/* * Copyright © 2009 Reinier Zwitserloot and Roel Spilker. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package lombok.eclipse.handlers; import static lombok.eclipse.handlers.PKG.*; import static lombok.eclipse.Eclipse.copyTypes; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Assignment; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.BinaryExpression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ConditionalExpression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.EqualExpression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FalseLiteral; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.IfStatement; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.IntLiteral; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MessageSend; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.NameReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.NullLiteral; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.OperatorIds; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ParameterizedSingleTypeReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.QualifiedNameReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.QualifiedTypeReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Reference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ReturnStatement; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleNameReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleTypeReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SuperReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ThisReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TrueLiteral; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.UnaryExpression; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Wildcard; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeIds; import org.mangosdk.spi.ProviderFor; import lombok.AccessLevel; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.core.AnnotationValues; import lombok.core.AST.Kind; import lombok.eclipse.Eclipse; import lombok.eclipse.EclipseAnnotationHandler; import lombok.eclipse.EclipseAST.Node; /** * Handles the EqualsAndHashCode annotation for eclipse. */ @ProviderFor(EclipseAnnotationHandler.class) public class HandleEqualsAndHashCode implements EclipseAnnotationHandler { private static final Set BUILT_IN_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet(Arrays.asList( "byte", "short", "int", "long", "char", "boolean", "double", "float"))); private void checkForBogusExcludes(Node type, AnnotationValues annotation) { List list = Arrays.asList(annotation.getInstance().exclude()); boolean[] matched = new boolean[list.size()]; for ( Node child : type.down() ) { if ( list.isEmpty() ) break; if ( child.getKind() != Kind.FIELD ) continue; if ( (((FieldDeclaration)child.get()).modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0 ) continue; if ( (((FieldDeclaration)child.get()).modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccTransient) != 0 ) continue; int idx = list.indexOf(child.getName()); if ( idx > -1 ) matched[idx] = true; } for ( int i = 0 ; i < list.size() ; i++ ) { if ( !matched[i] ) { annotation.setWarning("exclude", "This field does not exist, or would have been excluded anyway.", i); } } } public void generateEqualsAndHashCodeForType(Node typeNode, Node errorNode) { for ( Node child : typeNode.down() ) { if ( child.getKind() == Kind.ANNOTATION ) { if ( Eclipse.annotationTypeMatches(EqualsAndHashCode.class, child) ) { //The annotation will make it happen, so we can skip it. return; } } } boolean callSuper = false; try { callSuper = ((Boolean)EqualsAndHashCode.class.getMethod("callSuper").getDefaultValue()).booleanValue(); } catch ( Exception ignore ) {} generateMethods(typeNode, errorNode, Collections.emptyList(), callSuper, true, false); } @Override public boolean handle(AnnotationValues annotation, Annotation ast, Node annotationNode) { EqualsAndHashCode ann = annotation.getInstance(); List excludes = Arrays.asList(ann.exclude()); Node typeNode = annotationNode.up(); checkForBogusExcludes(typeNode, annotation); return generateMethods(typeNode, annotationNode, excludes, ann.callSuper(), annotation.getRawExpression("callSuper") == null, true); } public boolean generateMethods(Node typeNode, Node errorNode, List excludes, boolean callSuper, boolean implicit, boolean whineIfExists) { TypeDeclaration typeDecl = null; if ( typeNode.get() instanceof TypeDeclaration ) typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration) typeNode.get(); int modifiers = typeDecl == null ? 0 : typeDecl.modifiers; boolean notAClass = (modifiers & (ClassFileConstants.AccInterface | ClassFileConstants.AccAnnotation | ClassFileConstants.AccEnum)) != 0; if ( typeDecl == null || notAClass ) { errorNode.addError("@EqualsAndHashCode is only supported on a class."); return false; } boolean isDirectDescendantOfObject = true; if ( typeDecl.superclass != null ) { String p = typeDecl.superclass.toString(); isDirectDescendantOfObject = p.equals("Object") || p.equals("java.lang.Object"); } if ( isDirectDescendantOfObject && callSuper ) { errorNode.addError("Generating equals/hashCode with a supercall to java.lang.Object is pointless."); return true; } if ( !isDirectDescendantOfObject && !callSuper && implicit ) { errorNode.addWarning("Generating equals/hashCode implementation but without a call to superclass, even though this class does not extend java.lang.Object. If this is intentional, add '@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper=false)' to your type."); } List nodesForEquality = new ArrayList(); for ( Node child : typeNode.down() ) { if ( child.getKind() != Kind.FIELD ) continue; FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = (FieldDeclaration) child.get(); //Skip static fields. if ( (fieldDecl.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccStatic) != 0 ) continue; //Skip transient fields. if ( (fieldDecl.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccTransient) != 0 ) continue; //Skip excluded fields. if ( excludes.contains(new String(fieldDecl.name)) ) continue; nodesForEquality.add(child); } switch ( methodExists("hashCode", typeNode) ) { case NOT_EXISTS: MethodDeclaration hashCode = createHashCode(typeNode, nodesForEquality, callSuper, errorNode.get()); injectMethod(typeNode, hashCode); break; case EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK: break; default: case EXISTS_BY_USER: if ( whineIfExists ) { errorNode.addWarning("Not generating hashCode(): A method with that name already exists"); } break; } switch ( methodExists("equals", typeNode) ) { case NOT_EXISTS: MethodDeclaration equals = createEquals(typeNode, nodesForEquality, callSuper, errorNode.get()); injectMethod(typeNode, equals); break; case EXISTS_BY_LOMBOK: break; default: case EXISTS_BY_USER: if ( whineIfExists ) { errorNode.addWarning("Not generating equals(Object other): A method with that name already exists"); } break; } return true; } private MethodDeclaration createHashCode(Node type, Collection fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode pos) { int pS = pos.sourceStart, pE = pos.sourceEnd; long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE; MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration( ((CompilationUnitDeclaration) type.top().get()).compilationResult); method.modifiers = PKG.toModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC); method.returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0); method.annotations = new Annotation[] {makeMarkerAnnotation(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OVERRIDE, p)}; method.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray(); method.thrownExceptions = null; method.typeParameters = null; method.bits |= Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG; method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = pos.sourceStart; method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = pos.sourceEnd; method.arguments = null; List statements = new ArrayList(); List intoResult = new ArrayList(); final char[] PRIME = "PRIME".toCharArray(); final char[] RESULT = "result".toCharArray(); final boolean isEmpty = fields.isEmpty(); /* final int PRIME = 31; */ { /* Without fields, PRIME isn't used, and that would trigger a 'local variable not used' warning. */ if ( !isEmpty || callSuper ) { LocalDeclaration primeDecl = new LocalDeclaration(PRIME, pS, pE); primeDecl.modifiers |= Modifier.FINAL; primeDecl.type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0); primeDecl.initialization = new IntLiteral("31".toCharArray(), pS, pE); statements.add(primeDecl); } } /* int result = 1; */ { LocalDeclaration resultDecl = new LocalDeclaration(RESULT, pS, pE); resultDecl.initialization = new IntLiteral("1".toCharArray(), pS, pE); resultDecl.type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0); statements.add(resultDecl); } if ( callSuper ) { MessageSend callToSuper = new MessageSend(); callToSuper.receiver = new SuperReference(pS, pE); callToSuper.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray(); intoResult.add(callToSuper); } int tempCounter = 0; for ( Node field : fields ) { FieldDeclaration f = (FieldDeclaration) field.get(); char[] token = f.type.getLastToken(); if ( f.type.dimensions() == 0 && token != null ) { if ( Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.FLOAT, token) ) { /* Float.floatToIntBits(fieldName) */ MessageSend floatToIntBits = new MessageSend(); floatToIntBits.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef(p, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_FLOAT); floatToIntBits.selector = "floatToIntBits".toCharArray(); floatToIntBits.arguments = new Expression[] { generateFieldReference(f.name, p) }; intoResult.add(floatToIntBits); } else if ( Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.DOUBLE, token) ) { /* longToIntForHashCode(Double.doubleToLongBits(fieldName)) */ MessageSend doubleToLongBits = new MessageSend(); doubleToLongBits.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef(p, TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_DOUBLE); doubleToLongBits.selector = "doubleToLongBits".toCharArray(); doubleToLongBits.arguments = new Expression[] { generateFieldReference(f.name, p) }; final char[] tempName = ("temp" + ++tempCounter).toCharArray(); LocalDeclaration tempVar = new LocalDeclaration(tempName, pS, pE); tempVar.initialization = doubleToLongBits; tempVar.type = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_long, 0); tempVar.modifiers = Modifier.FINAL; statements.add(tempVar); intoResult.add(longToIntForHashCode( new SingleNameReference(tempName, p), new SingleNameReference(tempName, p), p)); } else if ( Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.BOOLEAN, token) ) { /* booleanField ? 1231 : 1237 */ intoResult.add(new ConditionalExpression( generateFieldReference(f.name, p), new IntLiteral("1231".toCharArray(), pS, pE), new IntLiteral("1237".toCharArray(), pS, pE))); } else if ( Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.LONG, token) ) { intoResult.add(longToIntForHashCode(generateFieldReference(f.name, p), generateFieldReference(f.name, p), p)); } else if ( BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token)) ) { intoResult.add(generateFieldReference(f.name, p)); } else /* objects */ { /* this.fieldName == null ? 0 : this.fieldName.hashCode() */ MessageSend hashCodeCall = new MessageSend(); hashCodeCall.receiver = generateFieldReference(f.name, p); hashCodeCall.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray(); EqualExpression objIsNull = new EqualExpression( generateFieldReference(f.name, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); ConditionalExpression nullOrHashCode = new ConditionalExpression( objIsNull, new IntLiteral("0".toCharArray(), pS, pE), hashCodeCall); intoResult.add(nullOrHashCode); } } else if ( f.type.dimensions() > 0 && token != null ) { /* Arrays.deepHashCode(array) //just hashCode for simple arrays */ MessageSend arraysHashCodeCall = new MessageSend(); arraysHashCodeCall.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef(p, TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.UTIL, "Arrays".toCharArray()); if ( f.type.dimensions() > 1 || !BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token)) ) { arraysHashCodeCall.selector = "deepHashCode".toCharArray(); } else { arraysHashCodeCall.selector = "hashCode".toCharArray(); } arraysHashCodeCall.arguments = new Expression[] { generateFieldReference(f.name, p) }; intoResult.add(arraysHashCodeCall); } } /* fold each intoResult entry into: result = result * PRIME + (item); */ { for ( Expression ex : intoResult ) { BinaryExpression multiplyByPrime = new BinaryExpression(new SingleNameReference(RESULT, p), new SingleNameReference(PRIME, 0), OperatorIds.MULTIPLY); BinaryExpression addItem = new BinaryExpression(multiplyByPrime, ex, OperatorIds.PLUS); statements.add(new Assignment(new SingleNameReference(RESULT, p), addItem, pE)); } } /* return result; */ { statements.add(new ReturnStatement(new SingleNameReference(RESULT, p), pS, pE)); } method.statements = statements.toArray(new Statement[statements.size()]); return method; } private MethodDeclaration createEquals(Node type, Collection fields, boolean callSuper, ASTNode pos) { int pS = pos.sourceStart; int pE = pos.sourceEnd; long p = (long)pS << 32 | pE; MethodDeclaration method = new MethodDeclaration( ((CompilationUnitDeclaration) type.top().get()).compilationResult); method.modifiers = PKG.toModifier(AccessLevel.PUBLIC); method.returnType = TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_boolean, 0); method.annotations = new Annotation[] {makeMarkerAnnotation(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OVERRIDE, p)}; method.selector = "equals".toCharArray(); method.thrownExceptions = null; method.typeParameters = null; method.bits |= Eclipse.ECLIPSE_DO_NOT_TOUCH_FLAG; method.bodyStart = method.declarationSourceStart = method.sourceStart = pos.sourceStart; method.bodyEnd = method.declarationSourceEnd = method.sourceEnd = pos.sourceEnd; method.arguments = new Argument[] { new Argument(new char[] { 'o' }, 0, new QualifiedTypeReference(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, new long[] { p, p, p }), Modifier.FINAL) }; List statements = new ArrayList(); /* if ( o == this ) return true; */ { EqualExpression otherEqualsThis = new EqualExpression( new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p), new ThisReference(pS, pE), OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); ReturnStatement returnTrue = new ReturnStatement(new TrueLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE); IfStatement ifOtherEqualsThis = new IfStatement(otherEqualsThis, returnTrue, pS, pE); statements.add(ifOtherEqualsThis); } /* if ( o == null ) return false; */ { EqualExpression otherEqualsNull = new EqualExpression( new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(new FalseLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE); IfStatement ifOtherEqualsNull = new IfStatement(otherEqualsNull, returnFalse, pS, pE); statements.add(ifOtherEqualsNull); } /* if ( o.getClass() != getClass() ) return false; */ { MessageSend otherGetClass = new MessageSend(); otherGetClass.receiver = new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p); otherGetClass.selector = "getClass".toCharArray(); MessageSend thisGetClass = new MessageSend(); thisGetClass.receiver = new ThisReference(pS, pE); thisGetClass.selector = "getClass".toCharArray(); EqualExpression classesNotEqual = new EqualExpression(otherGetClass, thisGetClass, OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(new FalseLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE); IfStatement ifClassesNotEqual = new IfStatement(classesNotEqual, returnFalse, pS, pE); statements.add(ifClassesNotEqual); } char[] otherN = "other".toCharArray(); /* if ( !super.equals(o) ) return false; */ if ( callSuper ) { MessageSend callToSuper = new MessageSend(); callToSuper.receiver = new SuperReference(pS, pE); callToSuper.selector = "equals".toCharArray(); callToSuper.arguments = new Expression[] {new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p) }; Expression superNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(callToSuper, OperatorIds.NOT); ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(new FalseLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE); IfStatement ifSuperEquals = new IfStatement(superNotEqual, returnFalse, pS, pE); statements.add(ifSuperEquals); } TypeDeclaration typeDecl = (TypeDeclaration)type.get(); /* MyType other = (MyType) o; */ { if ( !fields.isEmpty() ) { LocalDeclaration other = new LocalDeclaration(otherN, pS, pE); char[] typeName = typeDecl.name; Expression targetType; if ( typeDecl.typeParameters == null || typeDecl.typeParameters.length == 0 ) { targetType = new SingleNameReference(((TypeDeclaration)type.get()).name, p); other.type = new SingleTypeReference(typeName, p); } else { TypeReference[] typeArgs = new TypeReference[typeDecl.typeParameters.length]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < typeArgs.length ; i++ ) typeArgs[i] = new Wildcard(Wildcard.UNBOUND); targetType = new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(typeName, typeArgs, 0, p); other.type = new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(typeName, copyTypes(typeArgs), 0, p); } other.initialization = new CastExpression( new SingleNameReference(new char[] { 'o' }, p), targetType); statements.add(other); } } for ( Node field : fields ) { FieldDeclaration f = (FieldDeclaration) field.get(); char[] token = f.type.getLastToken(); if ( f.type.dimensions() == 0 && token != null ) { if ( Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.FLOAT, token) ) { statements.add(generateCompareFloatOrDouble(otherN, "Float".toCharArray(), f.name, p)); } else if ( Arrays.equals(TypeConstants.DOUBLE, token) ) { statements.add(generateCompareFloatOrDouble(otherN, "Double".toCharArray(), f.name, p)); } else if ( BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token)) ) { EqualExpression fieldsNotEqual = new EqualExpression( new SingleNameReference(f.name, p), generateQualifiedNameRef(p, otherN, f.name), OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(new FalseLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE); statements.add(new IfStatement(fieldsNotEqual, returnStatement, pS, pE)); } else /* objects */ { EqualExpression fieldIsNull = new EqualExpression( new SingleNameReference(f.name, p), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL); EqualExpression otherFieldIsntNull = new EqualExpression( generateQualifiedNameRef(p, otherN, f.name), new NullLiteral(pS, pE), OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); MessageSend equalsCall = new MessageSend(); equalsCall.receiver = new SingleNameReference(f.name, p); equalsCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray(); equalsCall.arguments = new Expression[] { generateQualifiedNameRef(p, otherN, f.name) }; UnaryExpression fieldsNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(equalsCall, OperatorIds.NOT); ConditionalExpression fullEquals = new ConditionalExpression(fieldIsNull, otherFieldIsntNull, fieldsNotEqual); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(new FalseLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE); statements.add(new IfStatement(fullEquals, returnStatement, pS, pE)); } } else if ( f.type.dimensions() > 0 && token != null ) { MessageSend arraysEqualCall = new MessageSend(); arraysEqualCall.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef(p, TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.UTIL, "Arrays".toCharArray()); if ( f.type.dimensions() > 1 || !BUILT_IN_TYPES.contains(new String(token)) ) { arraysEqualCall.selector = "deepEquals".toCharArray(); } else { arraysEqualCall.selector = "equals".toCharArray(); } arraysEqualCall.arguments = new Expression[] { new SingleNameReference(f.name, p), generateQualifiedNameRef(p, otherN, f.name) }; UnaryExpression arraysNotEqual = new UnaryExpression(arraysEqualCall, OperatorIds.NOT); ReturnStatement returnStatement = new ReturnStatement(new FalseLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE); statements.add(new IfStatement(arraysNotEqual, returnStatement, pS, pE)); } } /* return true; */ { statements.add(new ReturnStatement(new TrueLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE)); } method.statements = statements.toArray(new Statement[statements.size()]); return method; } private IfStatement generateCompareFloatOrDouble(char[] otherN, char[] floatOrDouble, char[] fieldName, long p) { int pS = (int)(p >> 32), pE = (int)p; /* if ( Float.compare(fieldName, other.fieldName) != 0 ) return false */ MessageSend floatCompare = new MessageSend(); floatCompare.receiver = generateQualifiedNameRef(p, TypeConstants.JAVA, TypeConstants.LANG, floatOrDouble); floatCompare.selector = "compare".toCharArray(); floatCompare.arguments = new Expression[] { new SingleNameReference(fieldName, p), generateQualifiedNameRef(p, otherN, fieldName) }; EqualExpression ifFloatCompareIsNot0 = new EqualExpression(floatCompare, new IntLiteral(new char[] {'0'}, pS, pE), OperatorIds.NOT_EQUAL); ReturnStatement returnFalse = new ReturnStatement(new FalseLiteral(pS, pE), pS, pE); return new IfStatement(ifFloatCompareIsNot0, returnFalse, pS, pE); } /** Give 2 clones! */ private Expression longToIntForHashCode(Reference ref1, Reference ref2, long p) { int pS = (int)(p >> 32), pE = (int)p; /* (int)(ref >>> 32 ^ ref) */ BinaryExpression higherBits = new BinaryExpression( ref1, new IntLiteral("32".toCharArray(), pS, pE), OperatorIds.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT); BinaryExpression xorParts = new BinaryExpression(ref2, higherBits, OperatorIds.XOR); return new CastExpression(xorParts, TypeReference.baseTypeReference(TypeIds.T_int, 0)); } private Reference generateFieldReference(char[] fieldName, long p) { FieldReference thisX = new FieldReference(("this." + new String(fieldName)).toCharArray(), p); thisX.receiver = new ThisReference((int)(p >> 32), (int)p); thisX.token = fieldName; return thisX; } private NameReference generateQualifiedNameRef(long p, char[]... varNames) { if ( varNames.length > 1 ) return new QualifiedNameReference(varNames, new long[varNames.length], (int)(p >> 32), (int)p); else return new SingleNameReference(varNames[0], p); } }