package lombok.core; import static lombok.Lombok.sneakyThrow; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public abstract class AST { public enum Kind { COMPILATION_UNIT, TYPE, FIELD, INITIALIZER, METHOD, ANNOTATION, ARGUMENT, LOCAL, STATEMENT; } private Node top; private final String fileName; private Map identityDetector = new IdentityHashMap(); private Map nodeMap = new IdentityHashMap(); protected AST(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName == null ? "(unknown).java" : fileName; } protected void setTop(Node top) { = top; } public abstract String getPackageDeclaration(); public abstract Collection getImportStatements(); protected T putInMap(T parent) { nodeMap.put(parent.get(), parent); identityDetector.put(parent.get(), null); return parent; } protected Map getNodeMap() { return nodeMap; } protected void clearState() { identityDetector = new IdentityHashMap(); nodeMap = new IdentityHashMap(); } protected boolean alreadyHandled(N node) { return identityDetector.containsKey(node); } protected void setAsHandled(N node) { identityDetector.put(node, null); } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public Node top() { return top; } public Node get(N node) { return nodeMap.get(node); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Node replaceNewWithExistingOld(Map oldNodes, Node newNode) { Node oldNode = oldNodes.get(newNode.get()); if ( oldNode == null ) return newNode; List oldChildren = new ArrayList(); for ( Node child : newNode.children ) { Node oldChild = replaceNewWithExistingOld(oldNodes, child); if ( oldChild == null ) oldChildren.add(child); else { oldChildren.add(oldChild); oldChild.parent = oldNode; } } oldNode.children.addAll((Collection) oldChildren); return oldNode; } public abstract class Node { protected final Kind kind; protected final N node; protected final Collection children; protected Node parent; protected boolean handled; protected boolean isStructurallySignificant; protected Node(N node, Collection children, Kind kind) { this.kind = kind; this.node = node; this.children = children == null ? Collections.emptyList() : children; for ( Node child : this.children ) child.parent = this; this.isStructurallySignificant = calculateIsStructurallySignificant(); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("NODE %s (%s) %s%s", kind, node == null ? "(NULL)" : node.getClass(), handled ? "[HANDLED]" : "", node == null ? "" : node); } public String getPackageDeclaration() { return AST.this.getPackageDeclaration(); } public Collection getImportStatements() { return AST.this.getImportStatements(); } protected abstract boolean calculateIsStructurallySignificant(); public Node getNodeFor(N obj) { return AST.this.get(obj); } public N get() { return node; } public Kind getKind() { return kind; } /** * Return the name of your type (simple name), method, field, or local variable. Return null if this * node doesn't really have a name, such as initializers, while statements, etc. */ public abstract String getName(); /** Returns the structurally significant node that encloses this one. * * @see #isStructurallySignificant() */ public Node up() { Node result = (Node)parent; while ( result != null && !result.isStructurallySignificant ) result = (Node)result.parent; return result; } /** * Returns the direct parent node in the AST tree of this node. For example, a local variable declaration's * direct parent can be e.g. an If block, but its up() Node is the Method that contains it. */ public Node directUp() { return parent; } public Collection down() { return new ArrayList(children); } public boolean isHandled() { return handled; } public Node setHandled() { this.handled = true; return this; } public Node top() { return top; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Node add(N newChild, Kind kind) { Node n = buildTree(newChild, kind); if ( n == null ) return null; n.parent = this; ((List)children).add(n); return n; } /** * Reparses the AST node represented by this node. Any existing nodes that occupy a different space in the AST are rehomed, any * nodes that no longer exist are removed, and new nodes are created. * * Careful - the node you call this on must not itself have been removed or rehomed - it rebuilds all children. */ public void rebuild() { Map oldNodes = new HashMap(); gatherAndRemoveChildren(oldNodes); Node newNode = buildTree(get(), kind); replaceNewWithExistingOld(oldNodes, newNode); } private void gatherAndRemoveChildren(Map map) { for ( Node child : children ) child.gatherAndRemoveChildren(map); map.put(get(), this); children.clear(); identityDetector.remove(get()); nodeMap.remove(get()); } public void removeChild(Node child) { children.remove(child); } public Node recursiveSetHandled() { this.handled = true; for ( Node child : children ) child.recursiveSetHandled(); return this; } public abstract void addError(String message); public abstract void addWarning(String message); /** * Structurally significant means: LocalDeclaration, TypeDeclaration, MethodDeclaration, ConstructorDeclaration, * FieldDeclaration, Initializer, and CompilationUnitDeclaration. * The rest is e.g. if statements, while loops, etc. */ public boolean isStructurallySignificant() { return isStructurallySignificant; } } protected abstract Node buildTree(N item, Kind kind); protected static class FieldAccess { public final Field field; public final int dim; FieldAccess(Field field, int dim) { this.field = field; this.dim = dim; } } private static Map, Collection> fieldsOfASTClasses = new HashMap, Collection>(); protected Collection fieldsOf(Class c) { Collection fields = fieldsOfASTClasses.get(c); if ( fields != null ) return fields; fields = new ArrayList(); getFields(c, fields); fieldsOfASTClasses.put(c, fields); return fields; } private void getFields(Class c, Collection fields) { if ( c == Object.class || c == null ) return; for ( Field f : c.getDeclaredFields() ) { if ( Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) ) continue; Class t = f.getType(); int dim = 0; if ( t.isArray() ) { while ( t.isArray() ) { dim++; t = t.getComponentType(); } } else if ( Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(t) ) { while ( Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(t) ) { dim++; t = getComponentType(f.getGenericType()); } } for ( Class statementType : getStatementTypes() ) { if ( statementType.isAssignableFrom(t) ) { f.setAccessible(true); fields.add(new FieldAccess(f, dim)); break; } } } getFields(c.getSuperclass(), fields); } private Class getComponentType(Type type) { if ( type instanceof ParameterizedType ) { Type component = ((ParameterizedType)type).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; return component instanceof Class ? (Class)component : Object.class; } else return Object.class; } protected abstract Collection> getStatementTypes(); protected Collection buildWithField(Class nodeType, N statement, FieldAccess fa) { List list = new ArrayList(); buildWithField0(nodeType, statement, fa, list); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void buildWithField0(Class nodeType, N child, FieldAccess fa, Collection list) { try { Object o = fa.field.get(child); if ( o == null ) return; if ( fa.dim == 0 ) { Node node = buildTree((N)o, Kind.STATEMENT); if ( node != null ) list.add(nodeType.cast(node)); } else if ( o.getClass().isArray() ) buildWithArray(nodeType, o, list, fa.dim); else if ( Collection.class.isInstance(o) ) buildWithCollection(nodeType, o, list, fa.dim); } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { sneakyThrow(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void buildWithArray(Class nodeType, Object array, Collection list, int dim) { if ( dim == 1 ) for ( Object v : (Object[])array ) { if ( v == null ) continue; Node node = buildTree((N)v, Kind.STATEMENT); if ( node != null ) list.add(nodeType.cast(node)); } else for ( Object v : (Object[])array ) { if ( v == null ) return; buildWithArray(nodeType, v, list, dim-1); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void buildWithCollection(Class nodeType, Object collection, Collection list, int dim) { if ( dim == 1 ) for ( Object v : (Collection)collection ) { if ( v == null ) continue; Node node = buildTree((N)v, Kind.STATEMENT); if ( node != null ) list.add(nodeType.cast(node)); } else for ( Object v : (Collection)collection ) { buildWithCollection(nodeType, v, list, dim-1); } } }