package lombok.eclipse; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import lombok.core.AST; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CategorizedProblem; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.apt.dispatch.AptProblem; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Clinit; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ImportReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Initializer; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemSeverities; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util; public class EclipseAST extends AST { @Override public String getPackageDeclaration() { CompilationUnitDeclaration cud = (CompilationUnitDeclaration) top().get(); ImportReference pkg = cud.currentPackage; return pkg == null ? null : Eclipse.toQualifiedName(pkg.getImportName()); } @Override public Collection getImportStatements() { List imports = new ArrayList(); CompilationUnitDeclaration cud = (CompilationUnitDeclaration) top().get(); if ( cud.imports == null ) return imports; for ( ImportReference imp : cud.imports ) { if ( imp == null ) continue; imports.add(Eclipse.toQualifiedName(imp.getImportName())); } return imports; } public void traverse(EclipseASTVisitor visitor) { top().traverse(visitor); } private void traverseChildren(EclipseASTVisitor visitor, Node node) { for ( Node child : node.down() ) { child.traverse(visitor); } } public boolean isCompleteParse() { return completeParse; } @Override public Node top() { return (Node); } public Node get(ASTNode node) { return (Node) super.get(node); } private class ParseProblem { final boolean isWarning; final String message; final Node node; final int sourceStart; final int sourceEnd; public ParseProblem(boolean isWarning, String message, Node node, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { this.isWarning = isWarning; this.message = message; this.node = node; this.sourceStart = sourceStart; this.sourceEnd = sourceEnd; } void addToCompilationResult() { addProblemToCompilationResult(getFileName(), (CompilationUnitDeclaration) top().get(), isWarning, message, node.get(), sourceStart, sourceEnd); } } private void propagateProblems() { if ( queuedProblems.isEmpty() ) return; CompilationUnitDeclaration cud = (CompilationUnitDeclaration) top().get(); if ( cud.compilationResult == null ) return; for ( ParseProblem problem : queuedProblems ) problem.addToCompilationResult(); queuedProblems.clear(); } private final List queuedProblems = new ArrayList(); private void addProblem(ParseProblem problem) { queuedProblems.add(problem); propagateProblems(); } static void addProblemToCompilationResult(String fileName, CompilationUnitDeclaration ast, boolean isWarning, String message, ASTNode node, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { char[] fileNameArray = fileName.toCharArray(); int lineNumber = 0; int columnNumber = 1; CompilationResult result = ast.compilationResult; int[] lineEnds = null; lineNumber = sourceStart >= 0 ? Util.getLineNumber(sourceStart, lineEnds = result.getLineSeparatorPositions(), 0, lineEnds.length-1) : 0; columnNumber = sourceStart >= 0 ? Util.searchColumnNumber(result.getLineSeparatorPositions(), lineNumber,sourceStart) : 0; CategorizedProblem ecProblem = new AptProblem(null, fileNameArray, message, 0, new String[0], isWarning ? ProblemSeverities.Warning : ProblemSeverities.Error, sourceStart, sourceEnd, lineNumber, columnNumber); ast.compilationResult.record(ecProblem, null); } public final class Node extends AST.Node { Node(ASTNode node, Collection children, Kind kind) { super(node, children, kind); } public void traverse(EclipseASTVisitor visitor) { switch ( getKind() ) { case COMPILATION_UNIT: visitor.visitCompilationUnit(this, (CompilationUnitDeclaration)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitCompilationUnit(this, (CompilationUnitDeclaration)get()); break; case TYPE: visitor.visitType(this, (TypeDeclaration)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitType(this, (TypeDeclaration)get()); break; case FIELD: visitor.visitField(this, (FieldDeclaration)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitField(this, (FieldDeclaration)get()); break; case INITIALIZER: visitor.visitInitializer(this, (Initializer)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitInitializer(this, (Initializer)get()); break; case METHOD: if ( get() instanceof Clinit ) return; visitor.visitMethod(this, (AbstractMethodDeclaration)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitMethod(this, (AbstractMethodDeclaration)get()); break; case ARGUMENT: AbstractMethodDeclaration method = (AbstractMethodDeclaration)up().get(); visitor.visitMethodArgument(this, (Argument)get(), method); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitMethodArgument(this, (Argument)get(), method); break; case LOCAL: visitor.visitLocal(this, (LocalDeclaration)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitLocal(this, (LocalDeclaration)get()); break; case ANNOTATION: switch ( up().getKind() ) { case TYPE: visitor.visitAnnotationOnType((TypeDeclaration)up().get(), this, (Annotation)get()); break; case FIELD: visitor.visitAnnotationOnField((FieldDeclaration)up().get(), this, (Annotation)get()); break; case METHOD: visitor.visitAnnotationOnMethod((AbstractMethodDeclaration)up().get(), this, (Annotation)get()); break; case ARGUMENT: visitor.visitAnnotationOnMethodArgument( (Argument)parent.get(), (AbstractMethodDeclaration)parent.directUp().get(), this, (Annotation)get()); break; case LOCAL: visitor.visitAnnotationOnLocal((LocalDeclaration)parent.get(), this, (Annotation)get()); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Annotion not expected as child of a " + up().getKind()); } break; case STATEMENT: visitor.visitStatement(this, (Statement)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitStatement(this, (Statement)get()); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected kind during node traversal: " + getKind()); } } @Override public String getName() { final char[] n; if ( node instanceof TypeDeclaration ) n = ((TypeDeclaration)node).name; else if ( node instanceof FieldDeclaration ) n = ((FieldDeclaration)node).name; else if ( node instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration ) n = ((AbstractMethodDeclaration)node).selector; else if ( node instanceof LocalDeclaration ) n = ((LocalDeclaration)node).name; else n = null; return n == null ? null : new String(n); } @Override public void addError(String message) { this.addError(message, this.get().sourceStart, this.get().sourceEnd); } public void addError(String message, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { addProblem(new ParseProblem(false, message, this, sourceStart, sourceEnd)); } @Override public void addWarning(String message) { this.addWarning(message, this.get().sourceStart, this.get().sourceEnd); } public void addWarning(String message, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { addProblem(new ParseProblem(true, message, this, sourceStart, sourceEnd)); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node up() { return (Node) super.up(); } @Override protected boolean calculateIsStructurallySignificant() { if ( node instanceof TypeDeclaration ) return true; if ( node instanceof AbstractMethodDeclaration ) return true; if ( node instanceof FieldDeclaration ) return true; if ( node instanceof LocalDeclaration ) return true; if ( node instanceof CompilationUnitDeclaration ) return true; return false; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public Node directUp() { return (Node) super.directUp(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection down() { return (Collection) children; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node top() { return (Node); } public boolean isCompleteParse() { return completeParse; } } private final CompilationUnitDeclaration compilationUnitDeclaration; private boolean completeParse; public EclipseAST(CompilationUnitDeclaration ast) { super(toFileName(ast)); this.compilationUnitDeclaration = ast; setTop(buildCompilationUnit(ast)); this.completeParse = isComplete(ast); } private static String toFileName(CompilationUnitDeclaration ast) { return ast.compilationResult.fileName == null ? null : new String(ast.compilationResult.fileName); } public void reparse() { propagateProblems(); if ( completeParse ) return; boolean newCompleteParse = isComplete(compilationUnitDeclaration); if ( !newCompleteParse ) return; Map.Node> oldMap = getNodeMap(); clearState(); setTop(buildCompilationUnit(compilationUnitDeclaration)); //Retain 'handled' flags. for ( Map.Entry.Node> e : getNodeMap().entrySet() ) { Node oldEntry = (Node) oldMap.get(e.getKey()); if ( oldEntry != null && oldEntry.isHandled() ) e.getValue().setHandled(); } this.completeParse = true; } private static boolean isComplete(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) { return (unit.bits & ASTNode.HasAllMethodBodies) > 0; } private Node buildCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitDeclaration top) { Collection children = buildTypes(top.types); return putInMap(new Node(top, children, Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT)); } private void addIfNotNull(Collection collection, Node n) { if ( n != null ) collection.add(n); } private Collection buildTypes(TypeDeclaration[] children) { if ( children == null ) return Collections.emptyList(); List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( TypeDeclaration type : children ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildType(type)); return childNodes; } private Node buildType(TypeDeclaration type) { if ( alreadyHandled(type) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); childNodes.addAll(buildFields(type.fields)); childNodes.addAll(buildTypes(type.memberTypes)); childNodes.addAll(buildMethods(type.methods)); childNodes.addAll(buildAnnotations(type.annotations)); return putInMap(new Node(type, childNodes, Kind.TYPE)); } private Collection buildFields(FieldDeclaration[] children) { if ( children == null ) return Collections.emptyList(); List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( FieldDeclaration child : children ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildField(child)); return childNodes; } private static Collection singleton(T item) { if ( item == null ) return Collections.emptyList(); else return Collections.singleton(item); } private Node buildField(FieldDeclaration field) { if ( field instanceof Initializer ) return buildInitializer((Initializer)field); if ( alreadyHandled(field) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildStatement(field.initialization)); childNodes.addAll(buildAnnotations(field.annotations)); return putInMap(new Node(field, childNodes, Kind.FIELD)); } private Node buildInitializer(Initializer initializer) { if ( alreadyHandled(initializer) ) return null; return putInMap(new Node(initializer, singleton(buildStatement(initializer.block)), Kind.INITIALIZER)); } private Collection buildMethods(AbstractMethodDeclaration[] children) { if ( children == null ) return Collections.emptyList(); List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for (AbstractMethodDeclaration method : children ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildMethod(method)); return childNodes; } private Node buildMethod(AbstractMethodDeclaration method) { if ( alreadyHandled(method) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); childNodes.addAll(buildArguments(method.arguments)); childNodes.addAll(buildStatements(method.statements)); childNodes.addAll(buildAnnotations(method.annotations)); return putInMap(new Node(method, childNodes, Kind.METHOD)); } //Arguments are a kind of LocalDeclaration. They can definitely contain lombok annotations, so we care about them. private Collection buildArguments(Argument[] children) { if ( children == null ) return Collections.emptyList(); List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( LocalDeclaration local : children ) { addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildLocal(local)); } return childNodes; } private Node buildLocal(LocalDeclaration local) { if ( alreadyHandled(local) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildStatement(local.initialization)); childNodes.addAll(buildAnnotations(local.annotations)); return putInMap(new Node(local, childNodes, Kind.LOCAL)); } private Collection buildAnnotations(Annotation[] annotations) { if ( annotations == null ) return Collections.emptyList(); List elements = new ArrayList(); for ( Annotation an : annotations ) { if ( an == null ) continue; if ( alreadyHandled(an) ) continue; elements.add(putInMap(new Node(an, null, Kind.ANNOTATION))); } return elements; } private Collection buildStatements(Statement[] children) { if ( children == null ) return Collections.emptyList(); List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( Statement child : children ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildStatement(child)); return childNodes; } //Almost anything is a statement, so this method has a different name to avoid overloading confusion private Node buildStatement(Statement child) { if ( child == null || alreadyHandled(child) ) return null; if ( child instanceof TypeDeclaration ) return buildType((TypeDeclaration)child); if ( child instanceof LocalDeclaration ) return buildLocal((LocalDeclaration)child); //We drill down because LocalDeclarations and TypeDeclarations can occur anywhere, even in, say, //an if block, or even the expression on an assert statement! setAsHandled(child); return drill(child); } protected Node drill(Statement statement) { List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( FieldAccess fa : fieldsOf(statement.getClass()) ) childNodes.addAll(buildWithField(Node.class, statement, fa)); return putInMap(new Node(statement, childNodes, Kind.STATEMENT)); } @Override protected Collection> getStatementTypes() { return Collections.>singleton(Statement.class); } @Override protected Node buildStatement(Object node) { return buildStatement((Statement)node); } }