We'd like to thank:
- Perry Nguyen (pfn on ##java on freenode) for creating the inspiration for project lombok.
- Tor Norbye, Jan Lahoda, and Petr Jiricka for helping out with Netbeans internals and/or javac.
- The Java Posse for making the java community awesome. Listen to their podcast!
- all contributors who submitted patches or helped answering questions!
as well as the authors of the following tools that we use:
- Google Code Hosting for hosting our issue tracker as well as the lombok releases.
- Github for hosting lombok's repository.
- The ASM team at ObjectWeb for creating an excellent class file editing tool.
Lombok uses ASM to interact with Eclipse.
- Markus Gebhard for creating java2html which we use for the example code snippets on the
features pages.
- Kroc Camen's video for everbody. The lombok demo video
runs on just about every system imaginable because of it.
- Longtail Video's JWPlayer, which is bringing the video to
those of you who have an aging browser.
- The spi project, which makes it very easy to extend lombok with your own transformations.
- Apache Ivy - Dependency management
- Cobertura which we use to ensure our tests cover as much as possible.