package lombok.eclipse;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import lombok.eclipse.EclipseAST.Node;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Block;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ConstructorDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Initializer;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference;
public interface EclipseASTVisitor {
* Called at the very beginning and end.
void visitCompilationUnit(Node top, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit);
void endVisitCompilationUnit(Node top, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit);
* Called when visiting a type (a class, interface, annotation, enum, etcetera).
void visitType(Node typeNode, TypeDeclaration type);
void visitAnnotationOnType(Node typeNode, TypeDeclaration type, Annotation annotation);
void endVisitType(Node typeNode, TypeDeclaration type);
* Called when visiting a field of a class.
* Even though in eclipse initializers (both instance and static) are represented as Initializer objects,
* which are a subclass of FieldDeclaration, those do NOT result in a call to this method. They result
* in a call to the visitInitializer method.
void visitField(Node fieldNode, FieldDeclaration field);
void visitAnnotationOnField(Node fieldNode, FieldDeclaration Field, Annotation annotation);
void endVisitField(Node fieldNode, FieldDeclaration field);
* Called for static and instance initializers. You can tell the difference via the modifier flag on the
* ASTNode (8 for static, 0 for not static). The content is in the 'block', not in the 'initialization',
* which would always be null for an initializer instance.
void visitInitializer(Node initializerNode, Initializer initializer);
void endVisitInitializer(Node initializerNode, Initializer initializer);
* Called for both methods (MethodDeclaration) and constructors (ConstructorDeclaration), but not for
* Clinit objects, which are a vestigial eclipse thing that never contain anything. Static initializers
* show up as 'Initializer', in the visitInitializer method, with modifier bit STATIC set.
void visitMethod(Node methodNode, AbstractMethodDeclaration method);
void visitAnnotationOnMethod(Node methodNode, AbstractMethodDeclaration method, Annotation annotation);
void endVisitMethod(Node methodNode, AbstractMethodDeclaration method);
* Visits a local declaration - that is, something like 'int x = 10;' on the method level. Also called
* for method parameter (those would be Arguments, a subclass of LocalDeclaration).
void visitLocal(Node localNode, LocalDeclaration local);
void visitAnnotationOnLocal(Node localNode, LocalDeclaration local, Annotation annotation);
void endVisitLocal(Node localNode, LocalDeclaration local);
* Visits a statement that isn't any of the other visit methods (e.g. TypeDeclaration).
* @param node
* @param statement
void visitStatement(Node statementNode, Statement statement);
void endVisitStatement(Node statementNode, Statement statement);
public static class EclipseASTPrinter implements EclipseASTVisitor {
int indent = 0;
private void print(String text, Object... params) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < indent ; i++ ) sb.append(" ");
System.out.printf(sb.append(text).append('\n').toString(), params);
private String str(char[] c) {
if ( c == null ) return "(NULL)";
else return new String(c);
private String str(TypeReference type) {
if ( type == null ) return "(NULL)";
char[][] c = type.getTypeName();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for ( char[] d : c ) {
sb.append(first ? "" : ".").append(new String(d));
first = false;
return sb.toString();
@Override public void visitCompilationUnit(Node node, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) {
System.out.println(node.isCompleteParse() ? "COMPLETE" : "incomplete");
print("", node.getFileName());
@Override public void endVisitCompilationUnit(Node node, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) {
@Override public void visitType(Node node, TypeDeclaration type) {
print("", str(;
@Override public void visitAnnotationOnType(Node node, TypeDeclaration type, Annotation annotation) {
print("", annotation);
@Override public void endVisitType(Node node, TypeDeclaration type) {
print("", str(;
@Override public void visitInitializer(Node node, Initializer initializer) {
Block block = initializer.block;
boolean s = (block != null && block.statements != null);
print("<%s INITIALIZER: %s>",
(initializer.modifiers & Modifier.STATIC) > 0 ? "static" : "instance",
s ? "filled" : "blank");
@Override public void endVisitInitializer(Node node, Initializer initializer) {
print("%s INITIALIZER>", (initializer.modifiers & Modifier.STATIC) > 0 ? "static" : "instance");
@Override public void visitField(Node node, FieldDeclaration field) {
print("", str(field.type), str(, field.initialization);
@Override public void visitAnnotationOnField(Node node, FieldDeclaration field, Annotation annotation) {
print("", annotation);
@Override public void endVisitField(Node node, FieldDeclaration field) {
print("", str(field.type), str(;
@Override public void visitMethod(Node node, AbstractMethodDeclaration method) {
String type = method instanceof ConstructorDeclaration ? "CONSTRUCTOR" : "METHOD";
print("<%s %s: %s>", type, str(method.selector), method.statements != null ? "filled" : "blank");
@Override public void visitAnnotationOnMethod(Node node, AbstractMethodDeclaration method, Annotation annotation) {
print("", annotation);
@Override public void endVisitMethod(Node node, AbstractMethodDeclaration method) {
String type = method instanceof ConstructorDeclaration ? "CONSTRUCTOR" : "METHOD";
print("%s %s>", type, str(method.selector));
@Override public void visitLocal(Node node, LocalDeclaration local) {
String type = local instanceof Argument ? "ARGUMENT" : "LOCAL";
print("<%s %s %s = %s>", type, str(local.type), str(, local.initialization);
@Override public void visitAnnotationOnLocal(Node node, LocalDeclaration local, Annotation annotation) {
print("", annotation);
@Override public void endVisitLocal(Node node, LocalDeclaration local) {
String type = local instanceof Argument ? "ARGUMENT" : "LOCAL";
print("%s %s %s>", type, str(local.type), str(;
@Override public void visitStatement(Node node, Statement statement) {
print("<%s>", statement.getClass());
@Override public void endVisitStatement(Node node, Statement statement) {
print("%s>", statement.getClass());