package lombok.core; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class AnnotationValues { private final Class type; private final Map values; private final AST.Node ast; public static class AnnotationValue { public final List raws; public final List valueGuesses; private final AST.Node node; /** * 'raw' should be the exact expression, for example '5+7', 'AccessLevel.PUBLIC', or 'int.class'. * 'valueGuess' should be a likely guess at the real value intended. * * For classes, supply the class name (qualified or not) as a string.
* For enums, supply the simple name part (everything after the last dot) as a string.
*/ public AnnotationValue(AST.Node node, String raw, Object valueGuess) { this.node = node; this.raws = Collections.singletonList(raw); this.valueGuesses = Collections.singletonList(valueGuess); } /** When the value is an array type. */ public AnnotationValue(AST.Node node, List raws, List valueGuesses) { this.node = node; this.raws = raws; this.valueGuesses = valueGuesses; } /** * Override this if you want more specific behaviour (e.g. get the source position just right). * * @param message English message with the problem. * @param valueIdx The index into the values for this annotation key that caused the problem. * -1 for a problem that applies to all values, otherwise the 0-based index into an array of values. * If there is no array for this value (e.g. value=1 instead of value={1,2}), then always -1 or 0. */ public void setError(String message, int valueIdx) { node.addError(message); } } public AnnotationValues(Class type, Map values, AST.Node ast) { this.type = type; this.values = values; this.ast = ast; } public static class AnnotationValueDecodeFail extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public final int idx; public final AnnotationValue owner; public AnnotationValueDecodeFail(AnnotationValue owner, String msg, int idx) { super(msg); this.idx = idx; this.owner = owner; } } private static AnnotationValueDecodeFail makeNoDefaultFail(AnnotationValue owner, Method method) { return new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(owner, "No value supplied but " + method.getName() + " has no default either.", -1); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public A getInstance() throws AnnotationValueDecodeFail { InvocationHandler invocations = new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { AnnotationValue v = values.get(method.getName()); if ( v == null ) { Object defaultValue = method.getDefaultValue(); if ( defaultValue != null ) return defaultValue; throw makeNoDefaultFail(v, method); } boolean isArray = false; Class expected = method.getReturnType(); Object array = null; if ( expected.isArray() ) { isArray = true; expected = expected.getComponentType(); array = Array.newInstance(expected, 1); } if ( !isArray && v.valueGuesses.size() > 1 ) { throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(v, "Expected a single value, but " + method.getName() + " has an array of values", -1); } if ( v.valueGuesses.size() == 0 && !isArray ) { Object defaultValue = method.getDefaultValue(); if ( defaultValue == null ) throw makeNoDefaultFail(v, method); return defaultValue; } int idx = 0; for ( Object guess : v.valueGuesses ) { Object result = guess == null ? null : guessToType(guess, expected, v, idx); if ( !isArray ) { if ( result == null ) { Object defaultValue = method.getDefaultValue(); if ( defaultValue == null ) throw makeNoDefaultFail(v, method); return defaultValue; } else return result; } else { if ( result == null ) { if ( v.valueGuesses.size() == 1 ) { Object defaultValue = method.getDefaultValue(); if ( defaultValue == null ) throw makeNoDefaultFail(v, method); return defaultValue; } else throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(v, "I can't make sense of this annotation value. Try using a fully qualified literal.", idx); } Array.set(array, idx++, result); } } return array; } }; return (A) Proxy.newProxyInstance(type.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { type }, invocations); } private Object guessToType(Object guess, Class expected, AnnotationValue v, int pos) { if ( expected == int.class ) { if ( guess instanceof Integer || guess instanceof Short || guess instanceof Byte ) { return ((Number)guess).intValue(); } } if ( expected == long.class ) { if ( guess instanceof Long || guess instanceof Integer || guess instanceof Short || guess instanceof Byte ) { return ((Number)guess).longValue(); } } if ( expected == short.class ) { if ( guess instanceof Integer || guess instanceof Short || guess instanceof Byte ) { int intVal = ((Number)guess).intValue(); int shortVal = ((Number)guess).shortValue(); if ( shortVal == intVal ) return shortVal; } } if ( expected == byte.class ) { if ( guess instanceof Integer || guess instanceof Short || guess instanceof Byte ) { int intVal = ((Number)guess).intValue(); int byteVal = ((Number)guess).byteValue(); if ( byteVal == intVal ) return byteVal; } } if ( expected == double.class ) { if ( guess instanceof Number ) return ((Number)guess).doubleValue(); } if ( expected == float.class ) { if ( guess instanceof Number ) return ((Number)guess).floatValue(); } if ( expected == boolean.class ) { if ( guess instanceof Boolean ) return ((Boolean)guess).booleanValue(); } if ( expected == char.class ) { if ( guess instanceof Character ) return ((Character)guess).charValue(); } if ( expected == String.class ) { if ( guess instanceof String ) return expected; } if ( Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(expected) ) { if ( guess instanceof String ) { for ( Object enumConstant : expected.getEnumConstants() ) { String target = ((Enum)enumConstant).name(); if ( target.equals(guess) ) return enumConstant; } throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(v, "Can't translate " + guess + " to an enum of type " + expected, pos); } } if ( Class.class == expected ) { if ( guess instanceof String ) try { return Class.forName(toFQ((String)guess)); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(v, "Can't translate " + guess + " to a class object.", pos); } } throw new AnnotationValueDecodeFail(v, "Can't translate a " + guess.getClass() + " to the expected " + expected, pos); } public List getRawExpressions(String annotationMethodName) { AnnotationValue v = values.get(annotationMethodName); return v == null ? Collections.emptyList() : v.raws; } public String getRawExpression(String annotationMethodName) { List l = getRawExpressions(annotationMethodName); return l.isEmpty() ? null : l.get(0); } public List getProbableFQTypes(String annotationMethodName) { List result = new ArrayList(); AnnotationValue v = values.get(annotationMethodName); if ( v == null ) return Collections.emptyList(); for ( Object o : v.valueGuesses ) result.add(o == null ? null : toFQ(o.toString())); return result; } private String toFQ(String typeName) { Class c; boolean fqn = typeName.indexOf('.') > -1; String prefix = fqn ? typeName.substring(0, typeName.indexOf('.')) : typeName; for ( String im : ast.getImportStatements() ) { int idx = im.lastIndexOf('.'); String simple = im; if ( idx > -1 ) simple = im.substring(idx+1); if ( simple.equals(prefix) ) { return im + typeName.substring(prefix.length()); } } c = tryClass(typeName); if ( c != null ) return c.getName(); c = tryClass("java.lang." + typeName); if ( c != null ) return c.getName(); //Try star imports for ( String im : ast.getImportStatements() ) { if ( im.endsWith(".*") ) { c = tryClass(im.substring(0, im.length() -1) + typeName); if ( c != null ) return c.getName(); } } if ( !fqn ) { String pkg = ast.getPackageDeclaration(); if ( pkg != null ) return pkg + "." + typeName; } return null; } private Class tryClass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) { return null; } } public String getProbableFQType(String annotationMethodName) { List l = getProbableFQTypes(annotationMethodName); return l.isEmpty() ? null : l.get(0); } }