package lombok.javac; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.processing.Messager; import; import; import lombok.core.AST; import com.sun.source.util.Trees; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class JavacAST extends AST { private final Messager messager; private final Name.Table nameTable; private final TreeMaker treeMaker; private final Symtab symtab; private final Log log; public JavacAST(Trees trees, JavacProcessingEnvironment env, JCCompilationUnit top) { super(top.sourcefile == null ? null : top.sourcefile.toString()); setTop(buildCompilationUnit(top)); this.messager = env.getMessager(); this.log = Log.instance(env.getContext()); this.nameTable = Name.Table.instance(env.getContext()); this.treeMaker = TreeMaker.instance(env.getContext()); this.symtab = Symtab.instance(env.getContext()); } @Override public String getPackageDeclaration() { JCCompilationUnit unit = (JCCompilationUnit)top().get(); return instanceof JCFieldAccess ? : null; } @Override public Collection getImportStatements() { List imports = new ArrayList(); JCCompilationUnit unit = (JCCompilationUnit)top().get(); for ( JCTree def : unit.defs ) { if ( def instanceof JCImport ) { imports.add(((JCImport)def).qualid.toString()); } } return imports; } public void traverse(JavacASTVisitor visitor) { top().traverse(visitor); } private void traverseChildren(JavacASTVisitor visitor, Node node) { for ( Node child : new ArrayList(node.down()) ) { child.traverse(visitor); } } @Override public Node top() { return (Node); } @Override public Node get(JCTree astNode) { return (Node) super.get(astNode); } public Name toName(String name) { return nameTable.fromString(name); } public TreeMaker getTreeMaker() { return treeMaker; } public Symtab getSymbolTable() { return symtab; } @Override protected Node buildTree(JCTree node, Kind kind) { switch ( kind ) { case COMPILATION_UNIT: return buildCompilationUnit((JCCompilationUnit) node); case TYPE: return buildType((JCClassDecl) node); case FIELD: return buildField((JCVariableDecl) node); case INITIALIZER: return buildInitializer((JCBlock) node); case METHOD: return buildMethod((JCMethodDecl) node); case ARGUMENT: return buildLocalVar((JCVariableDecl) node, kind); case LOCAL: return buildLocalVar((JCVariableDecl) node, kind); case STATEMENT: return buildStatementOrExpression(node); case ANNOTATION: return buildAnnotation((JCAnnotation) node); default: throw new AssertionError("Did not expect: " + kind); } } private Node buildCompilationUnit(JCCompilationUnit top) { List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( JCTree s : top.defs ) { if ( s instanceof JCClassDecl ) { addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildType((JCClassDecl)s)); } // else they are import statements, which we don't care about. Or Skip objects, whatever those are. } return new Node(top, childNodes, Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT); } private Node buildType(JCClassDecl type) { if ( setAndGetAsHandled(type) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( JCTree def : type.defs ) { for ( JCAnnotation annotation : type.mods.annotations ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildAnnotation(annotation)); /* A def can be: * JCClassDecl for inner types * JCMethodDecl for constructors and methods * JCVariableDecl for fields * JCBlock for (static) initializers */ if ( def instanceof JCMethodDecl ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildMethod((JCMethodDecl)def)); else if ( def instanceof JCClassDecl ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildType((JCClassDecl)def)); else if ( def instanceof JCVariableDecl ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildField((JCVariableDecl)def)); else if ( def instanceof JCBlock ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildInitializer((JCBlock)def)); } return putInMap(new Node(type, childNodes, Kind.TYPE)); } private Node buildField(JCVariableDecl field) { if ( setAndGetAsHandled(field) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( JCAnnotation annotation : field.mods.annotations ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildAnnotation(annotation)); addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildExpression(field.init)); return putInMap(new Node(field, childNodes, Kind.FIELD)); } private Node buildLocalVar(JCVariableDecl local, Kind kind) { if ( setAndGetAsHandled(local) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( JCAnnotation annotation : local.mods.annotations ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildAnnotation(annotation)); addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildExpression(local.init)); return putInMap(new Node(local, childNodes, kind)); } private Node buildInitializer(JCBlock initializer) { if ( setAndGetAsHandled(initializer) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( JCStatement statement: initializer.stats ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildStatement(statement)); return putInMap(new Node(initializer, childNodes, Kind.INITIALIZER)); } private Node buildMethod(JCMethodDecl method) { if ( setAndGetAsHandled(method) ) return null; List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( JCAnnotation annotation : method.mods.annotations ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildAnnotation(annotation)); for ( JCVariableDecl param : method.params ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildLocalVar(param, Kind.ARGUMENT)); if ( method.body != null && method.body.stats != null ) for ( JCStatement statement : method.body.stats ) addIfNotNull(childNodes, buildStatement(statement)); return putInMap(new Node(method, childNodes, Kind.METHOD)); } private Node buildAnnotation(JCAnnotation annotation) { if ( setAndGetAsHandled(annotation) ) return null; return putInMap(new Node(annotation, null, Kind.ANNOTATION)); } private Node buildExpression(JCExpression expression) { return buildStatementOrExpression(expression); } private Node buildStatement(JCStatement statement) { return buildStatementOrExpression(statement); } private Node buildStatementOrExpression(JCTree statement) { if ( statement == null ) return null; if ( statement instanceof JCAnnotation ) return null; if ( statement instanceof JCClassDecl ) return buildType((JCClassDecl)statement); if ( statement instanceof JCVariableDecl ) return buildLocalVar((JCVariableDecl)statement, Kind.LOCAL); if ( setAndGetAsHandled(statement) ) return null; return drill(statement); } private Node drill(JCTree statement) { List childNodes = new ArrayList(); for ( FieldAccess fa : fieldsOf(statement.getClass()) ) childNodes.addAll(buildWithField(Node.class, statement, fa)); return putInMap(new Node(statement, childNodes, Kind.STATEMENT)); } protected Collection> getStatementTypes() { Collection> collection = new ArrayList>(2); collection.add(JCStatement.class); collection.add(JCExpression.class); return collection; } private static void addIfNotNull(Collection nodes, Node node) { if ( node != null ) nodes.add(node); } public class Node extends AST.Node { public Node(JCTree node, List children, Kind kind) { super(node, children, kind); } public void traverse(JavacASTVisitor visitor) { switch ( this.getKind() ) { case COMPILATION_UNIT: visitor.visitCompilationUnit(this, (JCCompilationUnit)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitCompilationUnit(this, (JCCompilationUnit)get()); break; case TYPE: visitor.visitType(this, (JCClassDecl)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitType(this, (JCClassDecl)get()); break; case FIELD: visitor.visitField(this, (JCVariableDecl)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitField(this, (JCVariableDecl)get()); break; case METHOD: visitor.visitMethod(this, (JCMethodDecl)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitMethod(this, (JCMethodDecl)get()); break; case INITIALIZER: visitor.visitInitializer(this, (JCBlock)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitInitializer(this, (JCBlock)get()); break; case ARGUMENT: JCMethodDecl parent = (JCMethodDecl) up().get(); visitor.visitMethodArgument(this, (JCVariableDecl)get(), parent); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitMethodArgument(this, (JCVariableDecl)get(), parent); break; case LOCAL: visitor.visitLocal(this, (JCVariableDecl)get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitLocal(this, (JCVariableDecl)get()); break; case STATEMENT: visitor.visitStatement(this, get()); traverseChildren(visitor, this); visitor.endVisitStatement(this, get()); break; case ANNOTATION: switch ( up().getKind() ) { case TYPE: visitor.visitAnnotationOnType((JCClassDecl)up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation)get()); break; case FIELD: visitor.visitAnnotationOnField((JCVariableDecl)up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation)get()); break; case METHOD: visitor.visitAnnotationOnMethod((JCMethodDecl)up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation)get()); break; case ARGUMENT: JCVariableDecl argument = (JCVariableDecl)up().get(); JCMethodDecl method = (JCMethodDecl)up().up().get(); visitor.visitAnnotationOnMethodArgument(argument, method, this, (JCAnnotation)get()); break; case LOCAL: visitor.visitAnnotationOnLocal((JCVariableDecl)up().get(), this, (JCAnnotation)get()); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Annotion not expected as child of a " + up().getKind()); } break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected kind during node traversal: " + getKind()); } } @Override public String getName() { final Name n; if ( node instanceof JCClassDecl ) n = ((JCClassDecl)node).name; else if ( node instanceof JCMethodDecl ) n = ((JCMethodDecl)node).name; else if ( node instanceof JCVariableDecl ) n = ((JCVariableDecl)node).name; else n = null; return n == null ? null : n.toString(); } @Override protected boolean calculateIsStructurallySignificant() { if ( node instanceof JCClassDecl ) return true; if ( node instanceof JCMethodDecl ) return true; if ( node instanceof JCVariableDecl ) return true; if ( node instanceof JCCompilationUnit ) return true; return false; } public TreeMaker getTreeMaker() { return treeMaker; } public Symtab getSymbolTable() { return symtab; } public Name toName(String name) { return JavacAST.this.toName(name); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node getNodeFor(JCTree obj) { return (Node) super.getNodeFor(obj); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node directUp() { return (Node) super.directUp(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node up() { return (Node) super.up(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Node top() { return (Node); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection down() { return (Collection) super.down(); } public void addError(String message) { printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, message, this, null); } public void addError(String message, DiagnosticPosition pos) { printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, message, null, pos); } public void addWarning(String message) { printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING, message, this, null); } public void addWarning(String message, DiagnosticPosition pos) { printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.WARNING, message, null, pos); } } /** Supply either a position or a node (in that case, position of the node is used) */ private void printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind kind, String message, Node node, DiagnosticPosition pos) { JavaFileObject oldSource = null; JavaFileObject newSource = null; JCTree astObject = node == null ? null : node.get(); JCCompilationUnit top = (JCCompilationUnit) top().get(); newSource = top.sourcefile; if (newSource != null) { oldSource = log.useSource(newSource); if ( pos == null ) pos = astObject.pos(); } try { switch (kind) { case ERROR: increaseErrorCount(messager); boolean prev = log.multipleErrors; log.multipleErrors = true; try { log.error(pos, "proc.messager", message); } finally { log.multipleErrors = prev; } break; default: case WARNING: log.warning(pos, "proc.messager", message); break; } } finally { if (oldSource != null) log.useSource(oldSource); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void setElementInASTCollection(Field field, Object refField, List> chain, Collection collection, int idx, JCTree newN) throws IllegalAccessException { list = setElementInConsList(chain, collection, ((List)collection).get(idx), newN); field.set(refField, list); } private setElementInConsList(List> chain, Collection current, Object oldO, Object newO) { oldL = ( current; newL = replaceInConsList(oldL, oldO, newO); if ( chain.isEmpty() ) return newL; else { List> reducedChain = new ArrayList>(chain); Collection newCurrent = reducedChain.remove(reducedChain.size() -1); return setElementInConsList(reducedChain, newCurrent, oldL, newL); } } private replaceInConsList( oldL, Object oldO, Object newO) { boolean repl = false; Object[] a = oldL.toArray(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; i++ ) { if ( a[i] == oldO ) { a[i] = newO; repl = true; } } if ( repl ) return; else return oldL; } private void increaseErrorCount(Messager messager) { try { Field f = messager.getClass().getDeclaredField("errorCount"); f.setAccessible(true); if ( f.getType() == int.class ) { int val = ((Number)f.get(messager)).intValue(); f.set(messager, val +1); } } catch ( Throwable t ) { //Very unfortunate, but in most cases it still works fine, so we'll silently swallow it. } } }