassScope scope = ((SourceTypeBinding) binding).scope;
			if (scope != null) scope.environment().globalOptions.storeAnnotations = true;
		if (binding == null) return;
		TypeBinding inner;
		if (binding instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding) {
			inner = ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) binding).genericType();
		} else {
			inner = binding;
		if (inner instanceof SourceTypeBinding) {
			ClassScope cs = ((SourceTypeBinding)inner).scope;
			if (cs != null) {
				try {
					Permit.invoke(Reflection.initCause, Reflection.classScopeBuildFieldsAndMethodsMethod, cs);
				} catch (Exception e) {
					// See 'Reflection' class for why we ignore this exception.
		if (!(binding instanceof ReferenceBinding)) return;
		ReferenceBinding rb = (ReferenceBinding) binding;
		MethodBinding[] availableMethods = rb.availableMethods();
		FieldBinding[] availableFields = rb.availableFields();
		failIfContainsAnnotation(binding, availableMethods);
		failIfContainsAnnotation(binding, availableFields);
		MethodBinding[] parameterizedSigs = availableMethods;
		MethodBinding[] baseSigs = parameterizedSigs;
		if (binding instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding) {
			baseSigs = ((ParameterizedTypeBinding)binding).genericType().availableMethods();
			if (baseSigs.length != parameterizedSigs.length) {
				// The last known state of eclipse source says this can't happen, so we rely on it,
				// but if this invariant is broken, better to go with 'arg0' naming instead of crashing.
				baseSigs = parameterizedSigs;
		for (int i = 0; i < parameterizedSigs.length; i++) {
			MethodBinding mb = parameterizedSigs[i];
			String sig = printSig(mb);
			if (mb.isStatic()) continue;
			if (mb.isBridge()) continue;
			if (mb.isConstructor()) continue;
			if (mb.isDefaultAbstract()) continue;
			if (!mb.isPublic()) continue;
			if (mb.isSynthetic()) continue;
			if (!banList.add(sig)) continue; // If add returns false, it was already in there.
			BindingTuple pair = new BindingTuple(mb, baseSigs[i], fieldName, responsible);
		addAllMethodBindings0(list, rb.superclass(), banList, fieldName, responsible);
		ReferenceBinding[] interfaces = rb.superInterfaces();
		if (interfaces != null) {
			for (ReferenceBinding iface : interfaces) addAllMethodBindings0(list, iface, banList, fieldName, responsible);
	private static Set<String> findAlreadyImplementedMethods(TypeDeclaration decl) {
		Set<String> sigs = new HashSet<String>();
		for (AbstractMethodDeclaration md : decl.methods) {
			if (md.isStatic()) continue;
			if ((md.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccBridge) != 0) continue;
			if (md.isConstructor()) continue;
			if ((md.modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccDefaultAbstract) != 0) continue;
			if ((md.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPublic) == 0) continue;
			if ((md.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic) != 0) continue;
			sigs.add(printSig(md, decl.scope));
		return sigs;
	private static final char[] STRING_LOMBOK = new char[] {'l', 'o', 'm', 'b', 'o', 'k'};
	private static final char[] STRING_EXPERIMENTAL = new char[] {'e', 'x', 'p', 'e', 'r', 'i', 'm', 'e', 'n', 't', 'a', 'l'};
	private static final char[] STRING_DELEGATE = new char[] {'D', 'e', 'l', 'e', 'g', 'a', 't', 'e'};
	private static void failIfContainsAnnotation(TypeBinding parent, Binding[] bindings) throws DelegateRecursion {
		if (bindings == null) return;
		for (Binding b : bindings) {
			AnnotationBinding[] anns = null;
			if (b instanceof MethodBinding) anns = ((MethodBinding) b).getAnnotations();
			if (b instanceof FieldBinding) anns = ((FieldBinding) b).getAnnotations();
			// anns = b.getAnnotations() would make a heck of a lot more sense, but that is a late addition to ecj, so would cause NoSuchMethodErrors! Don't use that!
			if (anns == null) continue;
			for (AnnotationBinding ann : anns) {
				char[][] name = null;
				try {
					name = ann.getAnnotationType().compoundName;
				} catch (Exception ignore) {}
				if (name == null || name.length < 2 || name.length > 3) continue;
				if (!Arrays.equals(STRING_LOMBOK, name[0])) continue;
				if (!Arrays.equals(STRING_DELEGATE, name[name.length - 1])) continue;
				if (name.length == 3 && !Arrays.equals(STRING_EXPERIMENTAL, name[1])) continue;
				throw new DelegateRecursion(parent.readableName(), b.readableName());
	private static final class BindingTuple {
		BindingTuple(MethodBinding parameterized, MethodBinding base, char[] fieldName, ASTNode responsible) {
			this.parameterized = parameterized;
			this.base = base;
			this.fieldName = fieldName;
			this.responsible = responsible;
		final MethodBinding parameterized, base;
		final char[] fieldName;
		final ASTNode responsible;
		@Override public String toString() {
			return String.format("{param: %s, base: %s, fieldName: %s}", parameterized == null ? "(null)" : printSig(parameterized), base == null ? "(null)" : printSig(base), new String(fieldName));
	private static final List<String> METHODS_IN_OBJECT = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(
			"canEqual(java.lang.Object)",  //Not in j.l.Object, but it goes with hashCode and equals so if we ignore those two, we should ignore this one.
			"wait(long, int)",
	private static String printSig(MethodBinding binding) {
		StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
		boolean first = true;
		if (binding.parameters != null) for (TypeBinding param : binding.parameters) {
			if (!first) signature.append(", ");
			first = false;
		return signature.toString();
	private static String printSig(AbstractMethodDeclaration md, ClassScope scope) {
		StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
		boolean first = true;
		if (md.arguments != null) {
			TypeParameter[] typeParameters = md.typeParameters();
			Map<String, TypeParameter> typeParametersMap = new HashMap<String, TypeParameter>();
			if (typeParameters != null) {
				for (TypeParameter typeParameter : typeParameters) {
					typeParametersMap.put(new String(typeParameter.name), typeParameter);
			for (Argument argument : md.arguments) {
				TypeBinding typeBinding = makeTypeBinding(argument.type, typeParametersMap, scope);
				if (!first) signature.append(", ");
				first = false;
		return signature.toString();
	private static TypeBinding makeTypeBinding(TypeReference typeReference, Map<String, TypeParameter> typeParametersMap, ClassScope scope) {
		char[][] typeName = typeReference.getTypeName();
		String typeNameString = Eclipse.toQualifiedName(typeName);
		TypeParameter typeParameter = typeParametersMap.get(typeNameString);
		if (typeParameter != null) {
			if (typeParameter.type != null) {
				typeName = typeParameter.type.getTypeName();
			} else {
				typeName = TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT;
		TypeBinding typeBinding = scope.getType(typeName, typeName.length);
		if (typeReference.dimensions() > 0) {
			typeBinding = scope.createArrayType(typeBinding, typeReference.dimensions());
		return typeBinding;
	private static String typeBindingToSignature(TypeBinding binding) {
		binding = binding.erasure();
		if (binding != null && binding.isBaseType()) {
			return new String (binding.sourceName());
		} else if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
			String pkg = binding.qualifiedPackageName() == null ? "" : new String(binding.qualifiedPackageName());
			String qsn = binding.qualifiedSourceName() == null ? "" : new String(binding.qualifiedSourceName());
			return pkg.isEmpty() ? qsn : (pkg + "." + qsn);
		} else if (binding instanceof ArrayBinding) {
			StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
			for (int i = 0; i < binding.dimensions(); i++) out.append("[]");
			return out.toString();
		return "";
	private static boolean charArrayEquals(String s, char[] c) {
		if (s == null) return c == null;
		if (c == null) return false;
		if (s.length() != c.length) return false;
		for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) if (s.charAt(i) != c[i]) return false;
		return true;
	private enum DelegateReceiver {
			public Expression get(final ASTNode source, char[] name) {
				MessageSend call = new MessageSend();
				call.sourceStart = source.sourceStart; call.sourceEnd = source.sourceEnd;
				call.nameSourcePosition = pos(source);
				setGeneratedBy(call, source);
				call.selector = name;
				call.receiver = new ThisReference(source.sourceStart, source.sourceEnd);
				setGeneratedBy(call.receiver, source);
				return call;
			public Expression get(final ASTNode source, char[] name) {
				FieldReference fieldRef = new FieldReference(name, pos(source));
				setGeneratedBy(fieldRef, source);
				fieldRef.receiver = new ThisReference(source.sourceStart, source.sourceEnd);
				setGeneratedBy(fieldRef.receiver, source);
				return fieldRef;
		public abstract Expression get(final ASTNode source, char[] name);